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Chapter 833: If you can't bear it, find a tall person to carry it (only ask for this month)

  Chapter 833 If you can’t afford it, find a tall man to carry it (only ask for this month’s pass)

   "Second brother, what wind is blowing to you."

  As soon as the phone was connected, Zhou Anan greeted him familiarly.

  The second youngest of the Gu family, the second youngest of the Gu family, and the second elder brother of the front, are old and proficient.

  What's more, now the second brother Gu's father is also rising, standing in the top four in the Jiang Province sequence, he must be given full respect.

"Brother An, I don't want to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. My little brother had a little conflict with the manager of the bar under your command last night. No, he wants me to do something for you. Treat you to a meal." I apologize."

   Glancing at Li Chengfeng next to him with a respectful face, Gu Shuchang said with a smile on his face.

  This young master of his father's successor was quite arrogant at first, and when he came to Hangzhou, he was reserved and didn't want to come to visit the pier, and he was not prepared to argue with the other party about those hypocrisy.

  Although his father was promoted to the fourth in command of Jiang Province, he couldn't put too much pressure on the newly appointed No. 1 Hangcheng. It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

   I didn't expect that this cheating second generation would offend the new third-in-command lady of Jiang Province so quickly, and a bunch of younger brothers were invited in for tea, so they begged him for help.

   Gu Shuchang is also very happy to gain the favor of Hangzhou No. 1 with a little effort.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the third in command is likely to rush to take over Jiang Province No. 1, but it is not very sure whether his father can be promoted one liter.

   At this time, it is necessary to unite all forces that can be united.

   Besides, this is also an opportunity to get closer to that young lady.

   As we all know, Zhou Anan has an extremely close relationship with the two eldest ladies, just like brothers and sisters.

   Getting closer to Zhou An'an means getting closer to that Miss Wang.

   "Then do you want me to take the little lady there too?"

  After hearing what Gu Ershao said, Zhou Anan, who understood in his heart, took the initiative to ask, the other party definitely didn't take his face.

  If Miss Wang hadn't used her relationship and fought back like thunder, the other party would not have taken the initiative to make peace.

  However, Gu Er Shao can use Gu Er Shao to call and invite in person, and the background of that second generation should be considered acceptable.

   After all, Gu Ershao's father is now the fourth in command of Jiang Province, and he is so forceful that most people can't get in touch with him.

  Of course, his request was only polite. Since the other party called him, he would definitely not invite Miss Wang over.

   This is a man's intuition and a routine in communication.

   "No, no, then I will treat you to dinner as the host, and I will send you the address later."

   Gu Shuchang politely declined this tempting proposal.

  He really wanted to get closer to that young lady, but Gu Shuchang knew that it was not an occasion where he could establish a friendship with her.

  He can still distinguish the priorities.

  The most important thing at the moment is to help the new No. 1 brother in Hangzhou settle the matter. Well, it seems that he, the former No. 1 brother in Hangzhou, has not abdicated yet.

   "Okay, then I will definitely go there then."

  Hung up the phone, a sneer appeared on the corner of Zhou Anan's mouth.

   Shutting down his people and closing his shop is not so easy to reconcile, it depends on the sincerity of the other party at that time.

  After chatting with the two girls from Taiwan, Zhou Anan, who was too embarrassed, left early to clean up Xia Qiudong.

   "Hanhan, where shall we go next?"

  As soon as the man left, Yu Qiaoen lay down on the sofa in a disfigured manner, and asked lazily, not caring at all about how indecent her actions were or where she missed the scene.

   "...Didn't he say that someone would contact us? It's not good for us to wander around."

  After listening to what his friend said, Zhang Yuhan slowly sat on the sofa and talked about what the new boss had said before.

   Well, the man from last night has become her new boss.

   "Okay. Hey, you've come to Jitai. Blue Whale Entertainment is going to tailor a variety show for you. You must be a big queen in the future. Unfortunately, I don't even have two contracts in the mainland market."

  Placing his hands on the place where he was most affected by gravity, Yu Qiaoen said with a sigh, his face was full of grievance and loss.

   "Okay, okay, stop pretending, your manager, Sister Hua, is much better than my irresponsible one."

   Sitting a little closer, Zhang Yuhan shook his friend's calf to comfort him.

   Indeed, friends affected by certain scandals have not been having a good time recently, otherwise they would not have time to accompany her to the mainland to relax.

   "Haha, I don't need your consolation. You are so young, that Mr. Zhou may just comfort you, and has no intention of doing a variety show for you at all."

   Straightening her upper body and hugging her girlfriend's body, Yu Qiaoen had a sly smile on her face, and hit her in all directions from various aspects.

   "It doesn't matter to me, as long as I can return to the stage."

   Regarding this, Zhang Yuhan didn't have too much entanglement on his face, but he was a little bit inexplicably disappointed in his heart.

  If it is true what my friend said, it would be really disappointing.

  However, it is much better to be able to return to the stage now than before.

  Even if the new boss just coaxed her verbally, there is no need to care about it. You still have to be content.

   "Zi Zi Zi"

  At this time, one of the two new mobile phones given to them by the former President Zhou rang.

   "Hello, hello."

  At the gesture of his friend, Zhang Yuhan picked up the phone.

   "Hello, I am Mr. Zhou's special administrative assistant"

  In the box of a Blue Sky Café in Yushan, Zhou Anan saw Xia Qiudong who had lost a lot of face, smiled and shook hands with him: "Mr. Xia, you have worked hard all the way."

   "It is my honor to serve Mr. Zhou."

  After a few polite words, Xia Qiudong took out a stack of documents and reported the impact of Liulu milk powder.

  As for the transaction of more than 200 million yuan, those documents that need to be signed will be signed and authorized by the lawyer team sent by the big boss himself and the Swiss bank team. It has nothing to do with him, the head of the negotiating team.

   What's more, what he is doing now can be described as quite righteous.

   Both the influence and the amount involved are quite huge. In the end, it is likely to involve the leader of the domestic milk powder market. The case is worth tens of billions and affects the entire industry.

   "Don't disclose this matter to others. I will tell you the next move after I have deployed it."

   After listening to Xia Qiudong's report for half an hour, Zhou An'an's originally agitated heart slowly cooled down, and he spoke out his own arrangement after deliberation.

   "Okay, I am always at your command."

   Xia Qiudong unconditionally obeys the big boss' request.

  When Xia Qiudong left, Zhou Anan looked at the file bag in front of him, a little lost in thought.

  Xia Qiudong collected 116 cases, 102 of which were related to Liulu milk powder, but the meaning of the remaining 14 is very clear to Zhou Anan, who roughly knows the same incident in the previous life.

  While hitting Liulu, the rest of the dairy companies will not be able to stand alone, and it is likely to cause a reshuffle of the entire domestic dairy companies, which is tantamount to causing a tsunami of hundreds of billions of dollars in the market.

  This big wave, with his current capital, he still can't afford it, and he doesn't dare to carry it.

  Since this is the case, you need to find a tall person to stand on it.

  A gentleman is good for himself, but also needs to help the world. Who makes him a responsible young man in the 21st century.


   After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Zhou Anan looked at the time, got into the Maserati at the entrance of the cafe, and drove towards Wang Min's house.

  Today is May 1st. Although the government issued a notice to reduce the Golden Week to 3 days, many places will not officially implement this plan until next year, so Haizhou College is still a 7-day holiday this year.

  The remedial course of the training department was in the last two days. Shi Mingxia came to Yushan with Wang Min. Zhou Anan, who was apologetic for not picking up his girlfriend, naturally had to make up for it.

  Yesterday during the day, Zhou Anan was going to ask someone to pick up his girlfriend, but the considerate girlfriend firmly refused.

  Sometimes, a girlfriend is too considerate, and it is easy to make people feel guilty.

   "Zhou An'an, are you ready to find someone new after you have made money, and you don't want our family's little time?"

  The first time he saw Zhou An'an, Wang Min felt wronged for his friend.

  Even on such an important day as the May Day holiday, the other party did not go back to school to pick him up, which is simply a serious dereliction of duty as a boyfriend.

  Must, verbal criticism.

   Thank you book friend An Ye 卍獍血色? , book friend 160228130558517, me, Xiangshui Chuyun for tipping, please ask for a monthly ticket by the way. I only ask for a monthly pass this month. In order to be able to stay in the top 8 of the classified monthly pass list for two more days, I would like to thank the brothers and sisters who voted for the monthly pass in advance! (It seems that there should be no young ladies who read this book!)



  (end of this chapter)

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