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Chapter 824: Sprinkle money Dafa

  Chapter 824 Sprinkling Money Dafa

  As a large group mainly engaged in real estate and self-built theaters, Stellar Group's investment in the education industry can only be regarded as a small investment.

  Hangcheng Yuren High School was established less than five years ago. Currently, due to the problem of less than 35% of the undergraduate enrollment rate, there is a short-term student source dilemma.

   Originally wanted to carry out strategic deployment in the area of ​​education to build the third territory of the group, but it was stranded due to efficiency issues.

  Combined with the impact of the financial crisis, Stellar Group intends to sell part of the shares in Yuren High School, but with the intervention of Ye Huai'an and others, the original partial share sale plan has become all shares.

   "Brother Ye, thank you for your hard work."

  At Qianbao Hotel in Hangzhou, Zhou Anan and Ye Huaian met.

  For a transaction involving hundreds of millions, Yang Ye, Ye Huai'an's other main investor, naturally also came over.

   "What's the hard work, it's up to you to make money in the future."

   Greeting the other party, Ye Huai'an did not take any credit for it, and said something politely.

   It was agreed in advance that he and Yang Ye would only invest in dividends and not participate in management.

   What's more, he intervened in the acquisition, and it was no problem to deal with others, but it would be too cumbersome to really manage the school.

   "Brother Ye said this, I will definitely make your investment worthwhile this time. Brother Yang, long time no see."

  Give the other party a positive promise, Zhou Anan turned around and shook hands with Yang Erdai who hadn't seen him for a long time.

   Since seeing him twice in 2006, he has hardly met this rich second generation from Kuaiji.

   "Anzi, long time no see. When I first met you, I was a little bit unconvinced when I heard about your plan for Qinglan Tea. Looking at it now, it's really admirable. I can't accept it."

  As soon as they met, Yang Ye talked about the scene when the two met for the first time, and there was no shortage of compliments in his words.

  That year, the other party was still a little immature. He heard the other party's rhetoric during the banquet, and thought it was a good bragging.

  Who would have thought that Qinglan Tea, which was established only two years ago, has now exceeded a valuation of 1 billion.

  In just two short years, the other party has grown up from an unknown little guy, and has already surpassed him in terms of wealth.

  Life encounters are really elusive.

   Some people may be the favored children of heaven, which is an important reason why he did not hesitate to follow Ye Huai'an to invest tens of millions.

   "Brother Yang was joking, I was just lucky."

  After what the other party said, Zhou Anan remembered the bragging at the wine table back then, and found that it had come true.

  However, you still have to be humble on the surface.

   "Humble is not."

   After chatting a few words, the friendship between the men began to accumulate, and they quickly became acquainted.

  Everyone had lunch together and then drove to Yuren High School.

   Accompanied by the head of the training department, Professor Mei, Zhou Anan's beautiful secretary, a three-member team of lawyers, and a professional auditing team.

  After signing the contract today, the audit team will be fully stationed in Yuren High School to do a good job in the handover.

   "Hahaha, I knew Brother An would definitely come over."

  The crowd, led by the former middle-aged principal, walked into the medium-sized meeting room of Yuren High School. A young man sitting inside stood up and greeted him with a smile.

   "Brother Xu, nice to meet you."

   Unexpectedly, the young owner of the Star Group would come over in person, Zhou Anan shook hands with the other party calmly.

  Seeing the eagerness of this childhood friend and Zhou Anan, the smile on Ye Huai'an's face was a little embarrassed.

   It seems that this brother Zhou, who is acquainted with the young owner of the Star Group, can buy this private high school without his help.

   "It's a pleasure to meet you. I came here specially to wait for you today. After signing the contract, you must give me a chance to be the host. Let's have a good chat."

When we met for the second time, Xu Letian made a familiar arrangement, and then greeted his childhood playmates: "Huai'an, I didn't expect you to keep so much money in such a quiet way, it wouldn't be in college Are you secretly collecting money to make up lessons for students?"

   "How much money can I make from supplementary lessons? It can't compare to your stars. The money I earn from building a movie theater is worth my lifetime salary."

  My heart was full of surprise, but Ye Huai'an's face didn't change at all.

  The matter has come to this point, and the cooperation between him and this brother Zhou is a foregone conclusion. The stronger the other party is, the greater the benefits he will get, so why worry about what is there.

   It's just that, when I get in touch with my little brother in the future, I need to think more about it.

   "Professional things, leave them to professional people, let's go to the side for tea."


  Leaving the negotiation of the contract to the professional team, Zhou Anan and the three followed the landlord to the next office to chat and drink tea.

  Rich people are so comfortable that they don’t need to do things by themselves.

   "Boss, it's ready."

   About an hour and a half later, the beautiful secretary walked into the office to report, Zhou Anan nodded, and then said to the rest of the people: "Brother Xu, the contract is almost done, let's sign it."

"it is good."

  Backing to the meeting room, Zhou An'an briefly looked at the newly drafted terms, asked Professor Mei a few words, and signed his name readily.

   As a seller, Xu Letian was much more casual, and basically signed his name without reading the contract.

  In just two minutes, the four of Zhou Anan signed their names at the same time, deciding on a transaction contract worth 200 million yuan.

   "From now on, this education high school will be handed over to Brother An."

  Handing one of the contracts to the accompanying assistant, Xu Letian shook hands with the other party, and talked about the previously arranged treat: "I booked a table for dinner at the old Shen private kitchen, you don't want to refuse."

   "There are people rushing to treat guests, how can I refuse."

   Zhou Anan was a little surprised that the tens of billions of rich second generation rushed to treat guests, but he didn't refuse.

   Knowing one more friend, one more road, not to mention that the other party just sold him a private high school that can continue to generate wealth in the future.

  Single round, the land for educating people in high schools, will not exceed 200 million in the future, not to mention the chain effect it will bring to his training branch.

  The contract was finalized, and it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, which was still early for dinner.

   Several big men have already drank tea for half an afternoon. Naturally, there are not so many topics to talk about. Zhou Anan asked Professor Mei to handle the handover of Yuren High School, and took the beautiful secretary to the Celebrity Building.

  It has been more than half a month since "Super Elite" was launched, and Zhou Anan visited the company for the first time.

  As the big boss of a tens of billions of companies, Zhou An'an is the only one who has been idle so far.

   "BOSS, the number of registered users of "Super Elite" has exceeded 12 million, and the highest number of concurrent online users is 2.8 million. This number is still increasing steadily"

  After learning that the big boss came to inspect the company, Yan Jianlai, the general manager of China Dragon Games, immediately went to the lobby on the first floor to greet him, took him to the floor where the game company was located, and personally introduced the development of "Super Elite".

   "Mr. Yan has worked hard, and I won't say much about the rest. This game must focus on the player's sense of experience. Since it is a game produced by our company, we must make it for a long time and have a long-term vision."

  Looking at the tense and busy scene of the technical department, Zhou Anan, who didn't see any tricks, stood in the player's perspective and talked about some common sense he knew.

  Basically, it can be regarded as repeating the old tune.

   "Okay, I will definitely keep your request in mind."

   Regarding the request of the big boss, Yan Jianlai worked hard to record it carefully.

   "I see that everyone has worked very hard this month. Each employee in the technical department and customer service department has an additional bonus of 1,000, and an additional 5 days of annual leave."

  After talking about his request, Zhou Anan began to use the method of throwing money to increase the morale of the company's employees.

  It can not only improve the work enthusiasm and sense of belonging of the company's employees, but also declare his sense of existence and establish his prestige as a major shareholder.

   These people are all loyal fans who work hard to make money for him, and some bonuses are a must.

   "Okay, I'll make an announcement to the technicians present. Listen up, Mr. Zhou."


  It can be seen with the naked eye that all the employees in the technical department clapped their hands attentively, and the palms of a few honest young men were all red.

   After inspecting two or three departments, Zhou Anan came to the office of General Manager Yan and sat down. Not long after, the group CEO, CTO and CFO who heard the news all came in.

  The original small talk turned into a high-level impromptu meeting.

  Stayed until five o'clock, Zhou An'an went to the private kitchen restaurant for dinner by car.

   "Brother An, I wonder when your celebrity group will raise the B round?"

   While having dinner in an elegant private kitchen restaurant, Xu Letian casually asked something, which attracted the attention of Ye Huai'an and the two next to him.

  (end of this chapter)

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