President Zhang Yan:"Why don't you say anything? Luo Hao, come on, I don't mind if you use some magic weapons or something!"

The pinnacle of martial arts:"......"

President Zhang Yan:"Don't be arrogant on the authority~~boss, got it?"

The top martial artist:"......".....

"Very good, very good, very good!"

Luo Hao, who had returned to the thatched house in Lushan, the world of God Killers, was so angry that her teeth itched.

She stood up from the futon, with a flash of fire in her eyes!

"Today is a good day, let’s go catch up with those disobedient gods in the Netherworld!"

"And Woban, Saipan’s god of disobedience, don’t even think about it!".............

President Zhang Yan:"Just don't talk, it's boring!"

Jiangdong Little Overlord:"President, you are awesome!"

Qilin Talent:"President, you are awesome!"


Lan Ransu Yousuke:"@马好男, what did you just say"三一三"?"

Huangmao Haoman:"What do you think? When I become the world leader, you will cry!"

Lan Ransu Usuke:"So you are not worthy of being my opponent now. Why don't you have any brains?"

The good man with yellow hair:"Aizen!!! Is this a personal attack? I don't accept it!"

Aizen Sosuke:"I'm just stating the facts. Do you think becoming a Realm Lord is so easy? In fact, even the president himself has not become a Realm Lord!"

After Zhang Yan mentioned the Realm Lord and explained what power the Realm Lord has , Aizen is inevitably moved. Becoming the Lord of the World is undoubtedly a fatal temptation for someone like him who wants to be the pinnacle.

But unlike Tony who started mindlessly praising Zhang Yan because he was too excited, he still remained rational and habitually began to analyze the information contained in his words.

He first discovered a key problem.

Zhang Yan keeps saying that he can help Ying Zheng become a realm master, but in fact, he himself is not a realm master yet, right?

If he were the world lord, wouldn't it be a matter of a second thought to unify the Naruto world?

With this in mind, Aizen didn't get too excited.

But he also had the idea of establishing a good relationship with Zhang Yan.

Although Zhang Yan is not yet a Realm Master, since he can make that promise to Ying Zheng, it means that he has the method to become a Realm Master.

And this method was enough to make him tempted.

Of course, this does not prevent him from confronting the"brainless" Kurosaki Ichigo!

As soon as Aizen said this, the enthusiasm of the union members was poured with cold water and they all calmed down.

Good man with yellow hair:"......."

The pinnacle of martial arts:"Woban, you are the future world leader, right? This leader is waiting for you on Saipan."

I am the Marquis:"....."

Losing money and becoming the richest man:"....Uncle Tony is actually stupid today.."

My son has many:"....."

Qilin Talent:"Although the president cannot directly make people become realm lords, he must still have a way to make people become realm lords!"

Mei Changsu's wisdom will definitely not be lower than Aizen, who has withstood the test of the poison of fire and cold , and he is even more calm in his behavior!

If Aizen's words poured cold water on everyone, then Mei Changsu's words made everyone's hearts warm again.

Senior student Mai Sakurajima:"President, can we have a private chat? My world has become a little more normal." Senior student Shiba Kasumigaoka

:"The private chat is not about making bad friends, right? You are indeed a bunny girl senior!"

Senior student Mai Sakurajima:"Trading must be done, but it may not be bad. It may be a wonderful experience. Kasumigaoka-san must be disdainful, right?"

Senior sister Kasumigaoka Shiu:" Huh, that's natural. You wouldn't be so vulgar and devoid of dignity, selling out the world for a little profit!"

Senior student Mai Sakurajima:"Yes, so Kasumigaoka will always be at the bottom of the union. We have all become realm masters, and all we are doing is communication between realm masters. I think you will also be wise enough to avoid this circle!"


In the heroine's world, Kasumigaoka Shiyu once again broke a pencil and was so angry that her teeth itched.

"cherry! island! numb! Clothes!"

Kasumigaoka Shiu said that he really met his opponent today!

This Sakurajima Mai's rank will definitely not be lower than hers!

But she can never admit defeat like this!

Kasumigaoka Shiu:"That's natural, not a person If the circle still wants to shamelessly come forward, that is even more despicable. I will use my own strength to do it, for sure!"

Senior Mai Sakurajima:"We'll see!"

Mai Sakurajima didn't push the envelope, but quit when she saw fit.

When chatting in the union, there's nothing wrong with proper bickering. Just like chatting online, it can liven up the atmosphere, but being ignorant and getting carried away is annoying.

President Zhang Yan:"The show is over, everyone applauds!

Yan Lingji:"Applause, applause!"

Yin Xinyue:"Applause, applause!"

Vice President Su Hanxue:"Applause, applause!""

The Tang family's mistress:" Applause, applause!".....

Kasumigaoka Shiyu:.....

Mai Sakurajima:.....

President Zhang Yan:"Okay, let’s get down to business!"

"Aizen said a lot. I can't directly make anyone become a realm master, but I can give you every method to become a preparatory realm master. When the time comes, I will help you take the final step and become a realm master. Lord, it’s very easy!"

"And you, everyone pays the same price, it’s just a small price!"

After playing around for a while, Zhang Yan brought the topic back.......

No, it should be said that it aroused all the desires in my heart.

For a small price, they can get the method to become a preparatory world master, and Zhang Yan will help them take the final step.

Why refuse such a good thing?

But they are also a little confused, why is Zhang Yan so good?

Just because he is our president?

There is absolutely no free lunch in this world!

The smarter the person, the more he understands this truth.

But this does not prevent everyone from wanting to hear the so-called price first.

The Tang family's mistress:"President, what's the price!?"

Jiangdong Little Overlord:"I'm asking the same question!"

All members:"The repeater is online, I'm asking the same question!"

President Zhang Yan:"It's simple, just like what I just told Ying Zheng The conditions for opening are the same, you just need to claim to be from our Daqian Empire!"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"The leaders are all members of the same guild. I don't want to surrender. For example, Ying Zheng, you can say that you are from Daqian Empire and me! The empire forms an alliance. We are brother countries. I am a brother and you are a brother. People from both our countries have the same rights in the other country. Da Qian is not superior to others, but you have to show that Da Qian protects Da Qin. This is the only way. request!"

"As for everyone, you can fabricate your identity for yourself, such as an immortal master from the Daqian Empire, a worshiper from the Daqian Empire, an elder, a general, whatever you want!"

"As long as everyone does this, I will help everyone become the world master!"

"Because by helping you, you are helping me!"

What the members understand, Zhang Yan naturally understands, and he has already prepared absolutely reasonable reasons.

5.9 members, do yourself a favor, is this a sufficient reason?

In fact, this is the truth!

He just concealed it The world leader is actually Zhang Yan, and his lovely members are just super-high-end wage earners.

But so what?

They are indeed the masters of that world, but they are just above them. I just don’t know the boss.

Everyone has their own needs, right?

In fact, if Zhang Yan didn’t think the atmosphere in the union was good, wouldn’t it be a good idea to conquer the world?

And some people wouldn’t mind becoming one. Zhang Yan's people, such as Yan Lingji and Haiyuan Ai.

He just doesn't want the identity to appear. Yes, it's rare for everyone to have a close friend in life.

It's fate that

Zhang Yan has done so much. I don’t want to destroy this purity, that’s all!


Shimura Danzo: Haha! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation.

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