Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 298: Before the war

The atmosphere of the war is getting stronger and stronger. Although the city of Luoyang is still bustling, the usual hustle and bustle of the tavern and tea shop is missing, and the worry between people's eyebrows is getting stronger. However, at this moment when the rain is about to come, there are many people gloating, hoping that the Xianbei can come all the way!

Several Confucian scholars gathered at home were discussing the current affairs. The old man gloated and said: "Chen Lang is so unrighteous, that's why he caused such a disaster. It's really self-inflicted!" The middle-aged man hoped to say: "Da Xian Bei replaces him. The crime of heaven will be defeated!" The young man echoed: "That's for sure! Da Xianbei respects the righteous way, and naturally does no harm! Luoyang will not be far away to restore the right way!"

Chen Lang vowed to march in the northern suburbs of Luoyang, and many people came to see him off, silently praying for his army.

Chen Lang led his army northward and rushed all the way to Jinyang. The affairs of Luoyang were all left to Guan Yu and Chen Gong. On the road, they traveled day and night. After half a month, the group arrived in Jinyang. At this time, all the troops and horses had already gathered in Jinyang, only waiting for Chen Lang to arrive. At present, the army gathered in the Bingzhou area includes Ganning’s broken army camp 100,000, Ma Chao’s 100,000 Baotao camp (which was previously adapted from the captured Xiliang Army), Zhao Yun’s 60,000 Tiger Ben Camp cavalry, and Chen Lang The direct-administered Longxiangying 40,000 infantry and one hundred thousand Xiliang cavalry (that is, the recent West Expedition was adapted from the Dong Zhuojun surrendered), with a total force of 400,000.

In the hall, Chen Lang sat high, and the generals were listed below. Everyone looked at Chen Lang and only waited for Chen Lang to give an order.

Chen Lang glanced at the generals with incomparably determined expressions, and couldn't help but feel very relieved. No matter what the ending, it is not in vain to live and die with these brothers!

Chen Lang proudly said: "The Xianbei people think that the crowds can defeat us! We will use their blood and corpses to make them understand a truth, we are invincible!" The generals couldn't help but roared, a group of sentiments. Indignation and fighting spirit! These sturdy guys, even if he has many people in Xianbei, just want to kill them with a weapon in his hand, let them know how powerful!

Chen Lang waited for the generals to calm down, looked at Gan Ning, and asked, "Xingba, what's the situation with the enemy now?"

Gan Ning immediately clasped his fists and said: "The enemy army is still being mobilized, and the main force has not yet come. At present, there are only 10,000 Xianbei and 20,000 Huns in Meji. In addition, I just received news from the inside that the enemy's The grazing farm has been found in Dingxiang."

Chen Lang immediately stood up and walked to the sand table placed in the middle of the hall. The crowd immediately gathered around.

Chen Lang's gaze first fell on Meji, which was a spot in the upper right corner of the Hetao area. Then he moved his eyes to the east and landed on Dingxiang, a few hundred miles away from Meji, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Gan Ning said: "According to the insider's report, the Xianbei people have mobilized more than five million quintals of food this time, as well as a large amount of alcohol. They have now gathered in Dingxiang."

Zhao Yun frowned and said, "It's a pity that there is an army of hundreds of thousands led by Su Li in front of Yanmen, otherwise our army can take the opportunity to raid Dingxiang!"

Ma Chao said: "Now is the only time. We must make up our minds and concentrate all our strength to go out of the Yanmen to defeat Suli, and then attack Dingxiang! Only in this way can we repel the Xianbei at the least cost!"

Guo Bin frowned and said, "That said, the total strength of the enemy forces outside Yanmen has exceeded 400,000. Above the wilderness, it is difficult for our army to match the enemy. Let alone whether we can win or not, the war is in a state of stalemate. , When the enemy army is killed, our army will face the situation of being attacked by the enemy. If the war is unfavorable and our cavalry is okay, the infantry may fall to the enemy!"

Ma Chao categorically said: "If you want to win, there is no risk! Our army has 400,000 against 400,000. As long as we and others fight hard, we will win!"

Li Que frowned and said, "I also think this is too risky!"

Chen Lang has been listening to the arguments of the crowd and thinking at the same time. Suddenly raised his right hand and said: "You don't need to argue, I have already made a decision!" The crowd stopped arguing and looked at Chen Lang.

Chen Lang pointed to Meiji and said, "Don't fight Dingxiang, fight Meiji!"

The generals were taken aback, Zhao Yun frowned and said, "Miji is the starting point of the enemy's preparations for offensive. If it can break through Meji in one fell swoop, it will indeed blow the morale of the enemy. But this will not weaken the enemy. The Xianbei army will still do it. Go south in a big way!" The generals couldn't help nodding their heads one after another, and they couldn't understand Chen Lang's decision.

Chen Lang smiled and said, "It's only the first step to fight Meiji..." Then Chen Lang said his plan. After hearing this, Zhao Yun said anxiously: "How can the lord be in danger! Let the subordinates go down to fight Meji!" Ma Chao immediately said: "Leading the army on a long-distance attack, I am better at it, I will go!" Other generals also called for battle.

Chen Lang shook his head and said: "You don't have to fight anymore! Only if I go to fight Meji, can I guarantee the achievement of the set goal!" Then he looked at Zhao Yun, "Zilong, you will be able to attack Dingxiang with a tiger and a horse at that time!" Looking at Ma Chao Gan Ning again, he exhorted: "Meng Qi, Xingba, you two led the rest of the army at Yanmen Pass to move on standby!" The generals looked at each other and could only clasp their fists to promise.

Turning his gaze to Shan Yuting, Ke Bi Neng was sitting in the upper tiger leather seat listening to the report of Prime Minister Chen Chao: "... It is expected that in two days, the soldiers and horses led by the Western commander will be able to reach the royal court. The rest The Eastern Commander and the Northern Commander will also rush to the royal court one after another within half a month." After the Northern Huns were wiped out, Ke Bineng divided his army into five major parts in the south, east, north and middle, and the soldiers and horses in the middle. At most, it is also the essence of the Xianbei people. It is led by Ke Bineng himself. There are 400,000 people. The remaining four parts are 300,000 each. Together with the surrendered Southern Huns, the total strength of Xianbei is around 1.7 million. Ke Bi Neng will use 850,000 soldiers and horses this time. Ke Bi Neng intended to use more, but there is no guarantee of grain and grass. Therefore, he planned to use all the Southern Huns and Southern Marshals, plus the central 20. Ten thousand soldiers and horses, and a total of more than 200,000 soldiers and horses transferred from the other three, constitute an army of 850,000. In Kebi can imagine, such a huge force is enough to destroy any opponent!

The reason why Ke Bi Neng had to mobilize soldiers from the three parts of the Northwest and Northeast actually had his considerations. Kebi could feel that it would be difficult to occupy China with the soldiers and horses in the southern and central regions alone, so the transfer of the other three soldiers and horses was with the intention of training the troops, and this was in preparation for sweeping the entire China in the future.

Kebi can ask: "I heard that Chen Lang has already assembled an army in Bingzhou. What do you think of this matter?"

Chen Chao smiled and said: "Then Chen Lang has only assembled 400,000 soldiers and horses, and at most he can compete with the soldiers and horses of General Su Li, but as soon as the follow-up soldiers and horses arrive, he will be able to act like Mount Tai. Destroy them! The number of winners and losers has long been set, and the big singles don't have to worry about anything!"

Kebi could feel that what Chen Chao said was reasonable, nodded, and then thought: "According to Chen Lang's past record, you must not be negligent about this person, I am afraid that he will behave unexpectedly!"

Chen Chao couldn't help but nodded, and said, "The subordinates are thinking about this too. The subordinates estimate that Chen Lang already knows that Meiji is the starting point of our offensive. Will he take the lead in attacking Meiji?"

Ke Bi Neng nodded his head with deep conviction, and said, "I want to remind Su Li to pay attention to this matter!"

Chen Chao smiled and said, "You don't have to worry too much about this matter. I think Chen Lang should not have such courage, because if the army leaves the defensive area and comes to the plains, if the attack is frustrated, it will definitely be frustrated. Get caught in the endless wave of cavalry in my Da Xianbei! Chen Lang understands the consequences!"

Ke Bi Neng smiled and nodded, and then said: "I intend to change the previous plan of the whole army to go south along the Hetao area. I will divide the army into two directions. Chen Lang must have noticed Meji, and at the same time guessed our army's intentions. He will definitely lead the main force to move westward to stop our army from going south along the Hetao. I will lead the army out of Miji to confront him, and at the same time make Su Li go all out to attack Yanmen Pass!"

Chen Chao's eyes lit up and he gave a high-five and praised: "A clever plan! What a clever plan! Da Shanyu's attack is so great that he will surely be able to catch Chen Lang by surprise! When Chen Lang leads the main force and Da Shan in the fierce battle , General Suli can take the opportunity to drive straight ahead, and after occupying Jinyang and other places, he can turn around and surround Chen Lang with Da Shan! At that time, let him be Chen Lang no matter how cunning, he was just a turtle in the urn! "Kibineng laughed. He couldn't help but think of Diao Chan, he couldn't wait any longer.

Wang Yun came to Diao Chan's tent. Diao Chan was having a meal, she frowned when she saw Wang Yun coming in, and said coldly, "What are you here for?"

Wang Yun was very upset, but didn't dare to attack, and smiled: "Come and see my daughter for my father!"

Diao Chan said: "You and I have been cut off from justice, so why bother with your father and daughter!"

Wang Yun cursed secretly: "This unfilial girl!" Then he suppressed his anger, and said: "I have come to persuade you not to confront Da Shan Yu again! This will not do you any good! Da Shan Yu Nai people. The dragon, sooner or later, will enter the Central Plains. If you can marry him, it will be the blessing of your previous life!"

Diao Chan shouted sharply: "Shut up! I just understand now that the so-called loyal ministers are like this! Don't you dare to be ashamed of colluding with foreigners to harm your compatriots?"

Wang Yun was furious, and sternly shouted: "I'm defending the righteousness of heaven and earth! That Chen Lang's rebelliousness and rebellion made the heavens ‘angry! Only Da Shanyu can set things right and return the world to a bright future!"

Diao Chan smiled coldly, turned her side and said, "I don't want to talk to you, you make me sick! I want to rest, you go out!"

Seeing Diao Chan like this, Wang Yun couldn't help trembling with anger. If he had previously taught this unfilial girl, he didn't dare to move rashly at this moment. Why? Because Kebi can have a soft spot for her!

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