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Chapter 838: he wants to be the victorious tiger

  Chapter 838 He wants to be that victorious tiger

   The first three days of the May Day holiday were comfortable and casual.

   Go shopping, watch movies, climb mountains, enjoy the scenery, after dinner, take a small walk.

  Because on the morning of the 2nd, Wang Min, a plump, oily bottler, left voluntarily with winks, and Zhou Anan, who were alone, was extremely comfortable.

  As for Wang Min, who experienced the serenade in the middle of the night on the first night, he couldn't bear the mental torment, so he left obediently the next morning with dark circles under his eyes, and went home to recuperate.

  She swears that next time she comes to live in a friend’s house in the urban area, she must remember to wear earmuffs and buy more expensive ones.

   "Then you guys have fun."

   On the afternoon of the 3rd, Zhou An'an saw the little plump tug oil bottle again, and handed over his girlfriend to her.

   "Don't worry, I will make Xiao Xia eat well."

  Waving his hand vigorously, Wang Min, who wished that the other party would leave earlier, replied with a firm tone.

   In her bag, she just spent a few hundred dollars to buy branded sound-isolating headphones, but they are her weapon for sleeping tonight.

   Mom doesn't have to worry anymore, she doesn't sleep well at night.

"That's good."

   Saying farewell to his girlfriend, Zhou Anan got into the back seat of the Volkswagen, picked up a document that had just been sent from a foreign organization, and read it.

  On the document, it marked the logo of an authoritative testing organization abroad, and its content was enough to set off a monstrous wave in a certain field.

   Next, it depends on Miss Yu's attitude.

   When it comes to star milk companies with a market value of tens of billions and a domestic market worth hundreds of billions, Zhou Anan will naturally not act foolishly alone, just to get revenge.

  He is not a saint, he just makes some contributions to the society within his ability without endangering his own safety.

   What's more, Mr. Ruan, who he is targeting now, is also a member of the Yu family, and indirectly touches the cheese of the Yu family.

  If Miss Yu doesn't want to be that sky-high tall man, then he can only find someone else.

   "Do you want me to help you communicate with the above?!"

   After reading the documents, Yu Xian'er, who had a strange look in his eyes, took a sip of the Qinglan coffee brought by the other party, and asked the other party's unspoken request in a simple and clear manner.

   As for whether the other party would stop shooting because of her dissuasion, Yu Xian'er didn't think about it, nor did she think about it.

  Brother An has produced the test reports from foreign authoritative organizations. If she asks the other party to stop, it may affect the hard-won friendship between the two.

  The situation involved in the report really made her feel extremely indignant, Yu Xian'er could not do that kind of thing that disregarded justice.

   What's more, with the other party's current network, she is definitely not the only one who can help, even the father of the best friend who is close at hand can also help.

  Even for that person, to be able to intervene in this matter, he still owes Brother An a lot of favor.

   "If Sister Xianer is willing to participate in the shares, I can give you some shares in Aodi Milk Powder."

  Acquiescing to the other party's question, Zhou An'an smiled and talked about cooperation that seemed irrelevant.

  If the other party is willing to participate in the Australian dairy company he just acquired, then basically he doesn't have to consider the pressure from above.

  Cooperating with Miss Yu, he is still very relieved.

   "I'll forget it, little cousin is studying in Australia now, you can ask her. However, Grandpa Wang doesn't like that granddaughter very much, on the contrary, he has a great preference for Xiaoxiao."

   Did not accept the benefit of being delivered to the door, Yu Xian'er recommended a suitable candidate, and also mentioned the family affairs of her girlfriend's family by the way.

  Her impression of the little cousin is neither bad nor good.

  In terms of appearance, temperament and personality alone, that cousin is not a threat to Xiaoxiao, so there is no need to worry about Xiaoxiao An when he goes to contact her.

   It is a certain distant cousin of Xiaoxiao, who is beautiful and has a good personality. Unfortunately, the family situation is a bit complicated, and it is a pity that she is forced to wander in Europe and the United States.

   "Okay, I'll get in touch when the time comes."

  Seeing that Ms. Yu didn't plan to buy shares, Zhou Anan didn't force her either.

   It is self-evident whether the other party is willing to help.

   Everything, as he expected.

   "The Star Group, have you had contact with Xu Letian?"

  After talking about major events that may involve a market of 100 billion yuan, Yu Xian'er talked about another matter.

  The C-round financing of the US website in her hand is coming soon, and there are not a few capital predators who have come to her door, including Xu Letian, the young owner of the Stellar Group.

  Because of Blue Whale Entertainment’s theater cooperation, Yu Xian’er remembered that the Star Group temporarily let her go.

  Although her uncle was involved, Yu Xian'er was not ready to cooperate with the other party. She didn't think about it until Xu Letian mentioned Brother An's recommendation, but she had to confirm it face to face.

   It is absolutely impossible to bully her younger brother An.

   "Well, I bought their private high school in Hangzhou before, so I know them well. In the Datang Club organized by Feng He, I chatted with him and mentioned the financing plan of the US-US website."

  Listening to the other party's question, Zhou Anan, who could guess what was going on, briefly talked about the innocent friendship between the two.

  He did mention it to that Second Generation Xu, but whether Miss Yu accepts it or not is not his problem.

  He will not actively suggest, nor will he stab a knife in the back.

  The friendship between the two is nothing more than that.

  As for the acquisition of the private high school, business is business, friendship is friendship.

"Okay, I get it now."

  The little doubt in her heart was answered, Yu Xian'er crossed the other party off the non-cooperation list, that's all.

   "Sister Xian'er, are you in a hurry to go public at this time?"

  Knowing that the listing node of the original U.S. website in the previous life is far away, Zhou Anan asked with some uncertainty.

  Although the food delivery in several major cities of the has turned losses into profits, and the newly improved review system and ticketing system have been recognized by the majority of users, overall, the is still burning money.

  The so-called valuation of US$500 million is all speculation by capital, and the bubble in it is like the stock market before 2008.

   Zhou Anan is very clear that after the popularization of smartphones, the United States and the United States will develop the fastest. Its glory is no less than that of any unicorn in the industry.

  Only by going public at that time can we gain the favor of more retail investors in the secondary market.

  Rush to go public now, the risk is not small, if you are not careful, you may fall into the sand. There is no precedent for European and American stock markets that have not been liquidated and delisted.

   Of course, going public also has its benefits.

  After gaining more capital favor, can continue to lead the industry by virtue of the advantages of the number one Dianping takeaway website stock in China and become a well-deserved unicorn.

  One of the important links is that the development strategy of the US US Open cannot deviate from the development track of smartphones.

   "It's not too urgent. It's still C-round financing. After the D-round, will consider going public. By the way, I heard that you have new plans for Qinglan Tea?"

  Looked at the other party meaningfully, Yu Xian'er didn't get entangled in this issue, and instead mentioned the Qinglan tea they collaborated with.

   "Starbucks has already begun to enter the secondary market. Although we have a lot of advantages in the south, we still have to plan ahead."

   Without noticing Miss Yu's eyes, Zhou Anan began to talk about her own thoughts.

  Miss Yu is the major shareholder of Qinglan Coffee. Although she doesn't care about things, she still needs to communicate more.

  The relationship between people, no matter how deep friendship is put on hold for a long time, it will become thinner.

   Regarding the competitiveness of Starbucks, Zhou Anan, who had drunk Starbucks coffee for many years in his previous life, is very clear about how good the cohesion of the other party is.

Although now there are Qinglan coffee outlets near the main landmark buildings in the second and third tier cities in the five southern provinces, and a certain reputation and customer base have been formed, but after Starbucks shifts its strategic focus to the secondary market, it will inevitably be compared with homogeneous coffee shops. Qinglan Coffee, which is more serious in terms of globalization, has created huge competition.

  When tigers and wolves fight, there will be injuries.

   It is impossible to fight a price war.

  Next, is the era of fighting services.

   What's more, Zhou Anan knew that Starbucks was about to launch a strategy that had been criticized by consumers for many years, but it was a pity that the store was bullying customers, and the business was still so good that it had no friends.

   Next, he will defeat his opponent in the service area, show Qinglan Coffee’s unique spiritual charm, step on the opponent’s bent shoulders, and firmly establish the dominance of the southern mid-end coffee.

  He's gonna do it, that victorious tiger.

   "Well, I support you."

  After listening to little brother An's brief description, Yu Xian'er raised the coffee cup in her hand and smiled encouragingly.


   After solving the back-up problem, Zhou Anan, who bid farewell to Ms. Yu, took care of herself, and sent a message to Mr. Xia when she returned to the car.

  Everything is ready, the east wind is blowing, and the drums of war are beating.

   "Xiao Liu, you can start now."

  Receiving a message from the big boss, Xia Qiudong dialed a number and ordered in a deep voice.

   Thanks to Book Friends Tavern, long time no see, and Xiangshui Chuyun for their rewards, please ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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