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Chapter 827: surrounded

  Chapter 827 is surrounded

  Following the sound, Zhou Anan saw two young men wearing T-shirts and dyed hair standing on the side, with frivolous faces, they didn't look like good people.

   Unanimously, the eyes of the two men fell on the 'Oriental Hierarch' who had a better figure, and the eyes of the crowd were really sharp.

  In comparison, a normal man would choose Master En.

  Of course, if Zhou Anan is allowed to choose, he will definitely ask for all of them, and children only do multiple-choice questions.

"Is there a problem?"

   Unexpectedly, he was provoked by others in his own venue. Zhou An'an felt a little funny for no reason, and guessed that the other party should not come here often.

   Especially the young man with half of his hair dyed green, maybe the other party doesn't know the meaning of wearing green on his head?

The world's great wonders.

   "I've invited you to this table tonight, let's make a table together, no problem!"

  According to the rules in the field, the young man with purple hair on his forehead said politely, before he finished speaking, he sat down on his own.

   It looks like an old hand.

   "Sorry, I decline."

  Holding a cup and placing it where the other party was going to sit, Zhou Anan said calmly.

  Are young people nowadays so thick-skinned?

   I don't know whether the meat behind is thick or not. If I sit directly on the cup, it doesn't matter who shouts first.


   I didn't expect the other party to refuse so simply. The purple-haired young man who stopped his figure looked at this ordinary-looking young man who seemed somewhat loyal.

  This guy, don't give him face? ? ?

   "Sorry, two, you are not welcome here."

  Before the two youths with dyed hair lost their temper, two big security guards in black came to the side and reached out their hands to stop them.

  The position of the boss must be watched by someone 24 hours a day. If something happens, they must appear at the first time. This is the meaning of their high-paying security guards.

   "What do you mean, Lord, I won't give you money?"

  Seeing the behavior of the security guard at the bar, the green-haired young man took out a dozen red tickets from his wallet, and slapped him in the face domineeringly.

   However, the handsome movements of the green-haired youth stopped abruptly.

  His hand holding the money was held by one of the security guards, and he struggled to break free a few times, like a clown.

  "Young man, don't think that you can insult people at will with a few small money. The road ahead is long, don't narrow it down by yourself."

  Looking at the green-haired young man's ugly flushed face, Zhou An'an sat in his seat and taught him a few words old-fashionedly.

  Based on the quality of the other party, that is, the second generation of the nouveau riche, it is a bit impossible to get on the stage.


"let's go."

  Hearing the other party's lecture, the green-haired young man who couldn't get angry was about to speak harshly, but he was pulled back by the still sober purple-haired young man next to him.

   It was clear to the bystanders that the purple-haired youth noticed that the two security guards were obviously biased towards each other.

  In other people's home court, the two of them are alone and alone, and they must be the ones who will suffer if they continue to provoke.

  Wouldn't it be safer for them to call someone after they went out and teach them how to behave.

  A gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall.

   What's more, these two girls can't escape even if they are guarding outside the door.


   Zhang Tao, who walked over quickly, looked at the two figures sent out by the security guards, and asked the boss with concern.

  Earlier, the boss had a good chat with two strange girls, so it was not easy for him to come and disturb him. Fortunately, his security guards found out early, so the boss didn't suffer.

   "Come on, how about we play dice?"

  Givening a veiled gesture to store manager Zhang, Zhou An'an said to the two Taiwanese female artists who were belatedly aware of it, as if the previous incident had never happened.

   Seeing that the other party sent the two strange men away with a few words, Zhang Yuhan and the two didn't care too much, and continued to play.

   It is precisely because people in the circle say that this bar is very safe, they did not feel that there was any danger when they came here because of the name.

  After singing the song for the second time, Zhang Hanyi, who was going to find his boss’s benefactor, saw Brother Zhou who was chatting happily with the two girls, his face was a little sad, and he left silently.

   "Brother Guang, when are we going to wait?"

  In the parking space 50 meters away from the entrance of the bar in Jiangnanli, seven or eight Mercedes-Benz and BMW coupes of the same color were parked. More than a dozen young men gathered together, and one of them asked the green-haired young man in the lead.

   "What's the rush, I'll book a place for you to play after I'm done."

   Chewing betel nuts, the green-haired young man patted the other person on the back of the head and promised generously.

   "Thank you, Brother Guang."

   "Brother Guang is open and bright."

   "Following Brother Guang is to have meat to eat."

  As soon as the green-haired youth said this, the rest of the people complimented him non-stop.

   "What are you shouting about, remember, if you want to thank you, you must thank our Fengda University."

   Waved his hand, the green-haired young man quickly stopped everyone's conversation, and shifted the focus to the boss who was smoking silently next to him.

   Stealing the limelight from this Feng Da, he can't bear to walk around.

   "Thank you Fengda."

  Hearing what the other party said, everyone thanked the new big brother.

  However, as the father of the other party, he really deserves to be their big brother.

   "Hey, we are all brothers, so thank you for everything."

  The purple-haired young man with a gloomy expression turned brighter instantly, and patted the green-haired young man affectionately on the shoulder.

  He came to Hangcheng for such a short time, this younger brother who was the first to join the job, really has a good eye.

   "Feng Da, look at that chick, it seems to be Zhang Hanyi who sang on stage before, do you want to ask for a number?"

  At this time, seeing Zhang Hanyi coming out of the door to get into the nanny car, the green-haired young man smiled and asked a question that all men understand.

   "Tonight's target is not her, so don't cause extra problems. Also, the artists under Blue Whale Entertainment don't move casually. I will give you some advice, do you understand?"

   The purple-haired youth was also a little interested in the slightly plump girl, but he soberly rejected the younger brother's proposal and warned the other party.

   "Understood, Fengda."

   "Fengda, that guy has come out."

  At this time, the green-haired young man pointed at the few people who had just come out of the bar, and shouted.

   "Go and stop him, don't let him go."

   Seeing that guy was going to bring two girls into the car, the purple-haired youth said something, and the green-haired youth immediately rushed over with his brothers.

   "Boss be careful."

  Just as Zhou Anan was about to enter the Phaeton with two beauties from Taiwan, the security guard next to him yelled and diverted his attention.

   His eyes were slightly blurred, and he saw a dozen unscrupulous young people rushing towards him not far away, and two security guards in black immediately went up to him.

  The opportunity to show yourself in front of the boss is here!

   "No. 3, No. 3, what's the situation?"

  At this time, in the driver's seat of the Phaeton, a rough voice of inquiry came from a walkie-talkie the size of a mobile phone by Xiao Ping's hand.

   "Small situations, bar security can handle it."

   It was clear at a glance that the group of young people had no foundation, Xiao Ping replied, got out of the car quickly, and prepared to help the boss into the car.

   "Let's go."

  Seeing that a few young people running ahead were knocked down by two black-clothed security guards, and two black-clothed security guards walked out of the bar after hearing the news. Zhou Anan knew there was nothing wrong, so he didn't care.

  Drinking and making trouble is the basic operation of young people.

"it is good."

   Waiting for the boss to take the two girls into the back seat, Xiao Ping glanced at the young people who were easily defeated by the four security guards, walked quickly into the driver's seat, and drove away.

  The green-haired youth and others who originally wanted to surround the opponent fell to the ground, looked around and found that all their teammates had fallen to the ground without exception.

  The four big men in black standing next to them seemed to surround them.

  This situation is completely different from the script they expected.

  When did the bar's security guards become so powerful? ? ?


  Watching the black Volkswagen leave easily, and my younger brothers were all overthrown by a few security guards, the purple-haired young man behind cursed secretly, picked up his mobile phone and started calling for foreign aid.

  In the boundary of Hangcheng, as the first brother in Hangcheng, he didn't believe it, and he couldn't cure a person by himself.

   It's just a pity that that guy ran away.

   Thanks to book friends Yujing Wusheng and Xiangshui Chuyun for their rewards



  (end of this chapter)

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