Upon seeing this, Zhou Tai said in astonishment, "What's going on? Why did they close the gate of the handover today?"

Zhou Yu frowned and shouted: "The whole army is on alert!" The order was passed on immediately. The Jiangdong Army was well-trained and quickly formed a field army. Zhou Yu said to Zhou Tai: "Go call the door, tell them to come out and hand over!" Zhou Tai responded, and drove out to the city gate, shouting: "The governor of Soochow is here to take over Jingzhou, Jingzhou officials quickly open the door!"

Wei Yan appeared on the wall in full clothes, clasped his fists and raised his voice: "Why does General Zhou come here?"

Zhou Tai was furious and shouted: "You and I have reached an agreement that King Qin will return Jingzhou to my Dongwu. Why do you ask me why I am here?"

Wei Yan said, "It turned out to be for this. I really can't help the general. We have not received the order to open the city gate. Please tell the army to the general governor. Please wait for the general governor. When the order of the king of Qin arrives, I will immediately contact him. The governor takes over."

Seeing that the other party said so, Zhou Tai had to turn his horse back and reported Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu frowned and said, "The two have reached an agreement long ago. Why haven't they received the order?" Lu Xun said, "This is normal. Many things require Chen Lang's approval, and Chen Lang is in Luoyang. Once you go, there will naturally be a lot of time in the middle."

Zhou Yu nodded and looked at Wei Yan standing on the wall of the southern county, frowning and said: "I think something is not quite right. The army is told to retreat ten miles to Xiazhai and be on guard!" The generals clasped their fists and promised. The 200,000 Jiangdong army retreated ten miles, leaning on a small hill with its back and pitched its base.

Time passed slowly, and the sun gradually slanted westward. When the sun was completely set and the world was dim, Wei Yan led a few soldiers to the Soochow Military Camp to meet Zhou Yu in person: "The general governor, the final general has just received the order from my lord, and I immediately hand over with the general governor. Then follow the Admiral into the city."

Lu Xun frowned and said, "Handover at night?"

Wei Yan said: "I just received the order. If the general governor is not willing to hand over at night, it will be fine to wait until the early morning of tomorrow."

Zhou Yu was worried that Ye would have many dreams, and said: "There is no need to delay time, just hand over now." Wei Yan replied.

Everyone went out of the big tent, Zhou Yu aroused the army and followed Wei Yan out of the camp, heading straight to the southern county. Soon after he came to Nanjun City, he saw that the Qin army on the city was no longer half of his figure, and should have all been withdrawn, while the city gate was wide open, welcoming her new master.

Zhou Yu's army followed Wei Yan through the city gate and walked for a while to the second city gate. Wei Yan suddenly speeded up and rushed into the city gate. When Zhou Yu and others saw this scene suddenly, they couldn't help being taken aback, and then they saw a heavy iron gate crashing down from the front gate! Zhou Yu was shocked and roared: "It's in the plan! Go back!"

Almost at the same time, countless Qin army bow and crossbowmen rushed up to Urn City. In an instant, arrows fell like a rain, and the rolling stone squash fell down like a mountain torrent. The generals of Wu Jun who were in the city of Weng were caught off guard and inevitable. They saw the corpses flying with blood, causing heavy casualties!

The Eastern Wu Army hurriedly retreated to the outside of the city, but at this moment, the iron gate of the outer city gate fell. Nearly 10,000 Wu Jun was trapped in the urn city, and fell one after another under the rain of arrows and rocks flying in the sky. The corpses had already been spread on the floor, and new corpses were still accumulating.

Zhou Yu, who jumped out of the city gate very dangerously, saw that his soldiers were trapped in Wengcheng and suffered heavy casualties. He was very angry, and immediately slammed his army to attack the city. General Wu Jun quickly recovered from the panic just now, and launched a fierce attack on Nanjun, wave after wave of offensive, only simple siege equipment has caused heavy pressure on Qin Jun!

However, at this moment, a fierce warrior rushed out of the dark oblique stab, and slammed into Wu Jun's waist like a long spear! I saw that warrior rushed to kill, like a tiger and brave, it was simply unstoppable, especially the Titans in front, wielding the Eighth Snake Spear. It's down! He only heard his beast-like roar echoing over the battlefield: "I am Zhang Yide from Yan, and Zhou Yu is here to take my life!" The Soochow Army was violently attacking the city. Unexpectedly, the opponent's move was killed by the opponent's warrior. Going deep into the depths, the entire military formation is in turmoil.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yu hurriedly ordered the war cavalry to stop, and at the same time ordered the army to stop the siege and shrink the formation.

In the chaos, the city gate suddenly opened, and Wei Yanwen led the soldiers in the city to rush out to attack the enemy. Zhou Yu was not afraid of danger, and immediately ordered Zhou Tai to lead his troops to launch a fierce counterattack against Wei Yanwenpin. Only the soldiers from both sides collided under the city gate, the killing sound shook the sky, the flesh and blood flew, and the fight was inextricable.

On the other side, Wu Jun’s war cavalry contained Zhang Fei’s offensive, and Zhou Yu immediately ordered Lu Meng to lead a powerful force into Zhang Fei’s flank. Suddenly, the troops of the Dongwu Army and Ma Ruchao cut Zhang Fei's mansion into two sections. The battle situation was quickly reversed by Zhou Yu, and the situation became increasingly unfavorable for the Qin army.

咚咚咚......! The sound of Qin Jun's battle drum sounded like thunder, shaking the entire night sky.

auzw.com Zhou Yu, who was commanding the army to fight, was shocked, and quickly looked into the distance. I suddenly saw the shadows of people in the dark, as if infinite horses and horses were coming up from both sides of the east and west.

Lu Xun also saw it, and said anxiously to Zhou Yu: "The chief governor..."

Zhou Yu frowned and shouted: "After the cavalry is broken, the infantry will retreat immediately!"

With a loud howl echoing over the battlefield, the Soochow armies immediately stopped counterattacking and retreated to the camp in an orderly manner. Zhou Tai led the cavalry desperately to stop the Qin army.

Zhou Yu led the army back to the barracks, and then ordered all the troops to stand in battle, while Zhou Yu rushed to the observation tower to look outside. I couldn't really see it in the dark night, but only vaguely saw Qin Jun besieging Zhou Tai's subordinates. The huge killing sound shocked the entire night sky as if trembling. Lu Xunjing frowned and said in a worried voice: "Qin's offensive is so fierce, don't you know Zhou Tai and the others can retreat?"

Soon after, there was a rush of horseshoes outside the camp, and then Zhou Yu and the others saw Bai Yu rushing to the gate of the village. The blood-stained and embarrassed general at the head was Zhou Tai who had led the cavalry to break. Ma shouted: "Open the door! The enemy is chasing!"

Zhou Yu hurriedly ordered to open the camp door, and Zhou Tai and others rushed into the camp. The gate of the camp was closed immediately.

Zhou Taile stopped the horse and turned over, staggering and almost falling. Seeing Zhou Yu hurriedly approaching, he couldn't help but thumped and knelt down, and cried out sadly: "The governor, our cavalry is over!!" Zhou Yu's heart was shaken and he helped Zhou Tai up. He patted him on the shoulder, and said with emotion: "It's hard for you! If you and all the cavalry soldiers fight to stop the enemy, our army will be in an unimaginable situation at this moment!" Zhou Tai, a brave and fearless man, just wanted to cry at this moment.

At this moment, loud drums and shouts came from outside the camp. Lu Xun yelled anxiously: "General Governor, the enemy is coming up!" Everyone looked outside, followed by a faint moonlight, and saw endless figures flooding like a tide, and the sound of roaring footsteps shook the ground. Trembling.

Zhou Yu frowned and rushed to the door. The troops of Soochow are ready to fight.

Qin Jun approached and stopped a hundred steps in front of Dongwu Village.

Zhou Yu couldn't help shouting loudly: "Chen Lang, I know you are already here! Come out and talk to me!"

Everyone vaguely saw a horse riding out of the opposing army's formation, and then heard Chen Lang's voice: "General Governor, don't come here without any problems!"

Zhou Yu exclaimed angrily: "Chen Lang, you are so mean!"

Chen Lang smiled and said: "General Governor, soldiers have not deceived since ancient times! There is only victory and defeat on the battlefield. There is nothing vile or vile! Besides, it is not that we have broken faith with you, but that you are not sincerely ally with us. In fact, you While negotiating with me, he secretly joined forces with Cao Cao to murder me. Do you think I don’t know about this? Hehe, the general governor has made good calculations. He wants to win Jingzhou without any effort, but also wants to join forces in the coming year. Cao Cao attacked me together, and there is no such good thing in the world! In this case, I have to attack me first!"

Zhou Yu's face was green and white, and could not speak.

Chen Lang smiled and said; "The general ruler is that what you should worry about now is your own situation."

Zhou Yu sternly said: "Don't think that we will win if we rely on conspiracy and trickery! My Soochow general is the best in the world and would rather die than surrender!" Jiangdong Army generals couldn't help but burst into flames and shouted one after another.

Chen Lang smiled and said: "The cavalry of the general governor has been wiped out by our army. It would be difficult to retreat under the threat of our war cavalry. The general governor is well versed in the art of war. This is naturally known, so why cheat. The officers and soldiers under you! If you are willing to surrender, I will guarantee that you are as prosperous and wealthy as in Soochow."

Zhou Yu was furious and roared: "I am angry too! Chen Lang traitor, what kind of person do you think Zhou Yu is? I, Zhou Yusheng, is a minister of Soochow, and death is a ghost of Soochow. Today's things are dead! Chen Lang, you want If you have the ability, you don’t want to do this kind of verbal essay. Let’s bring your troops to attack! My Zhou Yu is here, and if I have the ability, come and get it!" !" Zhou Yu looked at these firm faces and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Chen Lang sighed and said, "In this case, our army will launch a fierce attack tomorrow morning. Most supervises take care." Then Chen Lang retreated into the army, and the army retreated, on the east, west, and north sides of the Dongwu camp. Tunza down.

Zhou Yu turned to his opponent and said, "All armies must be on guard at night! Although Chen Lang explained that he will attack early in the morning, he knows that it is not his strategy to deceive the enemy!" The generals clasped their fists and promised to go down one after another. Zhou Yu exclaimed, "Lv Meng!" Lu Meng turned around and asked with a fist, "What else does the general governor have to order?" Zhou Yu frowned and said, "You will rush back to Jiangxia tonight, and report the situation to the lord. Speed ​​up the army to help! The only thing for today is to rescue the army as much as possible!" Lu Meng clasped his fists and agreed and hurried away.

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