I am the Marquis:"You big shit, I think you want to eat shit, so let me do it!" He became the richest man after losing money:"Old Marquis, can you pay attention to your character?"

The old man is the Marquis:"It's good to be happy with you, the character design is meaningless!"

The top martial artist:"What a shit, in terms of the ability to destroy Woban's character design, I am willing to call you the strongest!"


Didn't he just quarrel with Woban when he first joined the union?

Why is this person so vindictive?

Aizen Sosuke:"Miss Yin, you can also consider inviting me!"

Vice President Su Hanxue:"Well~~ My strength should be reliable now! (crazy eyes suggest)"

Haibara Ai:"Although Xingyue is here The world is just like that, but we already have aircraft, cannons, guns and ammunition. I think everyone should be more cautious, so.........Xingyue, you can come to me. I have three colors of domineering and six navy styles, and I have learned some ninjutsu, so I can help you!"

Detective Black Cat:"Ai-chan, I didn't expect you to be so Ai-chan!"

Hai Yuan Ai:"I told you, call me sister!

Detective Black Cat:"Yes, yes, sister Ai!""

After Yin Xinyue exposed the screenshots of the mission in order to answer Wu Geng Liuli's question, many members who had originally planned to give up suddenly changed their minds.

Originally, they thought that Yin Xingyue would definitely invite Zhang Yan, and there was no point in participating this time..

In addition, they also considered that the power level of Yin Xingyue's world is not high, and if the time traveler is not strong, the points should not be many. Even if the task of completing the points is given to one person, it will only be 5,000.

The points must be distributed according to Yin Xingyue's wishes.

After all, this is an exclusive task

, and members can only get it by spending points to let the union scan the world. This means that union members need to invest in getting exclusive tasks

, and because the world's power is different, The number of points required is also different.

This is easy to understand.

The more powerful the world, the more powerful the existence, the larger the world scope, the density, etc., and the union must avoid many factors to detect the time traveler. Naturally, more energy is needed.

For example, Aizen has long wanted to self-examine the world of Death, but found that one self-examination requires 50,000 points....

It was enough for him to perfectly improve Bengyu and integrate it perfectly.

And if there were no intruders in the Death World, the fifty thousand would have been wasted.

The more powerful the power system in the world, the less worthwhile it is to initiate self-examination.

On the contrary, in a world with a relatively low power level, for example, if you start self-examination in the world of Conan, you only need 500 points!

As for the Jiumen Tomb Robbery World, although there are some special powers, in the end it is still a world of ordinary people, so a self-examination only requires 500 points!

And Yin Xingyue has accumulated almost a thousand points in this world.

Today, for some reason, she felt like she was being watched.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable, so he started self-examination.

As a result, we found out that a time traveler really appeared!

Although this time traveler is not very valuable, only 5,000 points.

But he brought the system with him!

The time traveler itself may not be valuable, but the system is.

This is a huge amount of money.

It is precisely for this reason that even Aizen and others are tempted.

No matter what the result is, I won't be surprised if I give it a try.

As for Zhang Yan, this president will never eat alone, right?

In fact, Zhang Yan decided to set some rules after thinking about it for a while.

He couldn't help but plan not to eat alone, but to do the exact opposite!

President Zhang Yan:"I will not participate in this mission. Also, I do not recommend members with strength above level four to compete unless it is necessary or Xingyue requests it herself."

Yin Xingyue:"Huh? Why!"

Yin Xingyue Very depressed.

Just like what Su Hanxue said, she planned to invite Zhang Yan to help as soon as she found out about the mission.

She has wanted to meet the president in person for a long time!

But she didn't expect that Zhang Yan had already rejected her before she mentioned it.

Could it be that Zhang Yan didn't want to see her that much?

Yin Xingyue had some random thoughts for a while.

Fortunately, Zhang Yan quickly gave the answer, which made her feel a lot better.

President Zhang Yan:"As the president, of course I have to consider the healthy development of the union."

"In fact, with my strength combined with Groudon, I can participate in any mission in the union. If we can't solve the problem, other members can't solve it either!"

"But it is impossible for me to participate in every task and divide the points. This is unfair to many low-level members!"

"So I think that tasks at different levels should be solved by members of different levels!"

Yes, Zhang Yan intends to advocate stratification.

As he said, it is too simple for powerful members to solve some problems in the world.

If there is a task, powerful members must participate, then it is different from earning points. There is no difference, and it is not fair at all to low-level members who cannot participate in high-level tasks. The result of this is that the strong will become stronger, and although the weak can also become stronger, the speed will be very slow.

The strong take on the tasks of the strong, and the weak take on the tasks of the weak.

This is not a scene he wants to see.

In his mind, he really regards this union as a platform to make friends. We all regard ourselves as our own people.

Of course, we must make progress together!

Of course, Zhang Yan does not deny that as the rule maker and the president with privileges, a fair and harmonious environment is important to him. It is easier to control, and it is easier to get benefits and support.

Although he considers everyone, he will never blindly sacrifice his own interests!

In the future, there will be more and more union members, and there will be a world where missions can be conquered. More and more.

When the time comes, he will not be able to participate in every task, but the strong will not be able to decide how to assign tasks.

Therefore, it is important to establish the system while there are still few people and there are still many weak people. This system is definitely the best time for him to control the union.

Moreover, he believes that everyone will support it and will not oppose it:

"The few people agree with this proposal!""

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I agree too!"

The mistress of the Tang family:"I'll add two feet to make it!"

Qilin Talent:"High-level members do high-level tasks. Low-level members should not try to score points. Low-level members do low-level tasks. In the future, when they are strong, they can do high-level tasks. This system is very fair and treats everyone. all good!

Vice President Su Hanxue:"I also support it. After all, we are all our own people.""

The pinnacle of martial arts:"I think it's okay, although the points are very important, but they should be obtained in a proper way, but I and the old Marquis are not our own!"

(Good thing) I am a Marquis:"......."

As Zhang Yan expected, no matter what everyone thought, it at least showed that no one opposed his proposal and even agreed with it.

After all, a strong person can get more points by participating in a high-level mission than a weak person by selling the system. Sometimes, suffering a loss is not really a punishment for suffering a loss!

At this moment, the speeches of Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Whitebeard confirmed everyone's thoughts! Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiyu

:"I also started a self-examination and found that I have a time traveler with a system. Who can solve it?"

Much easier to solve.

I have many sons:"Gula la, it seems that something has changed in this world. The union task panel has also released tasks. I think everyone who is strong enough can come here!"

President Zhang Yan:"It seems that this time, we We need to open multiple lines at the same time to complete the mission!"

Zhang Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Having so many tasks appear at the same time just makes his proposal easier for everyone to accept!

This wave of missions is really a godsend! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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