
The blazing black flames beat in the golden giant's palms, as if they were coming to life.


Seeing the Ape God Lord and hundreds of monkey angels waving sticks approaching him, Zhang Yan moved his eyes, and the hot black flames immediately shot out small flames. Each flame could hit a monkey angel.

"It hurts!"

"Put it out!"

"What kind of flame is this?"

"Why can't it be extinguished?"

Many monkey angels screamed. They wanted to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but no matter what method they used, they failed.

The black flames were immortal for some reason, and as the flames burned, they could feel The magic power in his body is disappearing crazily!

This is the dominance of Amaterasu Fire. As long as the existence of Amaterasu Fire is not completely suppressed by the force, this flame can keep burning.

Not only that, Amaterasu Fire can also conserve countless energy. The various powers in other people's bodies are used as fuel to keep burning.

This move is very powerful against beings of some magnitude, and the inspiration for Zhang Yan's current use of this move comes from Sasuke's fusion of Itachi's eyes to open the Eternal Kaleidoscope. The method of killing White Zetsu.

Although Amaterasu's fire is known as the eternal fire, it looks very cool, but among the Hokages, it seems that only the time when Itachi killed Orochimaru and the time when Sasuke killed White Zetsu have killed others. At that time, it really answered the question of the eternal fire that had never killed anyone. But now, in Zhang Yan's hands, the fire of Amaterasu bloomed with its own smoothness in this other world, and started a massacre!

The monkey angels are not weak among Jonin, and with the support of the magic power, they are still unique individuals.

But at this moment, they are all slowly turned into ashes under the black flames!

"What a weird flame!"

Seeing that the monkey god he summoned was constantly being burned and disappeared, and no spell power remained in his body, the monkey god put on a vigilant expression for the first time.

In this world, there is no one who can rely on himself to achieve the level of Luo Hao. There is only one person with the strength to kill a god in thousands of years. The other demon kings have used other methods and powers.

Therefore, at the beginning, because they did not feel the magic power in Zhang Yan, they were disobedient. The aura of God concluded that he was not a demon king, so he didn't take him seriously.

But now, he no longer thought so.

This man brought him a greater sense of crisis than Luo who almost killed her. Hao needs to be stronger

"With the bonds of our senior brothers, we will defeat all the God-killers."

"Come out from the North Sea! My virtuous and powerful hyena"

"Come from the Western Region, my wise brother, the God of Deep Sand"

"Defeat demons, tear apart evil spirits, the sword god Xue Xing"

"Give me the sharp sword to defeat the enemy."

The ape god recited this spirit again. This time, he finally got into his true nature and recited the"Dharma of Appearance from God"!

And his god was none other than Marshal Tianpeng. Zhu Bajie and Shutter General Sha Wujing.

Of course, that is their name in mythology.

As gods of disobedience, they do not dare to use such sacred names. They also use Zhu Gang. Names like hyena and deep sand god


When Zhang Yan used Amaterasu to easily eliminate the Monkey God, two strange rays of light shot out from the body of the Monkey God, and then turned into two figures about the same size as him.

Compared to the Monkey God, he still looks like a little lolita. The two figures looked much more ugly and manic.

One of them was a goblin, or black pig spirit, with a plump appearance and a blessed physique, but if you have a discerning eye, you can still find it hidden in the fat. With his unusual muscles, his fat and strong body is covered in black armor.

Although this man has a human face, he has a"pig" nose, and the nose is very long, and it is covered with dense black. It has short hair, round eyes, short bald triangular ears that stand upward, and short sharp fangs on both sides of its nose. It looks very ferocious. Zhu Ganghyena is surrounded by Shensha General.

It looks more like a human being, but it gives people a more ferocious feeling than the wild boar-like pig hyena.

His skin is dark, his body is as thin as a disease, and his hair that stands up is as bright and blood-red as fire. The sharp eyes shine with scarlet light, and the sharp fangs are exposed from the wide open mouth on the left and right.

The most amazing thing is that there is a necklace with nine small skulls hanging on his neck, matching his necklace. Wearing simple monk clothes, but actually wearing blue armor, it gives people a sense of gloom, a bit like a person who is tortured by troubles and wants to commit suicide.

This is the deep sand god!

"General Juan Lianzhi flexibly commanded the navy to drive away all the evil spirits. Zhaolong rains

"Dragon, annihilate those people - Om Ge Yi Ge Yi Sa Po."

As soon as the Shensha God appeared, he recited the spiritual words and waved the weapons condensed by the magic power in his hands.


The sea surface under everyone suddenly became turbulent, then rotated and rose, and turned into a water dragon, rushing towards Zhang Yan.

On the way, the water dragon also covered many people who were entangled by the fire of Amaterasu, but not yet. The disappeared monkey god looked like he was obviously trying to extinguish the fire of Amaterasu and give Zhang Yan a powerful blow.

However, seeing all this, Zhang Yan just smiled.


Under the gaze of many people, the water dragon covered many monkey angels and kept approaching Zhang Yan. But I don't know if it was their illusion, they just felt that the water dragon was getting smaller.

"etc....That is..."

Liliana keenly noticed the meaning.

He found that after the water dragon passed by, the black flames around the bodies of the monkey gods wrapped in water did not disappear, and were still burning there.

If you look confidently, you can also find that the water dragon is also carrying black flames. The burning momentum of those flames has not weakened at all, but the water dragon is getting smaller.

What's going on?!

What about the promise that water will restrain fire?

Even if the fire can evaporate when the fire is strong, the flames in front of you have not diminished at all. It is so weird that everyone is constantly being evaporated! ?

Naturally, Shensha God also noticed this situation. He tilted his expression slightly, waved his arm, and spoke again:"Eight hundred quicksand world, three thousand weak water depth. Goose feathers cannot float, and reed flowers will sink to the bottom.""


This time the Shensha God used the Nine Spirits Spiritual Word!

In the sea below, nine huge water dragons with a length of more than 20 meters circled into the sky and rushed towards Zhang Yan.

Seeing this, Zhang Yan frowned slightly , suddenly bit his thumb and pressed it downward:"You are the only one who has a little brother?"

"Groudon, let’s fight!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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