
Looking at the text posted by Zhang Yan in the trade union group, the members were relatively speechless for a while.

Although they have always known that the first level is just the starting point, and there are second, third, and even ninth levels and above, they have never clearly understood it.

But this time, with a large world cultivation system as a reference background, they understood something more or less.

To put it bluntly, even if Zhang Yan, Luo Hao and others, one of the strongest in the union, go to the world, their strength will be severely weakened. They are just people who have just entered the realm of cultivation!

Only by reaching the fourth level can you truly have the ability to explode stars at will in any world and travel around the universe!

For example, if people like them go to the Marvel world, they need to have level four strength to be able to explode stars at will.

But if you are in your own small world, you can barely do it if you only need second-level strength.

This is a world difference, but this does not mean that people in the small world are inferior to many people in the big world. It is just that the starting point is different and the height they can reach is different.

And now, after joining the union, they have the biggest and best growth environment!

Luo Hao:"I changed my name. The person I am now is far from being called the pinnacle of martial arts. I now have a new goal, which is the ninth level of the union!"

After Zhang Yan said that he would come to the world of God Killer to kill God. Later, Luo Hao had taken advantage of the supernatural power to come to the island country and secretly watched Woban being besieged by Husband Yu and others.

She didn't intervene, partly because Woban didn't ask her for help.

On the other hand, it was because Zhang Yan's words shocked him.

It turns out that the real strength is like this!

She is a first-level and ninth-level existence in a small world, and she really has nothing to be proud of.

Ying Zheng:"I also changed my name. What is it about unifying the six countries? The structure is simply weak. A few people want to dominate the world!"

Ying Zheng's form has also changed.

Originally, his vision was only limited to the six countries, then it was a planet, and now, it is the universe and all realms!

He also did not film his conflict with Zhang Yan during his journey for hegemony. Anyway, the Daqian Immortal Palace will be spread throughout every inch of Da Qin's territory!

Bibi Dong:"Being the youngest titled soul ring envoy in history is simply telling me of my ignorance and narrow-mindedness. My future goal is also the Great Emperor!"

Bibi Dong's eyes were full of determination.

I don't know how her talent compares to that of the empress, but her spirit and achievements in a small world are definitely not low, and she deserves to be called the pride of heaven.

Now that she is using the union, it seems to be only a matter of time before she grows to a better height in the future!

Wanwan:"Then Wanwan also changed her name....."

Because of Zhang Yan's popular science, there was a wave of name change within the union.

In their view, the original online name is an affirmation of them, or it is an achievement they have achieved and what they want to achieve.

But now, they only feel that this kind of achievements and dreams are too narrow.

For example, Mai Sakurajima and Shiu Kasumigaoka are obsessed with a senior sister and call them ridiculous?

Take Wanwan for example. Her strength is in the Luo Hao Gang. How many people in the Sui and Tang Dynasty world can compete with her?

Perseverance is a limitation on yourself.

Sun Ce, Mei Changsu and everyone else all have the same idea.

Their lives have already changed on their own initiative, so why put restrictions on themselves?

Ling Mengyin:"@会长琰, this world seems a bit strange. A strong person of the second level can live for eight hundred years, a strong person of the third level can live for a thousand years, and a strong person of the fourth level can live for two thousand years. These are nothing, but a seven-level roar can shatter the universe." Boss, can you live ten thousand years?"

In Ling Mengyin's opinion, it is not a problem to destroy several universes with one roar, right?

Such an existence is actually limited by its lifespan?

Zhang Yan:.......

You should ask someone about this Dogecoin setting.

President Zhang Yan:"Strength and lifespan are never equated. Different worlds have different rules!"

"Just like in the world of Pirates, all kinds of devil fruits are so powerful, but as powerful as Whitebeard, they will die of old age and illness before entering the union!"

White beard:....

"For example, in the world of Naruto, how strong are Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama? But if done well, a kunai hitting the vital point can kill them!"

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama:.....

"Just like the world of tomb robbers, the power is so weak, but there is a strange ability in the blood, which can live forever, stay young forever, and can be given special power bonuses!"

"Different worlds have different rules!"

"I also know that there are some worlds that have tens of thousands of years of fire, but their strength is not as strong as the people in the world I just gave you the example of who have been cultivating for hundreds of years!"

"Some things cannot be equated!"

"but.....By joining this union, we can have everything, so everyone, work hard. If you have points, you will have everything!"

Zhang Yan gave everyone a final piece of popular science, and at the same time explained the importance of points.

The existence of the union allows everyone to purchase exercises and so on in any world in the world. As long as they have points, lifespan and strength, It's not a problem!

Zhang Yan's explanation is not difficult to understand.

This time, everyone who joins the union fully realizes what a huge opportunity this is, and the most important thing to seize this opportunity and become stronger is points. Thinking of this, Tony

, Mai Sakurajima, Yan Lingji and others all looked at Zhang Qishan and the others, with fire in their eyes. As long as they cooperated in robbing the tomb, the items inside could be used to exchange points with Zhang Yan.

Gotta catch it!

"Walk! Go and rob the tomb!"

Zhang Qishan and eight people:???............

In the world of Naruto, Senju Hashirama rarely showed a solemn expression, and said to Madara Uchiha:"Madara, you have to work hard!"

"Well, it seems that the speed of obtaining meritorious deeds will be accelerated!"Uchiha Madara nodded in agreement, a pair of purple samsara eyes filled with desire.

He understood what Uchiha Madara meant.

The meaning of the super-dimensional union and the points represented were too great.

By joining it, you can become stronger much faster!

Now Uchiha Madara has the qualifications to buy union tickets, so he must take advantage of them. Naturally, Senju Hashirama has a good relationship with Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara joining the union is the same as him joining, right?...............

Meanwhile, the world of Godslayer.

Zhang Yan stepped out of the space portal and saw Woban who had transformed into the black dragon of the underworld. He twitched the corner of his mouth and said,"Woban, are you making your battle more difficult!?"_

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