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Chapter 870: Looks like something is missing

  Chapter 870 It seems that something is forgotten

   "Ahem, sister Fei'er and I, do you have any private matters to discuss?"

  Being unprepared for a while, Zhou Anan was shocked by this beautiful woman who combined Chinese and Western styles. Zhou Anan coughed twice and asked in embarrassment.

  The two are innocent, so don't wrong him.

  If something happened, the injustice would be wronged. The problem is that nothing happened between the two of them.

  The reputation of a successful man must not be slandered for no reason.

   "Hahaha, I won't tease you anymore. Well, remember to treat me to dinner if you come to Hong Kong City when you are free."

  Seeing the nervous look of this little brother, Yili Feier smiled charmingly, and ended today's chat.

  Occasionally teasing this young rich man, and seeing the nervous look behind the other party's calmness, it is really very happy.

   "Tsk tsk, my acting skills, my handsome face, there is no way to stop me."

  Wait for the beautiful woman who combined Chinese and Western styles to leave, Zhou Anan, who was relaxed, touched his face and muttered something to himself.

   There was also a charity dinner in the evening. Zhou Anan, who was tired for a long time last night, rested and recuperated for most of the afternoon, and went to pick up Miss Wang at five o'clock.

  Watching Miss Wang going up and down the stairs, Zhou Anan couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

  The short-sleeved white floral dress is worth a lot just by looking at the fabric, and the blue high heels make the already nearly 170 height even more slender.

  The other party's beautiful figure is vividly displayed, coupled with the absolutely not low appearance and the elegant temperament that can be seen by the naked eye, it has suddenly risen to the point where ordinary female artists can't match the exquisite dress.

  Comprehensive score 89++++++, if it weren't for the long skirt dress which is a bit conservative overall, it would definitely break through 90 points.

   After staying with Miss Wang for a long time, Zhou Anan unconsciously forgot that she is so beautiful after her careful grooming.

"What's wrong?"

  Wang Xiaoxiao, who came down from the upstairs, looked at the stunned little brother An, suppressed the complacency in her heart, and asked curiously.

  Based on the other party's expression, the custom-made long dress she reluctantly bought at the specialty store is worth the fare.

  If it weren't for some acquaintances attending the charity gala tonight, Wang Xiaoxiao would have wanted to put on her one-shoulder long dress that was under the box, and instantly kill the audience, and let the face-saving An Xiaodi accompany her to go shopping.

  Unfortunately, the timing is wrong tonight.

   "It's nothing, it's just that the heartbeat suddenly slowed down. I suddenly remembered what some experts said, people with slow heartbeats also age slowly and live longer. Unfortunately, my usual heartbeat can't slow down."

  Come back to his senses, Zhou Anan took a deep breath, and seriously talked about an expert's research invention.

  With Miss Wang's appearance, temperament, and figure, Zhou An'an can hardly imagine whether the legendary seven-year itch exists or not, and how to explain the idiom of seeing each other and hating each other.

  However, even Zhou Anan can't be sure about the man's vision and the degree of liking the new and disliking the old.

  The so-called amazing time is a short-lived adjective; the gentle years are just some people's choice in desperation.

   Feeling, too much, too much.

  It's just hard for him to imagine who the other half of Miss Wang will be in the future, and how blessed he will be.

   However, thinking of this, Zhou Anan felt a little sour in his heart.

   "Oh, a man's mouth."

  After listening to An Xiaodi's words, Wang Xiaoxiao thought about it for two seconds and then figured out the deep meaning of it.

   Unexpectedly, Xiaodi An's boasting is also very nice.

   "Miss, let's go eat something first, so as not to have nothing to eat at the dinner party."

  Having broken free from Miss Wang's beauty suppression, Zhou Anan, whose heartbeat returned to normal, took two steps forward, stretched out his hand to help her down the last few steps, and then talked about tonight's arrangements.

  According to past practice, although there are many things in this kind of charity dinner, not many people will actually eat them, and the taste is not very good.

  Experienced people will eat something in advance, so as not to face with the most elegant posture when the camera moves over.

  In particular, tonight's dinner will be broadcast live simultaneously on tomorrow's video website. Even if there are not many people watching, if it is photographed eating, it will be embarrassing in front of many netizens.


  As for An Xiaodi's arrangement, Wang Xiaoxiao, who walked down the stairs holding the other's palm, felt that it was in line with her wishes.

  If she went to the dinner party hungry, she would have to eat a lot of food at the banquet if she didn't have enough food, which would damage Brother An's status and ostentation.

   "Eating crayfish, will it stain the skirt of the little lady?"

   Originally, Zhou Anan just wanted to take Miss Wang to have some casserole porridge, but remembered the other party's preferences, and asked casually.

   "This proposal is good. If someone helps me peel the crayfish, I don't have to worry about the skirt."

  Wang Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up when she heard the other party's proposal, and she smiled playfully.

  Compared to eating seafood porridge, how can it compare to her favorite crayfish.

  Although I ate a plate of crayfish last night, compared to those professional lobster shops, the taste of the crayfish in the bamboo garden is not so good.

  In particular, the crayfish peeled by others tastes great.

   Crayfish, crayfish.


  Finally, Zhou Anan took Miss Wang to Hangxianji Porridge City with a good environment, and then asked someone to go to a certain love crayfish restaurant to pack a large portion of spicy crayfish.

  Wang Xiaoxiao suddenly discovered that the crayfish meat that does not need to be peeled by herself is particularly delicious when paired with the secret swimming crab porridge.

  Especially if there is no villain Xian'er robbing her.

   "Eat slowly."

  While peeling the crayfish for Miss Wang, Zhou Anan was inexplicably calm, but always felt that something was forgotten.

  I want to think seriously, but I really can’t remember what I forgot.

  This feeling is a bit depressing.

   Fortunately, Miss Wang's beauty diverted his attention.


   "Drink some water."


   Sitting in the back seat of the Volkswagen, Wang Xiaoxiao burped, took a sip of the mineral water handed by brother An next to her, and then took the chewing gum and started chewing.

   If you have enough food and drink, you don’t have to worry about being hungry at the dinner party.

  The charity dinner initiated by the provincial government of Jiang Province is scheduled to be held in the grand banquet hall of Qianbao Hotel. This dinner is based on the follow-up of the previous large-scale charity dinner by the government, and donated money and materials for some disaster-stricken areas.

  A few days ago, at the large-scale charity gala held by the government, the celebrity group also donated 10 million to donate to the disaster-stricken areas.

  However, unlike the inclusiveness of the large-scale charity gala held by the national government, the charity gala held by the provincial government of Jiangxi Province this time focuses more on the reconstruction of schools in the disaster-stricken areas and increases the living expenses subsidies for students in the disaster-stricken areas.

   In advance, Zhou An'an had thought about it and planned to donate 100,000 yuan to express the support of Zhuangyuan Education for the education cause in the disaster-stricken areas.

   After all, with the scale of the No. 1 Scholar Education, it is not appropriate to donate too much, and it seems to overwhelm the host.

  When doing charity, we must pay attention to the long flow of water.

  Starting from this summer vacation, their champion education will invest 1 million a year to really help poor students in Haizhou to improve their lives and living environment.

  That one is more beneficial charity.

   "Boss, here we are."

   "Miss, slow down."

  The car stopped at the entrance of Qianbao Hotel. Zhou Anan, who got out of the car to observe the environment first, helped Miss Wang who was wearing high heels down, and saw several flashing lights on, and then the number gradually increased.

  What do you mean, when he came down, there was no movement at all.

   As soon as Miss Wang came down, there was an endless clicking sound.

  The professionalism of these media tonight is too bad.

  (end of this chapter)

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