In the world of Godslayer, Woban has already started fighting with Seishuin Ena and others.

Seriously speaking, I should have gotten involved with Husband Yu and Monkey God. As for the others, they can only be regarded as supporting roles.

During the battle, Woban transformed into a black dragon from the underworld, constantly spitting fire or using other powers to attack.

But they were all easily stopped by Yu Huangong.

For some reason, he felt like he was being completely restrained by Husband Yu. In addition, there was the ape god on the side to support Husband Yu, so he actually fell completely below.

Liliana used magic to fly in the air, looking at all this in disbelief:"How could this happen? This ancient demon king would actually be passive!!"

Woban's evil reputation, but anyone in the circle who knows the extraordinary power Everyone knows a thing or two.

Woban is also known as the most vicious demon king who is addicted to killing the God of Disobedience.

Once, in order to lure a disobedient god to slaughter, he once found ten high-ranking witches,"Yuan witches", to set up a formation.

In the end, nine of the ten people became cripples and weak people due to the loss of strength, but all this did not matter to Woban.

But now, this demon king was actually suppressed by an unknown old man. The ape god on the side could even paddle the whole process.

How can this be?

This question also appeared in Woban's mind.

He would actually be suppressed by a mere imperial husband?

By the way, hasn’t the president come yet?

"Wauban!"Huoban Yu easily stopped Woban again, holding a Tiancongyun sword, and said domineeringly:"If you leave now and swear not to enter the East Capital within a year, I can let you leave!"

At this time, Mr. Yu doesn't look like the kind old man he usually is. He is obviously a powerful being.

"Are you threatening me?"Woban's face became ugly.

He is in a very bad mood now.

You know, he has become much stronger through union points. He is much stronger than the ancient king before, but in the end he will be The god of disobedience, Mr. Yu, who had been hiding since he appeared so many years ago, was suppressed and beaten.

The god of disobedience has always been the prey in his heart!

"It's just threatening you, so what?"Seeing that Woban had no intention of retreating, Mr. Yu's tone also changed unconsciously.

He deliberately arranged for Woban to be Kusanagi Godou's future whetstone. This would help Kusanagi Godou grow a lot and provide him with the final He wanted to contribute to the plan, but he didn't know where Woban was in the wrong position, and he actually went to the island country to trouble Kusanagi Godou.

He still wanted to implement the original plan and decided to stabilize Woban first. Investigate this situation.

If Woban wanted to kill Kusanagi Godou just by chance or if he knew something, then he would have taken action and made a new plan.

"Interesting, so interesting!"Woban doesn't know Mr. Yu's plan, but he knows that nothing will happen to him this time.

This Mr. Yu is so arrogant, and he is so arrogant.

"Husband Yu, stop talking nonsense and fight!"

"Kusanagi Godou, I will kill you today!"

Woban sneered, pretending to go up.

Seeing that he was determined, Mr. Yu knew that now was not the time to find out the reason, so he decided to show his strength and kill Woban.

But at this moment, a dark space portal suddenly appeared Appearing next to Woban, a voice wearing a gorgeous black Hanfu stepped out, standing high in the air.

This sudden scene immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the union.

The live broadcast here has been started for a long time. After Luo Hao felt the scene and saw Woban being pressed and beaten, a bad taste came to his heart for a moment, so he did so.

Woban also knew about this, but he didn't have the time now. Strength and Luo Hao clamor

"Who is this person! ?"

Qingqiu Yuanhui and others all looked at the figure that suddenly appeared next to Woban, with deep confusion in their eyes.

Who could be the person who appeared at this time?

But the next moment, they were stunned.

The owner of the figure next to Woban is a handsome man who cannot be accurately described in words.

He has a lazy look on his face, but it gives people an invisible intimidation that cannot be underestimated. It gives people a strong feeling, but there is a danger that can make people angry.

It seems that if you offend, you will be killed in the next moment!

"Who are you! ?"Husband Yu no longer rushed to take action, but looked at Zhang Yan with vigilant eyes.

This young man gave him a fatal sense of crisis, and judging from the situation, it seemed that he was from Woban.

He was the god of disobedience. Or the unknown demon king?

No, it shouldn't be the demon king. If it is the demon king, the last king responsible for cleaning up the demon king has been revived.

As for the god of disobedience, he is not here. He stretched out his hand and felt the slightest aura of the disobedient god. He couldn't tell what kind of god this person was

, and what kind of existence he was.

"Woban, you are really tough today!"Zhang Yan didn't answer Husband Yu's question, or rather ignored him completely, and turned to chat with Woban next to him.

"Headstrong? Woban's eyes twitched, he opened his huge mouth and asked,"President, what do you mean?""

"Of course it's literal...."Zhang Yan pointed at Mr. Yu and said rather speechlessly:"I saw the scene of the battle between you and Mr. Yu just now through the live broadcast!"

"Are you wondering why you, who has become much stronger through the union, are completely suppressed by him?"

"Um, why?"Woban showed a dull expression.

In fact, he had doubts in his heart, and he also had speculations. It was because Mr. Yu hid it too deeply, and he just listened to Zhang Yan's wishes.

There are other reasons for this matter.

"Are you looking for someone online?..."Zhang Yan shook his head and said with a funny look on his face:"This Yulaofeng used to live in seclusion in the"Netherworld". He was one of the powerful elders of the official history compilation committee of the mobile phone. He used to be the"God of Disobedience"""

"As for his god, he was originally the land god of Izumo, but due to the repeated combination of many gods, he was blessed with the power of most myths, and based on the godhead of controlling storms, he became a brand new collection."

"I said this, you understand!"


Damn it, he has really become a target!

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