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Chapter 839: mediocre music business

  Chapter 839 The mediocre music business

  As a celebrity micro-blog with more than 90 million registered users and 20 million daily active users, except for the big and small Vs with more than 100,000 fans, the dynamics posted by ordinary people will quickly fall silent in the traffic of hundreds of thousands of posts per second.

At a certain point in time, a Weibo account with nearly 10,000 fans reposted a relative's news, titled "Baby Hegu, who will save my child!", accompanied by two shocking and pitiful babies picture.

Coincidentally, there is a small V with 150,000 fans in the circle of friends of this small micro-customer owner. He forwarded it and @ his circle of big V friends, and also collected several cases of the same status and picture.

   This news was quickly reposted by the big V with hundreds of thousands of fans and millions of fans, causing a small-scale sensation.

   Occasionally, when a few artists saw this state, their hearts were touched, and they shook their hands and forwarded it.

  For Wei Ke, a new thing that has only been established for a year, not many people in the entertainment industry have paid much attention to it. They are all in the wild growth stage of artists' spontaneous use, so it is quite casual for everyone to repost popular news that has nothing to do with work.

   Female artists in the entertainment industry are always emotional. Seeing such a tearful thing, they couldn't help shaking their hands.

   As a result, more and more artists reposted it, causing many fans to repost and comment, which caused a sensation in the entire wechat circle.

In just two days, the topic of multiple babies with similar symptoms climbed to the top three of the hot search list, second only to the finale of "Langya Bang" and the nationwide selection of the second season of "The Voice of China". Trends spreading outside the circle.

   And Liulu milk powder, which frequently appears in many news, has gained unprecedented attention.

  The little V account that initially reposted the news of relatives and added hundreds of thousands of fans in a short period of time, under the news of collecting similar baby symptoms, it collected hundreds of real cases of enthusiastic netizens.

   "Contact that big V and ask how much he wants?"

  When he heard the assistant's report, Ruan Chenghai's face was a little gloomy, and he gave an order directly.

   Those so-called big Vs can be settled with money.

  Once the reputation of Liulu Milk Powder collapses, the more than 2 billion that his company paid will rot in his hands.

  Although the investors will lose money, the old guys on the board of directors will never let go of this opportunity to attack him easily, and it will even affect his follow-up plans.

   "We have private messaged each other hundreds of times, but there is no response. I also dragged the internal staff of Celebrity Wechat to help, but I couldn't find the contact information of the other party."

  As a competent assistant, it is natural to put the difficult problems that the boss needs to consider first, but unfortunately it has no effect.

   "Are you saying that the celebrity group intends to target us?"

  After a brief moment of anger, Ruan Chenghai, whose reason regained the upper hand, suddenly thought of a certain possibility, his eyes brightened.

  The whole network knew about the incident from its appearance to its ferment. In just two days, the celebrity micro-blog did not play a role in it, and he would not believe it even if he was killed.

  And the grievances between him and the major shareholder of the celebrity group cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

   "But our acquisition of Liulu shares has always been done in secret. The other party should not be so fast."

   Regarding this, the assistant felt that it was possible, but he also found something unreasonable.

   You must know that in order to resell the shares of Liulu to the Danwan Group in France, their acquisition of Liulu shares has always been carried out in a low-key manner, and the right to know is limited to the senior team of the investment company.

   They had just completed the acquisition before they started negotiating with Danwan Group. Negative news about Liulu milk powder broke out on the Internet immediately, which was too fast.

   Except that they have been secretly investigating them, or it was leaked by Liulu Group.

  However, it may also be the secret opponent of Liulu Milk Powder.

   "Our opponent is doing things very steadily, and the layout in advance is certain. It seems that the first two times really angered him."

   Noticing the surprise in the assistant's eyes, Ruan Chenghai couldn't help but press the center of his eyebrows, remembering his previous point-and-stop action against the other party.

  In order to win over the senior teammate who might have a cooperative relationship, he made the big family of Yu angry for no reason because of his 'incompetence'.

   As a result, he didn't receive a single call back from the number he secretly reported.

  Young people, are you so defensive?

   Vengeance is not low.

   Moreover, the opponent's shot was quick and ruthless, hitting his pain point all at once.

  If he fails this acquisition and affects the company's earnings, it will give those potential opponents an opportunity to take advantage of it, and he will lose the favor of Dafang.

   "President, what should we do next?"

  Faced with this difficult problem, the assistant who didn't have much idea waited for the boss to decide.

   If you really want what the boss said, that the mastermind behind the scenes is a celebrity group, then the Internet public opinion cannot be controlled at all, and you must start elsewhere.

   "What's the action of the other party's funds?"

   Instead of directly answering the assistant's question, Ruan Chenghai asked an irrelevant question.

   "The funds were transferred to the Swiss Bank in Hong Kong City several times in the first two days."

  Hearing the boss's jumping question, the assistant who has long been used to it quickly answered.

  He was planning to wait to report on this matter that was listed in the top three.

   "Pay close attention to the movement of that fund and report to me at any time."

Eyes shrunk slightly, Ruan Chenghai said something solemnly, and then continued to order: "Speed ​​up the negotiation with Danwan Group, the price can be reduced by 15%, I hope we can sell it in time. In addition, mobilize the cash of all branches and listen to my schedule at any time. "


   Without asking any more questions, the assistant obediently left the president's office after reporting a few other matters.

   "I hope I won't be disappointed this time. Is it US stocks? Or... But, it's not rude to come here. Since you made a move, I will look down on you if I don't fight back. Heh"

  Sitting on the boss chair, looking at the infinite scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, Ruan Chenghai's thoughts jumped quickly, and finally turned into a chuckle.

  At this time, Zhou Anan, under the bombardment of five or six consecutive phone calls by General Manager Feng, finally escaped from concentrating on playing with his girlfriend and went to Blue Whale Entertainment to show his face.

   Accompanied by the long-legged beauty secretary, Zhou Anan walked into the general manager's office with familiar steps.

  Unfortunately, there are very few departments on the floor where the general manager's office is located, and there are few opportunities to be worshiped and watched by the company's female employees.

  It seems too deliberate to visit those departments specially, and it is easy for General Manager Feng to misunderstand something.

   To be a hands-off shopkeeper, one must have the awareness of a hands-off shopkeeper.

   "You're finally here. With so many female artists coming in, you have to arrange some new dramas, movies and new variety shows, right? Otherwise, let them come in and eat nothing?"

   Seeing the major shareholder of the hands-free shopkeeper come in, Feng Jiming complained, but he was extremely active and poured a cup of hot coffee for the other party.

  Looking at the heat of the coffee, it was obvious that the coffee was made in good time, full of sincerity.

   "The company now has three variety shows, don't you think it's not enough?"

   Instantly caught the essence of General Manager Feng's words, Zhou An'an took a sip of coffee with two packets of sugar added, and asked a wordless question.

   Besides, he didn't invite a few female artists to come in recently, only two or three.

"It's not a loss at all for Zhang Yuhan, the little queen from Taiwan Province, to join our company. However, Wan Keying's singing potential is mediocre, how did you get in? Aren't you going to make a variety show related to music? Let's There is absolutely nothing to say about the company's strength and achievements in film and television dramas, but the music business is a bit behind. The music website invested in is still worth tens of millions, and the rest is not very good. "

   Instead of answering the big shareholder's rhetorical question, Feng Jiming first talked about the situation of the two female singers, and by the way expressed his feelings about the company's mediocre music business.

   "The market value of that music website is tens of millions?"

   Automatically filtered General Manager Feng's complaints, Zhou Anan asked back in surprise.

   Thank you book friend Shang Xiucan for your reward, asking for a monthly ticket is a bit sad!



  (end of this chapter)

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