Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 299: Go to war

Wang Yun sneered: "Are you still thinking about Chen Lang's rebellion? I advise you to die as soon as possible! Da Shanyu has mobilized an army of 850,000, and Chen Lang has only a mere 400,000 horses. There is no doubt that you will lose!" Diao Chan's expression changed slightly.

Seeing Diao Chan showing a worried look, Wang Yun couldn't help getting excited, and couldn't help but continue: "Once Da Shanyu defeats Chen Lang, Chen Lang will definitely die! What do you still think about this dying man?"

Diao Chan shouted sharply: "Get out of here!"

Wang Yun sneered, turned around and went out.

Diao Chan only felt that her chest seemed to be hard to breathe, she couldn't help covering her chest and panting violently.

Soon after Chen Lang led the army to leave, there was a sudden report saying that Yuan Shaoling General Zhang Yun led an army of 200,000 to Huguan. Gan Ning scolded: "Shameless rat! Do you want to take advantage of the fire?" Zhao Yun said: "There were rumors when the lord left, please rush to Huguan quickly!" Gan Ning nodded, that night At some point, he led tens of thousands of infantry troops to Huguan. At present, Huguan has only 5,000 soldiers and horses left behind. It is simply impossible to fight against Zhang Yun's 200,000 army.

Zhao Yun and Ma Chao watched Gan Ning lead the army to leave. Zhao Yun frowned and said: "Just now there was news that Liu Biao and Sun Jian in the south have prevented the 200,000 coalition forces from invading Wancheng. Brother Guan is leading the army to fight against it!"

Ma Chao said with excitement, "The world is here to be our enemy!"

His sight turned to Jiang Xia for the time being.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said to his brother Zhuge Jin: "I originally thought that Sun Jian was a human being, but I didn't expect it to be so despicable!"

Zhuge Jin frowned and said, "This, this is also a last resort!"

Zhuge Liang laughed.

At this time, two stunning beauties walked into the Cao Ting, Zhuge Mengxue and Zhuge Ruoxue, two sisters of Zhuge Liang. Seeing that the two sisters were worried and angry, Zhuge Liang couldn't help asking, "Why are the two sisters looking bad?"

Zhuge Ruoxue couldn't help cursing: "Zhou Yu and Sun Jian are too hateful!"

Zhuge Jin was startled and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense!"

If in normal times, Zhuge Jin said so sternly, Zhuge Ruoxue would definitely not dare to say anything. But at this moment, Zhuge Ruoxue is full of anger and has nowhere to vent. Regardless of Zhuge Jin's drinking, she continues to say angrily: "The two sisters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, go to persuade Sun Ce and Zhou Yu not to attack Chen Lang at this time and help the Xianbei people. But those two **** actually yelled at the two sisters! The two sisters were so wronged and kept crying. The two of us comforted them until now! I was really mad at me!"

Zhuge Liang chuckled and said, "Sure enough, those who make big things don't stick to the trivial!"

Zhuge Jin said in an unpleasant manner: "If there is a great chaos today, the top priority is to dominate the world! Otherwise, how to deal with the alien race? This is the principle of the so-called so-called foreigners must be settled first!"

Zhuge Liang did not defend himself, frowning and murmured: "At this moment, General Yingyang must have been at war with the Xianbei! I don't know what the situation is?" Zhuge Mengxue and Zhuge Ruoxue's sisters couldn't help but frowned, feeling worried Looks like.

Turn his gaze back to the north.

It is said that Chen Lang led an infantry of 40,000 dragons and three hundred fangs across the Yellow River to the west, and then went northward to kill Meji. The team rushed forward day and night. In less than three days, the army arrived at Meji.

At dusk, Gu Neng, the Xianbei guard who suddenly received an urgent report, hurriedly boarded the watch tower and looked far away, only to see the sunset, the smoke and the clouds, and the flags, as if countless troops were coming here! Gu Neng was taken aback, and hurriedly ordered all armies to prepare for the battle, and at the same time sent a fast horse messenger to Suli for help. Miji, who was originally quiet, suddenly got into a frenzy. Xianbei and Huns stared nervously at the approaching Ying Yang army. However, the Ying Yang army did not attack immediately, but set up a camp with its back against the woods a few miles ahead.

Early the next morning, Gu Neng got up early to look at the enemy army outside. I was surprised to find that the enemy's camp outside stretched for more than ten miles, with a huge scale and awe-inspiring momentum! Goode and others couldn’t help changing their colors, and a general of Gu Neng couldn’t help but exclaimed; “At such a large scale, at least three to four hundred thousand enemy troops have come!” Then he said to Gu Neng, “General, we are sure. I can’t keep it, let’s run away!” Gu Nengduan shouted, “Shut up! Da Shanyu gave me the responsibility of defending Meji, how can I be worthy of Da Shanyu if I flee without a fight!" Can't help showing a look of shame.

Gu Neng said in a loud voice: "Don't be afraid! The Han people are weak sheep and can't stand a blow! It is impossible for hundreds of thousands of sheep to defeat tens of thousands of evil wolves!" When everyone heard this, their panic hearts calmed down. , Some people even shouted and cursed.

"Huh? What's that?" A general pointed at a place in the Yingyang army camp in the distance.

Everyone couldn't help but follow the prestige and saw a huge general flag. Although they were far apart, they could still see the two dragons and phoenixes written on it, "Hussar"! Someone exclaimed, "General Hussein! Chen Lang is here in person!"

Gu Neng was also shocked, and urged all the troops to guard against death, and then hurriedly sent a messenger for help to Su Li.

It is said that Su Li received an emergency report from Gu Neng and learned that Ying Yangjun had already appeared in Meji. She was startled and frowned and murmured: "I didn't expect Da Shanyu's order just came down, Ying Yangjun. It's Meji! This is really unexpected!" Xiongnu said with a smile: "The general, don't worry, since tens of thousands of soldiers have been discovered, they won't play any role!"

Su Li nodded.

However, later that day, another urgent report from Gu Neng came. This time, Gu Neng actually said that General Hussar Chen Lang personally led hundreds of thousands of troops to Meji. The situation is critical. Rescue.

Su Li said in disbelief: "Chen Lang actually led hundreds of thousands of troops to Meji?!" He couldn't believe that Chen Lang dared to take the initiative in this situation, but now I heard that Chen Lang was not just taking the initiative. , And even led hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Meji, only shocked and inexplicable! The messenger said anxiously: "The enemy's barracks stretch for more than ten miles, and the scale is huge! General Gu Neng asks the general to send an army to rescue them quickly, otherwise Miji will be in danger!"

Su Li couldn't help getting anxious. Although Meji was a small place, it was the starting point for the whole army's attack. Moreover, Da Shanyu had already sent the golden man and other objects to the heavens. If Meji was lost, he would be frustrated. Your own side is determined and has fallen so heavily, you must also be to blame. The best result is that Da Shanyu deprived him of the position of the general! A general couldn't help shouting: "General, if Miji is lost, we people will have no face to meet people!" The generals all agreed, all anxious. Su Li's first fierce commander Tie Le shouted loudly: "General, let me lead my army to rescue Miji!"

Su Li frowned and said: "Is the eagle and the army equally idle! Since Chen Lang led hundreds of thousands of troops to raid Meji, he must be sure to win! How can you save Meji by rushing to blunt a part of the soldiers and horses!"

Everyone looked at each other, and Tiele frowned and shouted, "Aren't we doing anything?"

Su Li thought for a while, and said categorically: "I will lead the main force to help Meji!" Then he said to General Ha Gu, "Ha Gu, you led a hundred thousand soldiers and horses to attack Yanmen Pass. If you can break the pass, you will go straight to Jinyang. If they can capture Jinyang, they will stop after they have captured Jinyang and wait for the follow-up army. If they cannot capture Jinyang, they will return to Yanmen Pass and wait for further orders from me or Da Shanyu!" Hagu bowed and promised. Su Li looked far away from the tent and said with a brutal expression: "Chen Lang's tricks this time will kill him!" If the war progresses as Suli expected, Chen Lang's arrangement this time may be greatly reduced. Made a mistake.

The so-called fast and expensive soldiers, after Su Li decided, immediately mobilized the army, and early the next morning, he led an army of 300,000 and drove straight to Meji.

Chen Lang led the Ying Yang army and stopped outside Meji for two days. Early that morning, just as Chen Lang was discussing matters with Fan Dianwei, a dusty scout rushed in and hurriedly reported: "Enlighten the lord, Su Li led a 300,000 army to this side. Coming here!" Chen Lang nodded thoughtfully.


Another day passed, and Ying Yang's army still did not attack. The Xianbei and the Huns had already learned that General Suli was leading the army, and everyone was no longer as worried as before. The atmosphere in Meji was much more relaxed than a few days ago. Everyone knows that as long as you insist on a maximum of two days, the forward cavalry of the general must have arrived, and then it will be your turn to kill these Han Chinese. Many Xianbei people sharpened their knives and waited for that moment to come.

The sun set, and the grassland was suddenly shrouded in darkness. At this moment, suddenly there was a thunderous battle drum rumbling outside!

The Xianbei and the Huns, who had a relaxed look, were taken aback, and hurriedly looked outside, and saw that the enemy army, which had not moved for several days, had sent troops! I can't really see it in the dark, I just feel the endless crowds coming! The Xianbei and the Huns couldn't help getting a little nervous, but they weren't panicked, because as the ancients could say, the Han people are sheep, how can they be worthy of these tiger-wolf men! It is impossible for hundreds of thousands of sheep to defeat their tens of thousands of evil wolves! The shouts were one after another in the camp, and the Xianbei and the Huns mobilized in an orderly manner, ready to fight!

A loud rumbling sound shook the earth and quickly approached! The Xianbei and the Huns suddenly heard a huge noise coming from the frontal darkness, but they couldn't see clearly at all, and they couldn't help but feel some fear in their hearts!

Suddenly, hundreds of armored chariots rushed out of the darkness, like hundreds of monsters that suddenly jumped out! The Xianbei and the Huns were shocked when they saw this scene suddenly, and they all took a step back involuntarily!

Hundreds of armored chariots rushed in with iron-clad wooden stakes, crashing on the opponent's fence like mountains and oceans!

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