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Chapter 882: She just wears it and doesn't buy it

  Chapter 882 She just wears it and doesn't buy it

   "I have also saved 3 million in these years, and I don't know if I can add it to the original funds."

   Speaking of this, Jiang Minchi felt a little embarrassed, but there was undisguised ambition in his eyes.

  If the shopping website he imagined can be made, it will definitely be a valuable project in the future.

  If he invests all his wealth, he will not regret it if he loses; but if he does not invest now, once he succeeds in the future, he will definitely regret not investing today.

   Years of working experience in Ali told him that no matter how advanced a migrant worker is, he will always be a migrant worker, and only with shares can he have an independent right to speak.

  People are approaching middle age, if they don’t fight again, they may have no chance in this life.

   "No problem, Mr. Jiang is willing to invest by himself, so I feel more at ease. In this way, Mr. Jiang will contribute 3 million, accounting for 10% of the shares, and we will contribute 52 million, accounting for 90% of the shares."

  Hearing that the other party wanted to invest all his wealth in it, Zhou An'an naturally wouldn't object. He exchanged a glance with Liu Xijian and set a rough shareholding share.

  Such a confident proposal shows that the other party is very optimistic about this project. After owning the shares, they have a greater sense of belonging and enthusiasm.

  Originally, as the candidate for the general manager, the other party already had some equity incentives, but now the other party wants to follow up with the investment of 3 million, which is a matter of course for 10% of the shares.

   It would be a bit of a problem to have more, after all, if the website grows bigger and stronger in the future, their shares will definitely be diluted, and part of the equity will be used to motivate the management.

  As for the investment amount of tens of millions, anyway, he doesn’t need to pay it. There is no such thing as distressed or not. The cash flow of Huaxia Fengwu’s investment is still very abundant.

  If it succeeds, Huaxia Fengwu Investment will have another important project that is making money every day.

   As for whether this brand discount website will be successful, Zhou Anan has 95% confidence, and the remaining 0.50% depends on which product will work.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhou, I will toast the two bosses with tea instead of wine."

  Seeing that the other party was so straightforward, Jiang Minchi, who was full of gratitude, picked up the teacup and said to the two Bole.

  For him as a first-time entrepreneur, 10% of the shares is enough, which is equivalent to directly receiving 2.5 million equity incentives as the general manager.

  Actually, the 3 million deposit he mentioned is false.

  He has been working hard at Ari for more than five years, and the money he has saved is only more than 1 million yuan. The remaining 1 million yuan has to go home to discuss fundraising with his wife.

   Today, after meeting for a short time, his value has increased by 2.5 million. How can there be any comparison between the two.

  Entrepreneurship is the standard for men.

   "I wish the website an early success."

"it is good."

   "Mr. Zhou, Mr. Liu, what do you think about the name of this website?"

   After making a cup of tea, Jiang Minchi humbly asked the two big investors for advice.

  Naturally, you can’t make your own decisions about naming things. Some bigwigs have a habit of naming their own names, such as Mr. Chen who served as Ahri before.

   "I have no idea for now, what about Mr. Zhou?"

   "Since it is a brand discount website, it is necessary for netizens to know the purpose of the shopping website at a glance. What do you think of the name 'Famous Brands Club'?"

   "I think it's good, Mr. Zhou is right."

  Hearing the name given by the big boss, Liu Xijian, who thought it was very good, immediately praised it.

   "Don't worry, the two bosses, I will definitely make famous products the first in the industry."

  Seeing the mysterious tens of billionaires speak, the discerning Jiang Minchi immediately determined the name of the new website.

   "Yiyi, come and take a look, this dress is really pretty."

  Walking around the Hangcheng Building, when she saw a white silk skirt on a plastic model in the window, Mu Yanfei called out to Li Yiyi and the others behind, and attracted the attention of a group of men around her.

   To this, the girls who often go shopping together don't have much reaction.

   "It's pretty, and fits my temperament."

   It was a rare time that he recognized his roommate's aesthetics, and Jin Ke nodded in affirmation.

  Whether it is the brand and style of the skirt, it is her model.


   "Ke Ke, why don't you try?"

   Glancing at the 5-figure price on the label, Li Yiyi immediately encouraged the roommate who was able to buy this dress among several people.

  Although the future brother-in-law asked her to swipe the card casually, Li Yiyi's current consumption has not exceeded 500, and her own pocket money is deducted.

  The roommates are very self-reliant, and it was just a joke to ask her to swipe the card to treat guests.

   "Yes, Keke, you must look good in it."

   "Ke Ke, you must be very beautiful in it."

  Mu Yanfei and Mu Yanfei immediately followed Li Yiyi's words and encouraged Jin Ke to try it on.

  On the dummy mannequin, where can friends wear it and appreciate it?

  It is a kind of pleasure to see whether to buy or not, and it is also a kind of joy to watch friends try on clothes that they like but are reluctant to buy.


  Listening to the compliments of several roommates with "ulterior motives", Jin Ke was very helpful and didn't mind wasting some time to try it on.

  Anyway, it’s not illegal to try and not buy.

   "Waiter, bring me the white dress at the door to try on."

   Walking into this fairly well-known women's clothing brand store, Jin Ke greeted a waitress with skillful and natural movements.

   "Okay, please wait a moment."

  The waitress with sharp eyes could sense the temperament and tone of the girl who spoke, and quickly went to the window to take down the white dress without asking if she could afford it.

   "Miss, your vision is really good. This is the new summer style of our MaxMara. Our Hangzhou store also just arrived two days ago, and it is the only one in the entire Jiangxi Province."

   When handing it to the other party, the waitress promoted this newly arrived expensive white dress with a very professional professionalism.

  Although there are a lot of wealthy people who come to Hangcheng Building to shop, there are still not many customers who can buy this kind of 30,000+ skirts, and their store can only sell one or two pieces a month.

   "Wow, that's beautiful."

   "Ke Ke, you look so good in this dress."

   "It's okay, but I think Yiyi's height is more suitable for this skirt, and I just bought a white skirt last month. Yiyi, why don't you try it?"

  Turning around in front of the fitting mirror, Jin Ke, who was very satisfied with the dress, tactfully rejected the white dress with a very suitable reason considering her overspending living expenses this month.

  She doesn't mind having an extra white dress, but living expenses don't allow it.

   "I'll forget it."

  She didn't hide her liking, but Li Yiyi, who knew the price, quickly shook her head and refused.

   "Try it."

  Looking at the waitress standing next to her, Jin Ke pulled her insincere roommate into the fitting mirror, and said softly, "It doesn't cost you to try it anyway. If you don't buy it, just say you don't like it."


  Everyone came in, so Li Yiyi reluctantly tried to change into it.

  She just wears them and doesn’t buy them.

   "Wow, Yiyi, this white dress really matches you."

   "That's right, you look so good in clothes."

  When Li Yiyi came out of the fitting room, Mu Yanfei and the others couldn't help but praise him sincerely.

  A person depends on clothes, and it is also a white skirt. This white skirt of top brand quality is really different.

  Li Yiyi, who wears frugal clothes on weekdays, wears this white silk dress, like a princess from an idol drama.

   "Honey, I want that dress."

  A long-legged girl who was looking at clothes, saw the middle-aged man next to him staring at a certain aspect frequently, couldn't help pinching the other's arm, and then pressed the place protected by her advanced invention, and said coquettishly.

   "Okay, buy, buy, buy. Waiter, how much is that dress, I want it."

  The middle-aged man with a beer belly listened to the voice of his young girlfriend acting coquettishly, and felt the other person's movements. His whole body was almost crisp. He immediately called the waiter and pointed in the direction of the four beautiful girls, and said boldly.

  (end of this chapter)

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