Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 549: Mobilize

Zhou Yu turned to look at the camp of Qin Jun, and couldn't help thinking of what Zhang Lang had just said. He was immediately filled with insult and indignation, wishing to lead the army out to fight the opponent to the death. Zhou Yu suddenly froze, frowning and muttering: "Don't be angry, don't be angry! I must calm down and think carefully about the current situation."

Zhou Yu frowned for a moment, his brows tightened, and he realized that he had fallen into the other party's trap from the beginning. The opponent didn't intend to form an alliance with their side at the beginning of the fight. They must have expected that it would be impossible for their side to break the alliance with Cao Cao, so they deliberately used this to lure their own, with the purpose of bringing their own into the trap. What a deep scheming, a vicious strategy! I hate that I didn't even notice that I fell into their trap.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu couldn't help feeling hot and resentful. Zhou Yu reluctantly calmed herself down and muttered to herself: "If I were the other side, what would you think about it next? Our army is now surrounded on three sides and it is difficult to retreat. The only way to survive is for reinforcements to arrive. "After a pause, frowning, "If I were Chen Lang, I would definitely plan again. While attracting our army, I will focus on the only way to rescue. When the rescue has hurried across the river, I will immediately fight in all directions. You must win a big victory!" Zhou Yu couldn't help but pale when he thought about it.

He hurriedly shouted to an officer beside him: "Send scouts to see if the Yangtze River Floating Bridge is still there?"

The officer was taken aback, hurriedly responded, and ran down.

Later that day, just as Zhou Yu was looking at the map in the big tent, the officer hurried in and reported with a beaming expression: "Teach the Governor, the floating bridge on the Yangtze River is still there."

Zhou Yu frowned, and murmured: "Chen Lang is so deliberate, how can I leave my pontoon on the Yangtze River? Humph, I want to make it clear, what a big appetite!" Then he hurried to the Shuai case and picked up what he wrote not long ago. A good letter came over and handed it to the officer, instructing: "Catch up immediately, Lu Meng, give this letter to him!" The officer responded and hurried away.

In other words, Lv Meng was on his way, crossing the Yangtze River overnight and heading towards Jiangxia. At present, the 700,000 army of the Soochow is divided into three parts. One is 200,000 elites led by Zhou Yu and is currently trapped outside the city of Nanjun, one 300,000 tun is stationed near Jiangxia, and the other 100,000 is led by Sun Jing. They were stationed in Huainan, and the remaining 100,000 were scattered throughout the Soochow. Sun Jian, Zhou Yu and others had a good calculation, planning to take Jingzhou effortlessly, and then in the coming spring, they would still attack Chen Lang with Cao Cao's company in accordance with the previous plan. Therefore, the main force of the Soochow army is currently hoarding in Jiangxia. But whoever counts people counts them as well. So Soochow thought that Zhang Lang had been counted, but he didn't want to be generalized. The situation instantly became extremely unfavorable.

Sun Jian and others, who were waiting for good news in Jiangxia, did not wait for good news. Instead, they waited for the emergency report that Zhou Yu's army was in a critical situation. They were shocked and only disbelieved.

Sun Jian exclaimed angrily: "How is this possible? How could this happen?"

Lv Meng said angrily: "Then Chen Lang was uneasy at the beginning. Returning to Jingzhou is a fake, but it is actually a plan to lure the emperor into the urn!" Everyone looked at each other and could not speak.

Lu Su hurriedly asked: "What's the situation of our army? The two hundred thousand under the commander of the capital are all elites of our army. Can't you break through by yourself?"

Lu Meng said: "Although our army has suffered some losses, the main force is still there. However, because the cavalry was wiped out during the previous retreat of the army, it is difficult for our army to break through. The meaning of the chief governor, even if it breaks out at this moment, The Qin army’s tiger and wolf cavalry will be rushed and killed, and the consequences are unimaginable! For the present plan, we can only ask the lord to quickly put out an army to rescue. The two armies can not only break through the siege, but also reverse the situation in one fell swoop! Although Chen Lang deliberately wanted to annihilate the army of the general governor, he failed to do so. Judging from the current situation, it should be far beyond Chen Lang's previous expectations! Chen Lang wanted to annihilate the general governor’s army in a short time It is impossible to achieve! As long as the lord dispatches reinforcements as soon as possible, the situation can be changed!"

Sun Ce, who was armed with extraordinary armor, immediately asked Sun Jian to fight: "Father, please let me lead my army to help Gong Jin immediately!"

Sun Jian frowned and said with a full face of displeasure: "Zhou Yu lived up to my expectations! This is clearly an enemy's trick, he didn't actually see it, causing our army to fall into such a disadvantaged situation!"

Lu Su hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "The Lord's anger calms down. It's no fault of Gong Jin, the enemy is too cunning! Lord, if it weren't for Gong Jin to lead the army, I'm afraid that the 200,000 army would have been wiped out under Nanjun City. Now! The top priority now is to rescue Gong Jin as soon as possible, lest his army is swallowed by the enemy. Let's talk about other things later!"

Sun Jian looked shameless and nodded. After thinking for a while, he said to Sun Ce Lu Meng: "Bo Fu and Ziming, you two will raise one hundred thousand soldiers immediately, and you will rush to Nanjun to rescue Gongjin tomorrow morning! I will lead another hundred thousand troops to come later!" The two generals clasped their fists and promised. Sun Jian looked at the space outside the hall, and said proudly: "Since Chen Lang is going to fight, then he should fight a big battle! Let's see who is the real tiger!"

After the meeting, Sun Ce Lu Meng and Lu Su came out of the hall. Sun Ce couldn't help but said in disbelief, "I didn't expect that even Gong Jin was calculated!"

Lu Su shook his head and said, "Such a strategy, Gong Jin must be able to see it!..."

Sun Ce was puzzled by Lu Meng, and Sun Ce asked, "If this is the case, why would Gong Jin be fooled?"

Lu Su couldn't help sighing, and said, "Gong Jin's wisdom and insights are not mentioned. Don't say that today, even if you look at the long history, there are probably not many that can be compared with it." He couldn't help but sighed. "But Gongjin, he, alas, he has a big weakness, that is his impatience and arrogance! He has suffered from Chen Lang's loss before, so he is eager to take revenge. This will make him unable to see the other party. It's a conspiracy!" Sun Ce and Lu Meng felt that what Lu Su said was reasonable, and couldn't help nodding. Lu Meng couldn't help but said angrily: "I think the chieftain is much more resourceful than Chen Lang! He will only play with the conspiracies and tricks of these villains! What a hero!"

Lu Su said solemnly: "Ziming, I know you love Dai Gongjin very much, but in your heart you can despise him because you hate Chen Lang! Chen Lang once fought against the 18th Route princes, and later destroyed Dong Zhuo, and then later Defeating Xianbei and sweeping Karasuma is indeed admirable! You must face your opponents if you want to defeat your opponents, and your emotions will only blind your eyes and make you defeated in the opponent's hands!" Lu Meng couldn't help but feel embarrassed. , Clasped a fist and said: "Thank you for your teachings, Mr.!"

Sun Ce patted Lu Meng on the shoulder, with a look of expectation: "Ziming, you are a rare good general in Jiangdong, I hope that in the future you can be alone like Gong Jin!" Hearing this, Lu Meng couldn't help but get excited and bowed. swear.

Sun Ce said to Lu Su: "Zijing, the two of us are going to the barracks, so let's say goodbye!" He bowed his hands to Lu Su. Lu Su returned a salute and exhorted: "Bo Fu, when I go to see Gong Jin, I have to calm Gong Jin's excitement from the side! As long as Gong Jin can calm down, I absolutely believe that no one in the world is his opponent! Sun Ce nodded.

Sun Ce Lu Meng rushed to the military camp outside the city and ordered the troops to prepare immediately. The barracks were bustling with enthusiasm, and by the next morning, the army of one hundred thousand was ready. Sun Ce Lv Meng immediately led his army out of the barracks Shuojiang and rushed to reinforce Zhou Yu.

Less than an hour after the army marched out, they met the officer sent by Zhou Yu head-on. The officer saw the army, ran towards the handsome banner, rushed to Sun Ce, strangled his horse abruptly, clasped his fist and said, "Major General, the commander of the majority has sent his autograph letter!" He then dismissed his pretense. The package of bamboo slips was exchanged with both hands to Sun Ce.

Sun Ce took it, took out the bamboo slips and unfolded it and read it again, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and then handed the bamboo slips to Lu Meng who was aside. Lu Meng was curious, and quickly took a look at it, and couldn't help but admire: "The chief governor is indeed the chief governor! It seems that this time Chen Lang is going to suffer a big defeat!"

Sun Ce said to the officer: "You immediately report to the chief governor, saying that I will follow his plan." The officer clasped his fists, turned his horse's head, and galloped away.

At this time, although Chen Lang personally led a large army to surround Zhou Yu's camp, he did not launch a large-scale onslaught, but was speeding up the production of various siege equipment. From Zhou Yu's side, it seemed that Qin Jun was stepping up preparations for a sitting attack.

Standing on the observation tower, Zhou Yu looked at the busy Qin army camp in the distance. He mocked and asked Lu Xun standing beside him: "Bo Yan, what do you think?"

Lu Xun said: "The enemy seems to be preparing for the attack, but the subordinates think this is a bluff and suspicious plan!"

Zhou Yu smiled and nodded, and then sneered: "Chen Lang, a cunning guy, he thought this trick would be able to deal with us. This time I will teach him a big lesson!"

At the same time, near the floating bridge of the Soochow Army, the army led by Guan Yu was lying in ambush in the surrounding mountains and forests, only waiting for Soochow's reinforcements to appear. It turned out that Chen Lang's goal was not just to annihilate Zhou Yu's army in front of him. He had a great appetite. He wanted to use Zhou Yu's army as a bait to lure out Soochow's reinforcements. Then annihilate the enemy's reinforcements first, then turn around to eliminate Zhou Yu's subordinates, and finally cross the river and sweep Jiangdong in one fell swoop. If Chen Lang's plan can be implemented smoothly, it may be possible to completely quell Soochow in the first battle.

Guan Yu's army waited quietly. Although the soldiers were anxious, they did not dare to make any noise. Looking at their hidden mountains and forests, there was silence. Soon after, the south bank suddenly swarmed with flags and crowds. The officer in charge of the observation excitedly reported in front of Guan Yu, "General Qi, the army of Soochow is here!"

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