"Unify the world, world lord, Daqian, what is this?"

Ying Zheng was confused by Zhang Yan's words.

The unified world is easy to understand. Although he has not been a member of the super-dimensional union for a long time, relying on the uniqueness of the union, he has a new understanding of common sense.

For example, the world is round. In addition to the Six Kingdoms and the Xiongnu, the outside world is still very big. There are even countries in the West that are not inferior to Qin, etc.~ Wait...

Another example, he also knows about the so-called electricity, airplanes, Cell phone, wait, wait..-.

As for Da Gan, he can also understand that Zhang Yan said"I Da Gan" before, and considering that he is about to unify the ninja world, maybe the country he wants to create is - Da Gan.

But what is a Realm Lord?

Ying Zheng's doubts were all on his face, Zhang Yan saw through it immediately and explained:

"The Realm Lord is the real master of this world"

"One word can change the wind and rain!"

"One word can move mountains and rivers!"

"One word can change the four seasons of spring and autumn!"

"Even one glance can destroy the life and death of a country"

"The World Lord can truly control this world!"

Any world, as long as it is a complete world, whether it is a small world or a large world, can be controlled by people.

Either master the origin of the world, master the embryo of the plane, or swallow the world's heavenly way...

These things sound mysterious, but in fact they are all similar things.

From a visual point of view, these worlds are equivalent to the prehistoric worlds that have been reduced by hundreds of millions of times, and the world master is similar to Hongjun who is completely in tune with the Tao.

Of course, this Hongjun is just Hongjun in these small worlds. The difference is probably the difference between a local rich man and the richest man.

In addition, Zhang Yan did not really intend for Ying Zheng to become a realm master, but to become a pseudo realm master.

What does that mean?

That is, he will choose to refine the world by himself. For example, in Qin Shi, he will become the master of this world, but he will also hand over the power of this world to Ying Zheng and carry out punishment on behalf of heaven.

A brief explanation of the image is that Zhang Yan wants to be Hongjun who is completely in harmony with the Tao, and Ying Zheng is the saint of heaven, but in the world of Qin Dynasty, he will be the only saint of heaven!

The reason why Zhang Yan did what he did was not because he valued power too much. He had already become the president of the super-dimensional union. The union members did not pose any threat to him, so there was no need to do anything extra.

He wants to devour the world just because it is his way!

There are thousands of ways to transcend in this world, and his way is to rely on the power of becoming the lord of three thousand small worlds, three thousand middle worlds, and three thousand big worlds to reverse the myth and become the Great Luo!

Only then can he become a truly eternal and immortal existence that transcends the long river of time!

Therefore, he must become the master of every world.

But this does not mean that he will become the nominal master of each world, nor does he necessarily have to personally manage these worlds.

For example, in the world that these members of the union live in, he does not intend to fight for hegemony or conquer the world. These can be left to the members to decide for themselves.

If they want, they can also become a being like Heaven!

If they are not interested, Zhang Yan will conquer the world himself!

This is a struggle between Taoism and Zhang Yan’s real struggle. Whoever stands in his way will die!

Of course, as long as no one disagrees with him, he will not act superior and treat everyone as a friend!

If he has a mouthful of meat to eat, he will definitely have no less of it!

"Realm Lord?....."

Hearing Zhang Yan's description, Ying Zheng felt very hot in his heart.

Isn’t this World Lord the legendary immortal?

To be able to say everything in this world, this is the true emperor through the ages, right?

What else is there to hesitate about?

But when the words of promise came to his mouth, Ying Zheng could not say them out.

Because he thought of Zhang Yan's last words, saying that he wanted Da Qin to join Da Qian!

Doesn't this mean that his Great Qin will become a subordinate country?

If he is asked to win the government and become a vassal of other countries, he can't do it!

This is worse than killing him!

Even if this country is Zhang Yan's country, he cannot accept it.

For a person like Zhang Yan, Ying Zheng's thoughts cannot be hidden from his eyes.

He knows very well who Ying Zheng is, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be young!

So he didn't have this idea from the beginning.

President Zhang Yan:"When Qin Zheng hesitates, everyone can also consider it!"

President Zhang Yan:"Every world can have a realm master!"

As soon as Zhang Yan's words came out, the members of the union became uneasy.!

Yin Xinyue:"Handsome Zhang Yan, do you think every world can have a world lord?"

President Zhang Yan:"Yes, any world, as long as it is a complete world, can give birth to a world lord and directly control the world.!"

Detective Black Cat:"Doesn’t this mean that if you become a Realm Master, you can suddenly become the most powerful god in this world?"

·····Ask for flowers···

President Zhang Yan:"That’s what it means, and if you become the master of the world, he will not be destroyed if the world is not destroyed, which can be regarded as a different kind of immortality!"


At this moment, all members were excited.

Especially those members who are ordinary people are even more excited.

Becoming a Realm Lord means reaching the sky in one step?

At least in our own world, we can become omnipotent and omnipotent, right?

Even some powerful members were excited.

For example, Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to have seen the moment when he crushed Aizen.

The good man with yellow hair:"President, I surrender to you, I surrender to you, let me become the world leader, so that I can smash Aizen's head!"".......

For example, Whitebeard, he seemed to have watched the moment when the Celestial Dragons completely disappeared!

I have many sons:"President, Gu La La, I also want to be a world leader. At that time, I wanted to build a world with only pirates!"

For example, Tony, he seemed to see the moment when he surpassed the gods as a mortal! He lost money and became the richest man:"President, President, you look familiar, you look familiar to me, Tony. If I become the Realm Lord, I will crush all Thanos, the Nine Realms, and snap my fingers to death!"

For example, Woban, he seems to be watching. The moment he finally crushed and defeated Luo Hao!

The old man is the Marquis:"President, I don't mind becoming the world leader. When the time comes, I will send Luo Hao to you to warm your bed. What do you think?"

President Zhang Yan:"Old Marquis, your idea is good. I have a little bit of it. Heart-beating." Martial Master

:"?? President, I didn't expect you to be such a person, but I can understand that no one in this world can resist the charm of this leader!"

".....I just said that if you don’t warm the bed, that’s all you will do."

The pinnacle of martial arts:"? ? ? Let's duel, President!"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"You can't beat me!"

The pinnacle of martial arts:"Let's go, let's have a virtual battlefield now, don't feel the pain 100%!"

Guild President Zhang Yan:"Then I am so boring as the president, why not come to your world and give you a punishment charm? What do you think?"

The pinnacle of martial arts:......


I have never seen such a shameless corpse! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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