The mistress of the Tang family:"New mission? I'm excited!"

The youngest titled soul ring user in history:"You're a little brat who doesn't even have hair, and you're still excited. I'm still your teacher." Take action, I'm also curious about what this so-called mission is!"

Bibi Dong attacked Tang Xiaosan as soon as he came on the stage.

Bibi Dong was not polite to the guy who originally killed him to prove his Dao, but was about to become his disciple.

Tang Xiaosan:....

Although he was extremely happy, he didn't seem to have agreed to become a disciple, right?

How could Bibi Dong buy and sell by force?

But he didn't dare to refute anything.

What if Bibi Dong treats him because he"doesn't know what to do"?

It's better to be tough on him when your strength is enough.

But what Tang Xiaosan didn't know was that he would never have a chance to be tough in the future.

How could Bibi Dong, who joined the union, be worse than him?

The old man is the Marquis:"Quest? I just paid attention to the union's quest panel, and it seems that I didn't see the quest!"

Many of my sons:"Gula la, daddy didn't see the quest either."

The Peak of Martial Arts:"This leader is here I’m bored waiting in Saipan. I’ve been paying attention to the task panel and haven’t found any new tasks!"

Sosuke Aizen said:"I guess I found the exclusive self-examination task.

Miss Yin 15 Crescent, do you need my help?" The good man with yellow hair:"Exclusive self-examination mission, what is this?""So you are so stupid, why on earth would I want to train you?"" Kurosaki Ichigo, Haven't you read the mission triggering regulations?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked confused.

What the hell are mission trigger regulations? He silently opened the task panel.

After careful observation, he found a small question mark in the upper right corner.

He clicked on the question mark and took a look.

"Task triggering regulations:

1: The returner invades the world where the workers are located, and will be captured by the union. After negotiating with the will of the world

, the task is registered. 2: The transgressor enters the world where the workers are located. When the will of the world discovers the traveler and determines that it is necessary to eradicate it Afterwards, publish the task to Guild

3: Guild members can spend a certain amount of points to activate the self-examination function. The union’s self-examination function will definitely be able to discover world travellers, forming an exclusive task for members....Replenish!"

Okay, this is the mission triggering regulations.

When Kurosaki Ichigo was watching, there were actually many members who were not aware of it.

But unlike them, Zhang Yan thought deeper and further.

"Sure enough, the trade union has a cooperative relationship with the world's major wills, and the trade union's ability is much higher than that of the world!"Zhang Yan subconsciously touched his chin, confirming his guess.

After Bibi Dong joined the union, he had some guesses.

The union and the world will of the major worlds, God, should be a cooperative relationship, but the union occupies the absolute Dominance!

The main method of dealing with the spirit ring world is to use it to kill Yu Xiaogang, which will have a huge impact on Tang Xiaosan, and the will of the world will not necessarily care about it.

The fate of the world will not be discovered within a certain period of time.

Otherwise, if the reincarnation invades the world, it will lead to the crisis that Tang Xiaosan will be wiped out by Bibi Dong.

But if there are union members in this world! , but the union was able to discover the invasion of the reincarnations by Dong Ye Sheng, and issued tasks to members to help the world

's will solve this problem, such as what Zhang Yan pointed out this time in the world of Naruto! Didn't realize the impact of the reincarnation, and when it found out, Tang San was already in danger of being killed by Bibi Dong.

Fortunately, Tang San joined the union, so World Will took the initiative to contact the union and asked Bibi Dong to join the union too! That is to say, the will of the world can communicate with the union and send people from this world, and the union can pull people in at will!

No matter how you look at it, the union is stronger than the other major world wills and the main god space!

The proof is the self-examination function of the union!

The will of the world cannot wipe out the time travelers the moment they appear, and sometimes it is not even discovered until these time travelers have done a lot that has an impact on the world, or has a lot of luck in the world. However, if the union members are willing to spend points, they can directly target the traversers.

This shows that the union is more powerful!

"The union is indeed a good union!"Zhang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, the chat among the members was still going on.

Qi became the richest man:"Lan Ran, your reaction is really sharp. By the way, does Miss Yin Xinyue need my help? My armor should be of great use in the world you live in, and it can also take you flying with me!"

Cihang Jingzhai is a little bitch:"Ahem, if it were your world in Xinyue, I think my strength would be enough to help!"

Hui Yuan Ai:"I can do it too!"

I want to be in power:"I can help by sending troops!

Detective Black Cat:"Sister Xingyue, what kind of exclusive mission is it? Can you take a look?""

As soon as the mission came out, all the members who had ideas about points and felt that their abilities were adequate became uneasy.

Vice President Su Hanxue:"Listen to me, everyone, I actually want to do it too, but I think you are all working hard in vain. With Xinyue’s character, you would definitely ask our president for help, right?"

Yin Xingyue is Zhang Yan's exclusive nymphomaniac. If you find an exclusive mission, you should 100% seek Zhang Yan's help.

With Zhang Yan's strength, it is absolutely easy to carry out missions in Yin Xingyue's world.


Good guy. 313

This is true.

Alas~ let it go, let it go, these points will have nothing to do with them again.

Many members were ready to give up.

The Lord of the Earth:"I don't care. As a psychic beast, I follow my master and have meat to eat!"


So, as a level nine member, can you show some moral integrity?

Groudon said: Why would a subdued elf want that thing in front of his trainer?

Is there anything that can defeat Rayquaza and Groudon?

Don't be kidding, just call"Master" and you will get points to become stronger, and then you can find various mythical beast hammers. Isn't this a good life?

At this moment, Yin Xingyue sent a screenshot.

Yin Xingyue:"Screenshot exclusive mission.

Union mission: Clear out illegal intruders (exclusive to Yin Xingyue).

Mission world: Tomb Robbery Nine Gates.

Mission requirement: Erase or get rid of all invaders.

Mission reward: 5,000 points.

Mission tip: The intruder has a system that can Recycle it and use it!"

As Yin Xingyue released the news, the entire guild fell silent.

This time traveler actually has a system?

After a long time, Iron Man Tony was the first to break the silence:"Ahem, Miss Yin, I think you can hire me."

PS: Due to some requests, Yin Xinyue will be changed to Yin Xingyue! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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