Zhang Yan really has no interest in spoiling anything about Woban!

He had already guessed what role Yu Huo Gong played in the world of God Killer when he read all the content of God Killer.

But now, seeing Qingqiuin Ena and others surrounding Yu Husband, he has confirmed his suspicion!

Back then, in order to summon the God of Disobedience to massacre, Woban was able to collect ten high-ranking witches"Yuan Wu" for sacrifice.

Among them, Yuri Banrigu escaped.

That is, this Banriya Yuri happened to be friends with Kusanagi Godou, and a battle broke out with Woban behind him. Isn't this a coincidence?

There are also methods for Kusanagi Godou to become a god-slayer, to gain the allegiance of Erica and the Red Copper Black Cross Red Copper Black Cross Society... and the use of Luculachia's connections, etc...

This is not just It can be summarized as the son of luck. Everything is just right. It is obvious that there is someone behind it.

And Zhang Yan knew that Woban still had the attributes of a cultural hero who was good at using tricks, and he had also appeared in the island country for the purpose of testing Godou's ability, but no one knew the reason why he did this.

In addition, in order to prevent the powerful God of Steel from awakening, he invited His Highness the Ape King to come and destroy the dragon and the snake.

He also created the Ape God King in the island country.

Looking at it this way, this guy is just like Aizen, silently controlling everything behind the scenes.

Then it's impossible for this person to be selfless and ask for nothing just to make Kusanagi Godou the God-Slayer, right?

In conclusion...

This guy has a conspiracy.

And his conspiracy revolves around Kusanagi Godou, the God Killer, the God of Disobedience, etc. Later, he gave the Sky Congyun Sword to Seishuin Ena, and made Seishuin Ena become Kusanagi Godou's favorite. One of the women.

Then the result will naturally not cost much.

What he is eyeing is the position of the final king!

But these have little to do with Zhang Yan.

Now that Woban and Luo Hao know everything in advance, they will naturally not let this imperial husband take advantage of them.

Kusanagi Godou would not survive today!

"Monkey, let’s fight!"

Zhang Yan came not far from the ape god, and a pair of dark eyes turned into the eternal kaleidoscope sharingan.

Then, he controlled the chakra in his body to gather into the body, and in an instant, a four-to-five Ten tall Susano giants


The halberd, which was completely condensed with chakra, cut through the air and stabbed directly at the Ape God.

Although the image of the Ape God now is that of a cute little lolita, Zhang Yan has no intention of holding back.

On the one hand , He knows that the ape god is powerful.

On the other hand, he knows that the ape's appearance is not her true body. Her true body is Monkey King, the Monkey King. Her current appearance is the incarnation of the monkey, and she is also the protector of dragons. The result of the monk gathering the magic power of all the holy places in the island country to cast the most popular spell to seal it.

Now it has become Dongzhao, bound by divine power, and has become a Bimawen state.

This was sealed after he cursed it. The appearance is not the real body, but if it is just a group photo, Zhang Yan will save the Monkey King instead of killing it.

The reason why Zhang Yan is so simple is because the sealed Sun Wukong actually has the ability to break free from this layer. Bound and sealed, but later, in order to get the service of the island country, he was willing to be sealed here.

Even if he occasionally had to go out to riot, he would eventually come back here and accept the seal.

This is what Zhang Yan wanted to do. The reason for losing the Monkey God!

How could the Monkey King be a little loli?

This is just the peculiar culture of the small island country!

But this makes him even more angry!


Facing Zhang Yan's domineering blow, the Monkey God responded calmly. He raised his arm and recited the spiritual words:"Life and death are determined by destiny. Wealth is in heaven. The main light is out"


A strange light suddenly appeared. Under this light, a thick and long stick quickly took shape, and finally faced Zhang Yan and swung the halberd.

The halberd was very big, but the head of the halberd was larger than that of an ape. The stick summoned by the Shenjun was larger, but after the collision between the two sides, the attack of the halberd suddenly stopped and was directly blocked.

The power of the small stick was not inferior to Zhang Yan's swing using Susano. a halberd

"Ruyi golden hoop?..."

Zhang Yan's eyes narrowed as he glanced over the iconic stick.

The spiritual words recited by the ape god just now are the same spiritual words that restore the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Although the Ruyi Golden Cudgel controlled by the Monkey God is not the acquired spiritual treasure in mythology, but is completely formed by magic power, it is still much more powerful against Zhang Yan's weapon composed of Susan

"It's ok.."

Zhang Yan was not surprised that the offensive was blocked. His eyes narrowed and he took action again.


A powerful thunder suddenly burst out from the top of the halberd. The power of the thunder passed over the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and went straight to the Ape God.

Seeing this, the Ape God's expression changed slightly. He hurriedly stretched out a finger and used the secret method of the Stone Mountain Cave:" Great Kun Yuan, all living things are in harmony with heaven. The terrain is Kun."

A gleam of brilliance bloomed in her eyes. Such brilliance was infinite and enveloped her body.


The thunder that appeared on the halberd all hit the monkey god, but it spread to all directions under the guidance of strange power.


All these thunder and lightning scattered on the sea below, easily blasting dozens of puddles with a diameter of more than ten meters.


When the lightning dissipated, the ape god's body suddenly shook, and several phantoms shot out from her body, and finally turned into hundreds of figures, attacking Zhang Yan from all directions.

This is not a simple blindness or clone technique, but the power of the monkey god, the monkey god summoned through the power of magic.

Each of these divine messengers has half the strength of a witch like Liliana.

If these divine envoys are defeated, the energy will not be wasted, but will return to the ape god's body, or gather into other divine envoys to form a more powerful individual.

Therefore, this move is more powerful than any clone technique in the Naruto world.

The Ninja World Clone Technique disappears when it disappears. Most of them have special effects due to their different natures. For example, the shadow clone can pass back experience and experience, and the thunder escape clone can programmable thunder escape attacks.

But the divine envoy, as long as the power is not consumed, will exist forever. If it is not used up, it can return to its original form, or form a more powerful clone, the monkey beast!

If someone didn't know the details of this move, they might still foolishly fight these hundreds of monkeys, but by then they wouldn't be able to lose much power to the monkey god.

But Zhang Yan is not such a person

"Then try this new trick!"

On the top of the Susana Titan, Zhang Yan's eyes narrowed, and he controlled the giant's body to stretch out his right hand. On this right hand, a black flame burned!


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