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Chapter 856: Spare tire?

  Chapter 856 Spare tire?

  After saying that, Jiang Mining lowered her head in shame.

  She didn't know why she would add the following sentence here without a silver three hundred taels. How is this different from inviting the other party blatantly?

  However, after saying it, she was relieved.

  On the luxurious yacht that she had enjoyed for the first time before, she was deeply touched by the words of her senior Luo Xin. The other party may be the most noble person she has ever met in her life.

   Having seen the beautiful scenery of the peak, Jiang Mining didn't want to just take a look, but also wanted to have it for a long time.

   If you miss it, you may regret it for a lifetime.

   "It's getting late, I still have something to do. Thank you today, go back and rest early."

  Looking at the pure, elegant and charming green dress in the night, Zhou Anan smiled, and politely declined the other party's invitation.

  Besides girlfriends, Zhou Anan and the young lady from Lucheng have crossed the line when it comes to talking about feelings. He doesn't want to have too many entanglements with this girl from Pengcheng.

  For Zhou Anan, it is meaningless for this beautiful elementary school teacher to talk about money;

  It is impossible to talk about feelings.

  A man must have a principle and a bottom line. It is okay to talk about money, but not about relationships.

   Obviously, if this beautiful primary school teacher wants to talk, he must have both.

"Okay, good night."

  Hearing the other party's refusal without hesitation, Jiang Mining felt a pang of sadness in her heart, and waved goodbye to the other party with a forced smile.

   I don't know if it was a woman's intuition, but she suddenly felt that she had no chance.

   At least she fought for it, didn't she.

   If you shrink back without fighting for it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

"Good night."

  Waved his hand, the Mercedes-Benz started slowly, and Zhou Anan's sight was blocked by the raised window glass.

   As far as he is concerned, this is just a small episode.

  Now that he had crossed the sea, Zhou Anan didn't go back to Hong Kong City to rest, but found a hotel in Pengcheng.

  Standing in the business suite of a five-star hotel where he came to Pengcheng for the first time in his life, Zhou Anan recalled the simple yearning when he met a certain literary young woman, and his eyes fell on the brightly lit city center.

  In the future, housing prices in this city will break through six figures, and there are even a lot of luxury communities starting with the word 2. Now, taking advantage of the low five-figure prices, you can buy a few properties.

   Well, at the end of the year, the funds will be withdrawn, so let’s take a look.

   For other things, let's talk about it after sleeping.

   This weekend is an unusual one for the millions of players of Super Elite.

  Friday night, "Super Elite" released an announcement to update the version.

   Except that it took two days, everyone who is used to online games upgrades every now and then thinks it's normal.

  Which popular game, maintain it from time to time to improve the fluency of the game and increase the stickiness of players.

  “.The flames of war are still going on”

  On Sunday morning, the music MV of Zhang Yuhan, the queen of Taiwan Province who had been away from the music scene for a year, caused a sensation not long after it was released on the official website of "Super Elite" and the WeChat official account.

   "I'm a fan of Brother Hu. Originally, I came to see Brother Hu's Weibo, but I fell in love with it."

   "I'm a fan of Yaya. Originally, I saw Yaya's WeChat account and came to check it out, but I fell in love with it."

   "I was still struggling with the ending of Lin Shu and Princess Nihuang, but after seeing this movie, I was very satisfied."

   "My family's Hanhan is the best. Hearing it makes my blood boil, and I wish I could pick up a submachine gun and fight a wave of enemies now."

   "At first I thought it was a teaser for Hu Ge and Yaya's new drama, but it turned out to be a new song MV by Han Han; I thought it was a MV, but it turned out to be a promotional theme song for a game."

   "Is this world so crazy, and the game promotion has been filmed?"

   "Please release this blockbuster movie."

   "Ask upstairs."

  On the battlefield full of bullets and fire, the agent combination of handsome men and women uses handsome cooperation time after time to disrupt the enemy's attack, which makes people enthusiastic.

  The promotional MV, which is only five minutes before and after, creates the feeling of a blockbuster trailer.

  This is the MV for the theme song of "Super Elite".

  Countless gamers who reposted it spontaneously did not know that it took only two and a half days to shoot the MV before and after, and the special effects were completed in two nights.

  True. Extremely fast shooting.

  However, although the time is tight, the quality of the theme song "Conquest" MV is not bad at all.

  Because the director of the MV is Li Donglai, the well-known "Fire Lord" in North America.

  For Jiying special effects whose team size has increased several times compared to the original one, with such a small amount of special effects, two extra shifts are enough.

   “…will be able to resume operations tomorrow.”


  Received good news from the beautiful secretary in the early morning, Zhou Anan looked at the scenery outside the window and showed a knowing smile.

   "Mr. Zhou, you can board the plane now."

   Zhou Anan, who was resting in the VIP waiting room, listened to the gentle voice of the stewardess, put down the newspaper in his hand, and walked into the VIP passage.

  As for the new female secretary and bodyguard Xiao Ping who completed the task, they naturally entered the business class through another passage.

   Today's first-class cabin was a bit free, until the plane landed, Zhou An'an didn't encounter any scenes of beauties flirting with each other.

   In addition, the overall level of the flight attendants of China Airlines needs to be improved. He gave this flight a 5 out of 100.

  Back to Hangzhou, Zhou Anan started the gift-giving business.

   The first ones are naturally the two fellow schoolgirls who are the emptiest. Cough, they are relatively free during the study period.

  The two eldest ladies are not in Hangzhou just now, and the others have their own jobs, so the time is not suitable.

   "Senior, thank you."

  Looking at Chanel's perfume suit and the delicate jewelry box, Shu Na smiled sweetly and thanked her.

   "Senior, let's treat you to lunch."

   It was not the first time that Lou Shuqing accepted a gift from this fellow senior, and Lou Shuqing, who did not refuse, was a little embarrassed and offered to invite him to dinner.

  Although I know that this fellow senior already has a girlfriend, but among fellow villagers, it shouldn’t be a big deal to receive some gifts.

   Now, isn't their relationship just plain innocent.


  Looking at his watch, it was already half past eleven. Zhou Anan, who had no plans for the time being, naturally didn't mind having lunch with Lou's personal trainer from his previous life.

  The white Maserati has a slightly hot early summer brilliance, which attracts the envious eyes of the surrounding college students. Among them, there are some cute girls in short skirts, but they don't attract anyone's attention at all.

   What attracted him even more was Meizi Shu, who was wearing a black pleated skirt in the back seat.

   Speaking of which, those long legs without stockings are even worse than his crush Li Yan in his previous life.

   Such a beautiful fish is kept in a fish pond, and it is also a pleasure to watch without eating.

   "Senior, is Hong Kong City fun? Is there a lot of people in Disneyland?"

  Hearing fellow seniors talk about the itinerary in Hong Kong City, Shu Na, who was sitting in the booth of the Blue Sky Cafe and eating steak, asked with some longing.

   For the undisputed No. 1 shopping paradise in China, there is no girl who does not look forward to it.

   It's just that, for ordinary girls, it's just a dream.

   Traveling without financial capacity is just a fantasy.

   "It's okay, I haven't been to Disney. If there is a chance, I will invite you to play."

  Looking at Meizi Shu, who has a pretty oval face and long legs, Zhou Anan smiled and made a promise.

  As for why the word "you" was added, men will never forget what they have lost.

  Personal tutor Lou who is not very proactive will arouse a certain psychology in a man's heart, especially the personal tutor Lou who has not had a boyfriend yet, and it is something he could not have dreamed of in his previous life.

  Of course, these are only limited to Zhou Anan's imagination, and have never been mentioned to outsiders.

   "Then it's a deal."

  Hearing what the fellow senior said, Shu Na raised her hand to hook her up.

  According to the secret book on the Internet, occasionally getting in touch with the boy you like will help increase the goodwill between the two parties.


   Hooked the other party's slender white tail finger, Zhou An'an said affirmatively.

  Hey, if it weren't for the fact that there are too many choices in this life, otherwise it would be interesting to talk about feelings with this lively and lovely Shu girl.

  In his previous life, he was with Lou's personal trainer until he was broken up. When he saw this sister Shu, he always had a cold face, and he had never seen the real side of her.

   In other words, in his previous life, he was a private teacher who knew heroes with his eyesight, and ordinary girls couldn't discover his true connotation.

  In this life, Zhou Anan has made great progress in terms of height and temperament, especially in terms of career (money), and is ahead of his peers across the country (global).

  He is not proud at all.

   "Nana, you said that the senior has a girlfriend and gave us such a good gift, wouldn't he be?"

  On the way back to the dormitory, Lou Shuqing looked at the perfume suit and the earrings that were expensive at first glance, and talked about the suspicion that had lingered in her heart for a long time.

"What will it be?"

  Shu Na, who was looking at the gift in her hand and feeling happy, asked a casual question after hearing what her friend said.

   "The senior doesn't think you are a spare tire, does he?"

   After hesitating for two seconds, Lou Shuqing still expressed the most possible guess in his mind, and used the new words he just learned from the Internet.

  The more I think about it, the more likely it becomes.

  As for the goal of the fellow seniors being herself, Lou Shuqing, who knew the gap between herself and her friends, never considered it.

  (end of this chapter)

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