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Chapter 826: i have wine, you have stories

  Chapter 826 I have wine, you have a story

   Zhou Anan never expected that he would meet his favorite female singer from Taiwan and Island Province in his previous life at such a time and on such an occasion. He remembered that his car CD was full of her songs.

  Especially in a certain season of the singer's variety show, Zhou An'an liked a few songs that the other party blew up, and sometimes they would play them repeatedly several times.

   At the peak of the other party's comeback, the representative work was brought into the campus by the principal of Peking University, which can be said to become famous all over the world.

   It's just that the other party looks a little decadent now.

There are a few wisps of hair scattered between the forehead and ears, the thin and pale face seems to be recovering from a serious illness, the drunken eyes are a little charming, the upper body is as usual, and the collarbone is extremely thin because it is extremely thin, all of which show the beauty of this Taiwanese provincial girl. Singer's decadence.

   "Hey, you know me. Hush, don't tell others, I'll buy you a drink."

  Hearing the other party call out his name, Zhang Yuhan, who was still somewhat conscious, gestured to his lips with his finger, and then shook the red wine bottle in his hand to pour wine for the other party.

   She is very sincere in inviting people to drink.


   This time, Zhou Anan didn't reject the other party's 'good intentions', and Zhou An'an, who came back to his senses, subconsciously thought of another question.

  Since this is a well-known and powerful female singer in Taiwan Province, who was the person named 'Enen' who was talking to her just now?

   If it’s from the entertainment industry, then what? ? ?

  However, Zhou Anan's doubts did not last for a few seconds, and a familiar face came into his eyes.

   "Hanhan, don't wander around. Sorry, sorry, my friend is drunk."

   A girl with a good figure rushed out of the booth next to her, took Zhang Yuhan's arm and walked back, and apologized to the young man who was disturbed.

   "If you don't mind, Hierarch. You can come and sit with me."

  Seeing the familiar 'Oriental Hierarch', Zhou An'an had a friendly smile on his face, and his eyes involuntarily fell on a certain part of the opponent's upper body that was half covered by the mesh of the black gauze skirt.

  The scenery is beautiful.

  He really didn't expect to meet two female artists who are one of the few favorite female artists in Taiwan Island Province tonight.

  One is Zhang Yuhan, a powerful singer with good looks and average figure, and the other is Yu Qiaoen, an idol queen with good looks and proud figure. They are simply lucky.

   "Look, people don't mind. Come on, Enen, I respect you too."

  After hearing the young man's words, Zhang Yuhan, who was pale and slightly reddish, pulled his friend to the seat in turn, picked up the bottle and poured wine for him again.

   Having someone to drink with her is the happiest thing right now.

   "This is not good"

   Yu Qiaoen, who was also a little drunk at first, was pulled to sit down by his friend, and said a little embarrassedly.

   Interrupting a strange man inexplicably, if the other party has any intentions, there will be an explosion in tomorrow's entertainment newspaper.

  Of course, any entertainment headlines will definitely not make it.

  Thinking of this, with dry mouth and empty stomach, she casually picked up a piece of duck neck on the table and tasted it. Yu Qiaoen's eyes lit up, and her resistance disappeared instantly.

  She didn't expect that the snacks on the other side's table were so delicious.

  As for her previous experience of ordering snacks and being told that she could not order food in this bar, she had already been overwhelmed by the drunkenness in her mind.

   There is food, no matter what else.

   "Taste the characteristics of Hangzhou."

   Without saying anything else, Zhou Anan pushed the special snacks that Zhang Tao specially bought in front of the other party.

  The rumored Master En, who likes food, really lives up to his reputation.

  Seeing the somewhat hesitant 'Oriental Hierarch' happily eating snacks, Zhou An'an smiled, and took a few sips with Zhang Yuhan, who was drinking heavily.

   "Why, are you in a bad mood?"

   When Zhang Yuhan poured his third glass of wine, Zhou Anan took the opportunity to ask.

  From this powerful singer, he saw a whole body of stories.

  He has wine, and the other party has stories, which is perfect.

   "Let me tell you a story"

  In Zhang Yuhan’s story, Zhou An’an heard about a girl who likes to sing. She worked hard since she was a child, owned a world, and greatly improved the life of the whole family.

   Unforeseen events happened. The girl whose career had reached the pinnacle wanted to take a good rest, so she refused to renew her contract with the agency. Later, she was dehumanized and suppressed by the agency that was about to terminate the contract.

  Frozen, negative news, threats of violence

  The brokerage company even took advantage of the time when the girl was going abroad for recuperation due to a congenital heart problem, to instigate, lure, and bribe the girl's relatives to discredit her and put pressure on her from the side.

   What made the girl sad and desperate was that, apart from her father who loved her all the time, her mother, younger brother, aunt and other relatives all accepted the benefits and stood on the side of the brokerage company, persuading her to accept the request of the brokerage company.

  The brokerage company stated that as long as the girl renews her contract, all the negative news will disappear, and she will still be the queen of the next stop.

  When she refused, those relatives who took money from the brokerage company actually spoke out to slander her in public, which attracted media reports, describing her as a cold-blooded animal who became famous and abandoned her relatives and friends.

   Such a move almost cut off that girl's stardom.

   What makes the girl heartbroken is not the agency's despicable methods, but the betrayal of her close relatives.

  In the end, the stubborn girl did not bow to the brokerage company, but stubbornly broke the brokerage contract for many years, but she also paid the price of broken family ties, betrayal and scolding by everyone.

   "Is there no other entertainment company to help?"

  Listening to the other person's personal story, Zhou An'an didn't expect that her petite body would bear such a great pressure.

  If you were someone else, you might be driven crazy after experiencing such betrayal.

   There is no doubt that the so-called girl who likes to sing is Zhang Yuhan herself in front of her. Although Zhou Anan drank alcohol, her IQ is still online.

  What puzzled Zhou An'an was that with Zhang Yuhan's current popularity, there would definitely be an entertainment company willing to take over, just to pay more public relations fees.

  With this diva-level artist in hand, you can earn back in minutes.

"You don't know, we are all related to entertainment companies in Taiwan. The boss of Hanhan's agency is very powerful in Taiwan, and everyone doesn't want to offend him, otherwise we wouldn't come to the mainland to relax. "

  Facing Zhou An'an's question, Zhang Yuhan, the person involved, didn't speak. Yu Qiaoen, who was next to him and had a lot of snacks, answered first, his delicate tone was full of indignation.

  She also experienced being oppressed by the brokerage company, but it was not as serious as her friends.

   "What about you? Why come to the mainland to relax?"

  Inadvertently put a cup of warm water in Zhang Yuhan's hand, Zhou An'an did not interrupt the other party's reminiscence, and asked about the origin of this 'Oriental leader'.

  Bringing wine to relieve worries, the other party's condition is no better than Zhang Meizi.

   "Enen, she was hurt by love, and she came here to relax with me."

   Zhang Yuhan, who came back to his senses, directly talked about his friend's thoughts.

   "Okay, you heartless Hanhan. In vain, I traveled thousands of miles to accompany you here to relax, and even invited you to eat and drink, but you actually exposed my faults in person and fined me for drinking."

  Seeing that her embarrassing story was exposed by her friend, Yu Qiaoen directly poured a whole glass of wine for her friend.

   "Just drink it, I haven't had enough."

  Picking up the glass of red wine, Zhang Yuhan drank it boldly.

   "Brother, it's not appropriate for you to occupy two girls by yourself."

   At this time, a frivolous voice sounded from the side.

  (end of this chapter)

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