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Chapter 857: Where there are people, there is Vanity Fair

  Chapter 857 Where there are people, there is Vanity Fair

   "Spare tire?"

  Thinking about her friend's question, Shu Na also felt that it was very possible, but she replied indifferently: "If Senior An treats me as a backup, I am willing too."

   "Aren't you angry?"

  Looking at the lifeless friend, Lou Shuqing asked with wide-eyed eyes.

  The word "spare tire" was popularized by her friends on the Internet, so she naturally didn't feel that Shu Na didn't understand what she meant.

  If it were herself, she would definitely be angry, at least she would not accept gifts from fellow seniors lightly, nor would she casually go out for dinner with the other party.

"Why are you angry?! It's not normal for a tall, rich and handsome senior like An to have a spare tire. I was worried that I wouldn't even count as a spare tire. Don't worry, when I turn into a regular tire, I will definitely make you popular. Drink spicy."

  Close the bag, Shu Na took her friend's arm and said proudly.


   Didn’t know what Lou’s private coaches were talking about about him, and Zhou An’an, who still had two trunk gifts that hadn’t been sent out, was planning a roadmap and was inevitably caught by General Manager Feng.

"The music variety show you mentioned hasn't been filmed yet. That's good. In a blink of an eye, I signed two out-of-date actresses from Hong Kong City. Although I also know that female celestial masters are very attractive, we can't be so casual. "

   Assembling to slap the table and finally put it down gently, Feng Jiming's voice went from high to low, and his vicious eyes followed the big shareholder opposite who was drinking tea comfortably.

  He does not object to the fraternity of the other party, but he must also consider the pressure of his general manager.

   If you accept it, you will accept it. There is no need to sign the other party into the company. Blue Whale Entertainment is not a pension base.

  It is an insult to his career to keep idlers for nothing.

   "I told you last time about the variety show planning that I will give it to you at the end of this month. Today is the weekend, so it's not appropriate for you to remind me like this."

   After taking a sip of ordinary-tasting tea, Zhou Anan replied flatly.

  As the major shareholder of the company, it was the first time for the entire entertainment industry to be urged to change by the general manager of the company.

   As for signing the two female celestial masters into the company, it's a big deal.

   "The last time I mentioned this week, I didn't mention this month. Did you remember wrongly? Now it's the last day of this week. Where's your plan?"

  The tone slowed down, and General Manager Feng had an unimaginable tolerance for the company's money-making cat.

   "Do you think I look like Alzheimer's?"

  Clearly remembered that when I said it last time, there was no time limit for submitting the planning proposal. Zhou Anan, who was a little bit procrastinating, didn’t want to move the document after seeing the code word, so she has been procrastinating until now.

  No way, a man with an annual income of over 100 million is just so hypocritical.



After a few seconds of silence, Zhou An'an talked about his arrangement: "Tomorrow I will pass on the variety show planning brief to you. In addition, you can find someone to order a script about a female celestial master conjuring demons, and let Wang Qifeng be the heroine. Matching..."

   Regarding the editorial department of his company, Zhou An'an is still very relieved based on the rules he established at the beginning.

The brain-damaged plot must not deviate from the bottom line in the audience's mind. The annoying female supporting role must receive a lunch box. If the hero and heroine are brain-dead, what kind of family members will receive the box lunch? Waiting for the exhilarating plot...

He listed a large list of the plot slots he saw in his previous life, avoiding these so-called pitfalls that can cause audiences to abandon the drama, coupled with the tight rhythm and real investment in production costs, basically a film and television drama with a good rating came out .

  Although it cannot be called a high-quality product, it is not a problem at all to be praised by the audience and friends with the help of those who make some fast dramas and magical dramas.

   "This idea is interesting, I will arrange it immediately. Or, for the script of The Female Heavenly Master Conquering the Demon, you can write an outline by the way and let the people in the editorial department complete it."

   Upon hearing the suggestion from the major shareholder, General Manager Feng applauded, and went ahead and arranged work for the major shareholder.

  The script created by the editorial department itself is no match for the major shareholder who never misses.

  He wasn't worried about that music variety show at all. With a major shareholder who never failed to back it up, it was safe to break the ratings record.

   "What do you think... I'll take a look after they finish the script outline."

   Facing the general manager who opened a dye factory with some color, Zhou An'an still let go and added some work to himself.

   These days, billionaires can’t just lie down and let others help them make money, it’s too tiring.

   "Immediately take out my treasured Biluochun and make a pot of good tea for Mr. Zhou."

  Hearing that the major shareholder agreed, Feng Jiming pressed the communication button on the landline and asked the female secretary to make a pot of good tea, and replaced the ordinary Longjing tea that cost tens of dollars a gram in front of him.

   "Stop drinking, call me if you need something."

   "Oh, Mr. Zhou said no need, save it for entertaining distinguished guests next time."

  Looking at such a stingy general manager Feng, Zhou Anan pressed the center of his eyebrows, feeling that he really needed a beautiful secretary to massage his fingertips to soothe his spirit.

  Next time, he must communicate on the phone, and let the beautiful secretary convey any important matters, so as not to meet this stingy Feng.

   "Boss, what do you think of Shen Junyi?"

  Doing her own exclusive work, Huang Ying, who felt that the big boss was in a good mood, asked about her subordinate who arranged a business trip.


   "Then I will arrange for her to be in charge of your future port city affairs."


  Seeing that the big boss closed his eyes and rested his mind, he didn't speak. Huang Ying, who understood the other party's meaning, didn't say anything, and quietly moved her long-trained fingers.

  The little girls in the president's office didn't know that she never forgot to exercise the flexibility of her fingers, not to play the piano, but to stabilize her own position.

  No one can replace this fingertip massage.

   "Sister Rong, I'm back in Taiwan now."

  Separated from the rest of the program team, Liu Yanyan, who rushed back to the TV station after the interview, called her eldest sister.

   "Well, Ouyang Qiuci, a friend of mine who came to Hangzhou from the capital city, also came to have dinner. Go back and help open the door to entertain you. I'll go to the vegetable market to buy something later, and then go back."

  Li Rong, who was sorting out the documents, was talking with the mobile phone between her shoulders, and the movements of her hands were not slow at all.

  The young rich man has not been here for a long time, and tonight she wants to show off her skills and grab his stomach.

  As for grabbing the other person's heart, it is impossible to grab everything, just a little bit is enough.


  Hearing Sister Rong's order, Liu Yanyan quickly asked for a two-hour leave with the team leader, and was going to drive her small Q back to the community where the two lived.

  Since she became the interview host of one of the people's livelihood programs, Liu Yanyan's work has become much more free. Even the director and team leader of the program group are polite.

  In addition, Sister Rong also bought her a small Q for transportation, and finally got rid of the days when she couldn't get to Sister Rong's car and had to catch the bus.

  Of course, she still has to pay back the money for the car.

  Except for the 2,000 yuan sent home every month, she saved the rest and planned to return it to Sister Rong in one go after getting the year-end bonus.

   She owed too much favor to Sister Rong and couldn't pay it back, but she still had to make it clear about the money.

   This is the principle that a person must have.

   Arriving at the underground parking lot, Liu Yanyan looked at the yellow little Q that had just been washed yesterday, and after walking around in satisfaction, she was about to open the door and get in the car.

  At this time, a seven-seater Kaidi commercial vehicle parked in the opposite parking space. A short-haired young girl saw Liu Yanyan and greeted her with a smile, "Sister Yan'er, where are you going?"

   "I have something to do, let's go out."

It's not easy to tell others directly about the fact that I sneaked home early. Liu Yanyan used a very broad reason, and incidentally greeted the other two young women who got off from the opposite car: "Sister Zhu, Sister Yan, Hello."

   "Yanyan, are you going out?"

  Facing the newly rising junior in the station, Zhu Chen, a short-haired young woman, showed a kind smile, followed by the long-haired hostess Yan You, who also smiled and nodded in response.

   After being in the workplace for a long time, it is necessary to smile when seeing colleagues.

   "Well, I still have something to do, so I'll go first. I'll treat you to coffee next time, Sister Zhu."

  Looking at her watch, Liu Yanyan, who pretended to be serious, waved her hand and got into the car.

  After the car started and drove out of the underground parking lot, Liu Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully looked at the road ahead.

  In the program group, she had heard people say that this host, Zhu Da, was competing with her sister Rong for the position of the No. 1 female pillar, and she was regarded as a minor enemy.

  Although Sister Rong never talked about this topic, but Liu Yanyan, who considers Sister Rong's family, naturally doesn't want to get too close to her.

  This is the law of the workplace.

   Thanks to book friends Universiade Lion, wxh is s13, and Xiangshui Chuyun for their rewards!



  (end of this chapter)

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