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Chapter 869: Let's talk about private matters

  Chapter 869 After talking about business and personal matters

   "I would like to treat Mr. Zhou to lunch, do you have time?"

   Looking at the careless young rich man in front of her, Yili Feier had a charming smile on her face.

  Faced with a huge financing plan, ordinary people would have long been unable to hold back the excitement in their hearts. This young rich man who does not change his face does have an admirable demeanor.

   "Sister Yili's treat, how could I refuse. However, today I will be the host, please have a simple meal together."

   After being stunned by this beautiful woman who combines Chinese and Western styles, Zhou Anan calmed down and said to everyone.

  Although he was a little distracted before, he still understands the specific situation.

  Among the four institutions that participated in the first round of financing, except for Qiandu’s shareholding that was diluted to 3.92%, the other three chose to follow the investment.

  Excalibur Capital, with its deep pockets, added an additional 25 million US dollars, and its shareholding increased from the original 5% to 6%.

  The US$500 million raised this time will be used as a reserve fund for the overseas expansion of Celebrity Wechat, and it is impossible to enter private pockets, so Zhou Anan is also very calm.

  The wealth held in the hands is real, and the so-called market value is nothing but a dream in the mirror.

  This truth is understood by children who can eat lollipops.

   "Then I will be disrespectful."

  After listening to the other party's words, Yili Fei'er, who is familiar with Chinese communication traditions, postponed the private meeting between the two for a while.

  In the luxurious box of Qianbao Hotel, there was a lot of toasting.

   Except for the change of a middle-aged male representative from Hard Silver, the representatives of the other parties have not changed, including the big guy from TX.

   "Brother An, this is the second wisest decision you have made in my life. Come on, brother, let me toast you."

  Come to the little brother with a wine glass, Mai Jiachan's face is full of smiles.

  Although his shares have also been diluted by 20%, the valuation has risen by more than half.

   That is to say, his original investment has more than doubled within a year, which is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

  Wait until the celebrity wechat goes public, the income from his investment will definitely be the envy of others.

   As for the best investment in my life, it is naturally on the boat of TX.

   "Uncle Mai is polite."

   Drank half a glass of red wine with the other party, Zhou Anan gave a slight signal with his eyes, and CEO Qi next to him immediately picked up the wine bottle and poured it for Mr. Mai.

  The CEO and others charged forward, and Mr. Qin, who had a good capacity for alcohol, resisted behind. As the big boss behind the scenes, Zhou Anan calmly withdrew from the luncheon in a slightly drunk state.

In the private reception room of the hotel, after receiving the tea brought by the beautiful secretary herself, Zhou Anan said to Yi Lifeier, the goddess of wine, whose face was only a little blush: "Sister Yili, try our new Longjing. "

   "It's very fragrant, do you have any more, I'll take some back to taste."

   Taking a sip of tea, Yili Feier unceremoniously made a request.

   "Sister Yili has said so, there must be."

  For this Excalibur Capital representative who helped him a lot, Zhou Anan didn't feel sorry for the thousands of dollars a gram of tea.

  Anyway, they all came from Miss Yu.

   "Then thank you brother An."

  Privately, Yili Feier resumed the more intimate address.

   After drinking a cup of tea, the clear-eyed Yili Feier got down to business: "I probably haven't forgotten the cooperation I talked about with Brother An before."


  After hearing what the other party meant, Zhou Anan quickly thought of the verbal agreement on the cruise ship.

  Last year, the other party lent him 1 billion capital for free, but there was an additional condition.

   Moreover, the other party also said last time that they would invest 1 billion U.S. dollars to let talented financial girls operate and jointly attack US stocks.

   "Then I will transfer 1 billion US dollars, and I also want to add a little more of my own savings, which is only 10 million US dollars. Brother An will not mind?!"

   Obtaining the other party's promise, Yili Feier smiled, and her light tone seemed to be like spending 10 yuan to buy a toy.

   "Why would I mind, as long as Sister Fei'er is not afraid of losing money."

   Zhou Anan was not surprised that the Excalibur Capital representative was able to come up with 10 million US dollars of private money.

  That is tens of billions of dollars of capital masters, and hundreds of billions of capital indirectly controlled. In the Chinese circle, the so-called richest man Li Zhicheng has to bow down.

   What's more, with the addition of Excalibur Capital, the capital in Lu Xiangrong's hands has doubled, and the ability to resist risks will naturally be strengthened.

  However, the short selling of nearly 1.7 billion US dollars is not a small target, and if you are not careful, you will be targeted by some capital predators in North America.

  After all, the stock markets of most countries in the world are plummeting, but the North American stock market, which is the instigator, is ups and downs and refuses to succumb to reality.

  Although North America is a country known as freedom, but facing a national crisis, the presidential palace will still use some administrative means to enforce it.

  Freedom is just talking, and it is only for white people themselves.

   "Brother An has made a move. If you lose money, at worst, I will sell myself to you."

The two big eyes with a strange style blinked, and Yilifeier smiled and teased, and then said seriously: "Of course, we will not ask you to help for nothing. If Soroki and the others secretly attack , Everything is taken over by our Excalibur Capital."

   "The Solo Fund?!"

  Hearing the name from the other party, Zhou Anan couldn't help squinting his eyes.

   But for anyone who is engaged in the financial industry or even reads news online, Solo's name is well known.

   That is an absolute leader in the North American investment community and even the financial industry in the world. It can make some small countries tremble with a shot, and the funds that can be mobilized are astronomical.

  Financial tycoon is no longer enough to describe the identity of the other party. Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it as a 'financial shark'.

Don't look at Zhou An'an's current worth of tens of billions, and the free funds he can mobilize are as much as 500 million U.S. dollars. For a financial shark like Solo, he is just a relatively conspicuous little sea fish, and he can swallow it without leaving any residue .

   Judging by what the Excalibur Capital representative said, this financial shark is likely to make a move.

  With the level of Excalibur's capital, Zhou An'an wouldn't feel that the other party was just talking.

   What's more, the other party threatened to block the big financial shark's attack, just like this big girl from Mayfair, her domineering side leaked.

   I don't know what enmity or resentment exists between Excalibur Capital and that financial shark.

   "Ten years ago, Solo led European and American funds to attack the Hong Kong stock market, and we had some unpleasantness. This time, we just retaliated to each other."

  Perhaps seeing the doubt in the eyes of this brother An, Yili Feier explained the reason why she made the move at all costs, so that the other party would not think too much.

   You know, if a fund of the size of their Excalibur Capital collides with Solo, even if they win, they will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

  However, if it is as expected by Brother An, then Excalibur Capital will definitely be able to cut a large piece of fat from Solo Capital this time.

  In the words of their big boss, this time, Excalibur Capital stands on the shoulders of the giants of the times, riding the wind and waves, and nothing can stop it.

   Compared with the next big move, the additional investment to maintain the shares of the celebrity group is nothing more than a small amount of money.

  If not, she would not have put all her net worth into it, not only because of her recognition of this young rich man, but also because of her trust in their mysterious big boss.

   “Ten years ago, the financial crisis, I get it.”

  The big event ten years ago quickly came to mind, and Zhou An'an instantly understood, and also understood the grievances between the other party and Solo.

  For us Chinese, if we are not of our race, our hearts must be different.

   There is another sentence, those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away.

   Presumably the big boss behind Excalibur Capital is also an angry youth, and everyone is really like-minded.

   Zhou Anan, who had never bought a Japanese car in his previous life, thought so.

   "Okay, after finishing the business, let's talk about private matters."

   Taking another sip of the added tea, Yili Feier blinked her beautiful big eyes, looking at the young rich little brother with piercing eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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