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Chapter 881: Let Pinpin have nowhere to go

  Chapter 881 Let Pinpinhui have nowhere to go

   "Oh, brother-in-law, go and do it yourself, we'll just go shopping by ourselves."

  Hearing her brother-in-law's thoughtful instructions, Li Yiyi smiled and waved.

  Wait until the back of the white Maserati disappeared, Jin Ke hugged Li Yiyi's arm and said, "Quick, tell me the truth, what's the credit limit on that card?"

  Since going to Shanghai to study, the relationship between Jin Ke and the other three roommates has obviously improved a lot, occasionally making some harmless jokes.

   "I haven't used that card yet, why, do you want it?"

  Pinching the other person's face, Li Yiyi asked meaningfully.

  From the eyes of the other party, she felt the threat to her sister, which is not acceptable.

   "No, but I have recently taken a fancy to a new summer style, look."

   "Hmph, don't even think about it. The clothes Feifei and Qing'er are going to buy, I also think about which one of the clothes you fancy is less than four digits."

  After listening to the other party's request, Li Yiyi sternly refused without hesitation.

   Just kidding, she herself has never used that credit card with an unknown limit, so how can she waste her first big purchase on the other party.

   "Yi Yi."


   "Yi Yi"

   I don’t know about the shopping experience of the school belle sisters. At this time, Zhou Anan came to a relatively quiet cafe and met President Liu who had only met yesterday: "Mr. Liu, have you eaten yet?"

   "I've eaten, how about Mr. Zhou, would you like to order one?"

   After shaking hands with the other party, Liu Xijian smiled politely.

  He didn't expect that he just sent a message, but the other party rushed over immediately, which shows that the other party attaches great importance to this plan.

   "No, I just ate. This is Mr. Jiang, nice to meet you."

  Nothing, Zhou Anan focused his attention on the cautious young man with glasses next to Liu Xijian, and stretched out his hand with a smile.

   I don’t know if it’s a common problem among IT men, they basically wear glasses, but this man with glasses, who is over 30 years old, is obviously average-looking, several grades lower than him.

  Lizhou Huazi, he did not call himself casually.

   "Mr. Zhou is being polite, just call me Jiang Minchi or Old Jiang."

  Facing a rich man worth tens of billions, even if the other party is very young, Jiang Minchi still feels a lot of pressure.

   This is somewhat similar to the pressure he experienced on Mr. Chen.

  Compared to Mr. Chen, who is almost in his prime, this tens of billionaire in his prime reveals a faintly aggressive spirit.

  The other party established a celebrity group from scratch, and in just two years, it has become a unicorn in the industry, even Mr. Ahri Chen couldn't match it back then.

   With such an aggressive attitude, he must be more satisfied with his plan.

  In the Internet industry, innovation is all possible.

   "It's okay, it's just a matter of title. Mr. Jiang, can you tell me more about the idea of ​​the brand website?"

  After sitting down, Zhou Anan took a sip of warm water, and asked about the simple content he had seen in the text message earlier, with extremely serious eyes in his eyes.

   "Okay, Mr. Zhou. I have worked in Ahri for more than five years, based on my data analysis of some individual online shoppers"

  After listening to what the other party said, Jiang Minchi didn't mind repeating the concept of building a brand shopping website with Liu Xijian. It is also a blessing to have someone listen to his business philosophy.

  When Ahri was in Ahri for more than five years, Jiang Minchi could be regarded as a mid-level and high-level senior manager with profound qualifications, even if he was not considered a veteran of the company.

  It was only because the management did not recognize his business philosophy, and Jiang Minchi, who had already seen the ceiling of his career after failing to compete for the position of vice president some time ago, was frustrated, so he made up his mind to resign from Ari.

  The reason for resignation is only two words, and the concept is inconsistent.

  After many twists and turns, Jiang Minchi got on the line with the president of JD Mall, who has been rising rapidly recently. Unexpectedly, the other party knew a hero with his eyesight, and immediately set up a bridge for him and contacted the financial master behind JD Mall.

  The mysterious president of the celebrity group who has made people in the domestic IT industry famous.

   "Damn it, isn't this the Pinpin Club?"

   But Zhou Anan, who was sitting there listening quietly and occasionally asking a few questions, felt overwhelmed in his heart, without the slightest composure.

  From Jiang Minchi's narration, Zhou Anan briefly summarized in his mind, that is, to cooperate with major brand manufacturers to deal with the other party's out-of-season products and inventories at low prices and discounts.

  Buyers get benefits, and can buy authentic products of their favorite brands at lower prices, while sellers don’t suffer, the inventory pressure is greatly reduced, and the return of funds is accelerated.

  Of course, the shopping sites that get a commission from it must be the ones that make the most money.

  Middlemen must make the difference.

   Such a concept is exactly the same as the Pinpinhui, which he registered as a member in his previous life.

   "Mr. Zhou, I heard Mr. Jiang's idea, and I think it fits your previous idea. If this brand shopping website is established, it can also make up for the lack of our JD Mall in the sales of low-end and mid-end brands."

  After Jiang Minchi finished speaking, Liu Xijian added a few sentences.

  To be honest, Liu Xijian was stunned when he first heard the website construction concept from the other party.

  If he didn't know that the other party would not have an intersection with the young rich man, Liu Xijian would have thought that the two were netizens, had communicated with each other on the Internet, and there were too many overlaps.

  However, the construction concept of this brand discount website has some conflicts with the shopping festival activities that their JD Mall is planning to organize, but it is not that big.

   What's more, their JD Mall wants to engage in a self-operated model. Temporary event discounts can attract consumers, but they will not sell at low prices for a long time. That will be detrimental to the sales of mid-to-high-end brands and will also affect their own profits.

  If this brand discount website can be established, it can just complement their JD mall, and the biggest impact may be TB mall.

  The low-end market is an extremely huge cake. Liu Xijian doesn't even believe that he doesn't like the popularity of TB Mall.

   "Jiang always thinks, how much money is needed to build this website?"

   After pouring a cup of tea for the other party, Zhou Anan asked a very realistic question.

  All ideas are imaginary, only real money is the most important.

  Of course, on top of real money, talents who can make money are also needed.

   "If it goes well, about 20 million will be enough. The main reason is that we need to distribute goods from brand manufacturers in the early stage"

   Regarding this issue, Jiang Minchi, who had been planning in private for a long time, quickly gave a specific number.

   "In this way, Mr. Liu and I will pay 50 million together. Since we are going to do it, we must do it well, spread the word of mouth quickly, and the momentum of getting goods from brand manufacturers at the beginning must be raised."

   Waving his hand, Zhou Anan directly increased the investment figure by more than two times.

   According to the opponent's strategy, it will take a long time to grow from small to large.

  Zhou An'an is clear that Pinpin Club will be established soon. He has never paid attention to the establishment time of the other party in his previous life, but he also knows that there will not be too much time left for them.

  After all, in his previous life 10 years ago, he registered as a member of Pinpin Club under the recommendation of a friend. Within a year, he spent more than 3,000 yuan and was promoted to two levels of membership.

  Since we want to build the same type of website, we must establish the NO.1 brand discount shopping website before Pinpinhui becomes famous.

  In every industry, the first place eats meat, the second place eats soup, and the third place is always hopeless.

   "Thank you Mr. Zhou, I will definitely live up to your and Mr. Liu's expectations."

  Hearing the words of the young rich man, Jiang Minchi, whose wish had come true, stood up excitedly, and said gratefully.

   "Mr. Jiang, don't get too excited, the future is long, so you can't eat less for dinner."

   Regarding the young rich man's decision, Liu Xijian had no objection, and smiled and asked the new general manager of the website to sit down.

   Needless to say, since the young and rich are all talking about this, the general manager of the newly built website must be Mr. Jiang.

   As for the 50 million investment, it is not a problem.

   "I'm sorry, I'm a little too excited, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Liu are my bole. However, I still have an unfeeling request, and I hope the two bosses agree."

  After sitting down, Jiang Minchi said with some embarrassment.

   "Mr. Jiang has any questions, just say it."

   Zhou Anan is very patient with this kind of talent who can make a lot of money for him.

  (end of this chapter)

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