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Chapter 834: see through this friendship

  Chapter 834 see through this friendship

   "Which newcomer are you looking for? Looking for you?"

  Brows raised, Zhou Anan asked back without hesitation.

  This little plump girl speaks too bluntly, at least twice she can't let the other party eat, as a punishment.

   "Hmph, I still don't like you."

   Didn't expect the other party's question to be so shameless, Wang Min felt guilty and lowered his tone slightly.

   In front of friends, I still bear it.

   "Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's go to lunch."

  Holding her boyfriend's arm, Shi Mingxia smiled and persuaded him.

   "I'm sorry, I couldn't pick you up yesterday."

  Looking at the gentle girlfriend, Zhou An'an sincerely apologized.

   "It's okay, I know you are busy. I just ran into Teacher Qi yesterday, and we came here in her car."

  Seeing the apologetic look in his boyfriend's eyes, Shi Mingxia ignored the previous agreement with his friend, and told how he came to Yushan.

   "Xiao Xia, you."

   I didn't expect my friend to take the initiative to expose it so soon. Wang Min, who hates iron but not steel, was so angry that his upper body was up and down, and he didn't know what to say.

  If they came back by bus, Zhou Anan would definitely feel more apologetic in her heart, because the original plan was ruined by someone's mind of falling in love.

  Shi Mingxia was poisoned too deeply, it was hopeless.

   "Really! Then I will treat Teacher Qi to a big meal next time."

  After hearing what his girlfriend said, Zhou Anan, who was a little surprised, felt that it was not in vain that he had asked someone to waive the bill for the beautiful tutor.

  Knowledge of gratitude, is a good teacher.

  The next time he meets a beautiful mentor on a blind date, he doesn't mind helping out.

   "That's what I want."

   "Let's go, I have booked a private kitchen restaurant, where the braised pork and crispy chicken wings are very special."


  Looking at the sweet and greasy two people, Wang Min, who is fed dog food every day, consciously sat in the back seat, so as not to take revenge from someone he just **** off.

  See it through, this friendship of "see An Mie".


  Led by the cheongsam waiter, the three of them walked into the elegantly decorated private kitchen of Shenjia.

   Shi Mingxia, who came here for the first time to consume, looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

   "It's time to serve."

   Didn't look at any menu, Zhou Anan sat down with his girlfriend and a plump oil bottle, and talked to the waiter.

  Ordering food, etc., have already been arranged when booking a seat.

   Let the girlfriend who comes here for the first time read the literary menu and order, plus the price on the menu, forget it.

  As a serious boyfriend, you must let the embarrassment of your girlfriend disappear in the bud.

  As for the other plump oil bottle, don't worry about her problem.

   "An'an, where are we going to play next?"

  Eating small but tasty dishes, Wang Min asked about the next arrangement.

   "Going to West Lake Yintai, I booked a table for you in the building outside the building for dinner. I have something to do in the evening, so I won't accompany you to eat."

  For half a day in the afternoon, Zhou Anan only arranged a shopping show. I believe that the combat effectiveness of the two girls is not a problem at all.

   As for dinner, he promised Gu Ershao, so it's hard to break his promise.

   "Go and do your own work, we're fine."

  I mentioned it in a text message before, Shi Mingxia said to her boyfriend in a considerate manner.

   "Nothing, just go to have dinner. You can watch a movie after dinner, and I will try my best to pick you up."

   Patted his girlfriend's hand, Zhou Anan said with a smile.


  Wang Min on the side lowered his head and remained silent, concentrating on the delicious food in front of him.

  As a young woman in the 21st century who has been working professionally for 21 years, she must learn to be patient in front of her financial boss.

  Satisfied with food and drink, Zhou Anan took his girlfriend and oil bottle to the West Lake for a walk.

  There is always a transition between eating and shopping, which is the ritual sense of life.

  After a simple after-dinner walk, Zhou Anan, who had initially achieved financial freedom, accompanied his girlfriend to the shopping mall, naturally doing some shopping.

   Soon, there were several bags on the left and right in his hand, and only one of them was cheaper, which was a small plump oil bottle, and the money was naturally paid by the other party.

   "Oh, Shushu, is that the senior?"

  Shu Na, who was shopping in Yintai Mall, saw a familiar figure, and asked while pulling her friend's arm.

   "Which one?"

   "That and that."

"Seems to be."

  Looking in the direction Shu Na pointed, Lou Shuqing spotted the fellow senior who was shopping with the two girls, and nodded.

   "It turns out that the girlfriend that the senior told us really does exist. However, it is not as beautiful as I imagined."

  Seeing that girl with a good figure and a slightly smaller face than hers was so affectionate with her fellow seniors, Shu Na couldn't help but make a comment, feeling inexplicably sad.

   So, someone got there first?

  However, it is normal for a gentle and considerate fellow senior with a lot of money to have a girlfriend, but it is abnormal not to have one.

  The girl's figure.

  Looking down at the terrain where she had only a few traces, Shu Na seemed to have discovered the preferences of fellow seniors, and she really deserved to lose in this regard.

   Even said that the loss was a bit complete.

  No way, this kind of place is talking about an inherent advantage.

   "It's pretty pretty."

   Lou Shuqing honestly expressed her views on her best friend.

  Although she found out the real girlfriend of the fellow senior, she was inevitably a little bit more sour, but she was soon relieved.

   In her opinion, apart from Shu Na's longer legs and more pronounced oval face, that fellow senior's girlfriend has a really good figure.


   After looking at her friends who were a little bigger than her, Shu Na, who had regained her psychological balance, did not continue to say things against her will.

  If there is an opportunity, she will not give up easily, she will wait for the fellow seniors to enter the graduation breakup season.

   "Shall we go up and say hello?"

   "You are stupid, the two of us are going up at this time, isn't it just for nothing to make that senior's girlfriend angry?"

  Stopping Lou Shuqing's pure thoughts, Shu Na, who has a slightly higher EQ, glanced at the fellow senior, and led her friend to another direction.

  Men go shopping, exhausted; women go shopping, hundreds of miles away.

  Although there is no problem with ordinary men, Zhou Anan, who has been with him for nearly two hours, still finds it a bit overwhelming.

   "Let's go grab a cup of coffee."

  Noticing her boyfriend's lack of interest, Shi Mingxia pointed to the bustling Qinglan Coffee and made a suggestion.


   Wang Min, who was about to drink a cup of coffee, had no objection to this question.

  Because of the May Day holiday, Yintai's Qinglan Coffee is crowded with people, and there are basically no vacancies.

  Give seven or eight clothes bags to the girlfriends and let them sit on the rest bench outside and wait, Zhou Anan went in alone to line up.

  Seeing that there were still more than ten people in front of him, Zhou Anan casually surveyed the clean and orderly environment in the store, and then landed on the opposite storefront.

  It used to be a noodle shop, but now it has a Starbucks signboard. There are also a lot of customers, but compared with Qinglan Coffee, there are fewer seats, and the seats are not full.

  Starbucks, which previously only focused on the development of first- and second-tier big cities, has finally completed the layout of many big cities. After completing the distribution of mid-range coffee in the north, it began to expand branches in the south. The visitors are aggressive.

   Fortunately, after nearly two years of continuous promotion and brand promotion of soft articles, Qinglan Coffee, which has been constantly improving itself, has gained a firm foothold in several southern provinces, and has some loyal fans in second- and third-tier cities.

   It's time to improve Qinglan Coffee's service concept and teach that outsider a good lesson.

   "Sir, what would you like?"

   "Give me a cup of vanilla latte and a cup of Qinglan coffee, both warm, in a medium cup. There is also a cup of Joma, off the ice, in a large cup."

  The voice of the front desk clerk brought Zhou Anan back from his thoughts. After skillfully ordering three cups of coffee and getting the receipt, he went outside to sit with his girlfriend.

   "Then I'll go first, call me if you have anything to do."

   "Well, go do it yourself."

   Having been with him for most of the afternoon, Zhou Anan, who was about the same time, parted with his girlfriend at the entrance of the shopping mall, and drove to the place where Gu Ershao was treating guests.

   As Gu Er Shao's old lair, the exterior wall decoration of the Golden Fleeting Year Club has been updated once, but the neon signboard is still a bit rustic.

   Walking into the clubhouse, Zhou Anan looked at the familiar resplendent hall, but his eyes involuntarily fell on a shining beauty.

   Thanks to the hall master Xiangshui Chuyun for the reward, and book friend 20181014205300624 for the reward! Seeing that he was pressed by the ninth monthly ticket, he couldn't help but send another testimonial for the ticket. Perhaps this October is the only chance for this book to enter the top 8 of the classified monthly ticket list. I hope that you will consider me if you have votes. Just ask for a monthly pass for this October, so that I can stay in the 8th position for two more days!



  (end of this chapter)

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