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Chapter 823: unexpected, reasonable

  Chapter 823 Unexpected, reasonable

  Finally, Zhou Anan 'reluctantly' agreed to make a strong recommendation with their senior sister Yang, under the intensified coquettishness of Xiao Xiaomei and Feimeizi.

   There is no way, if he persists, he will be embarrassed by a certain feeling he feels at close range.

   In other words, Miss Fei is still really thin.

   "Director Yang, nice to meet you."

  In a blue sky cafe in the center of the magic city, Zhou Anan met Fairy Jinghong herself.

  A casual spring windbreaker, wrapping a peerless beauty, just like the fairy who occupied the forefront of the beauty list on TV when he was a teenager, the beauty of the past has not diminished.

   Regarding Yang Wenjing's first impression, Zhou An'an thinks it is appropriate to use two words to describe it, stunning and mature.

  The number one beauty of the Sui Dynasty and the outstanding fairy Jinghong back then were almost in their prime, but their looks, appearance and figure were already half a block smaller than the school belle sisters and the others.

   After all, he is a strong man who has been killed from the pile of pure natural beauties. He has good looks, is about to enter middle age, and can kill a small flower in seconds.

   "Mr. Zhou, I'm a little embarrassed by your title. After all, I'm a newcomer in the director's field."

   After shaking hands with the other party, Yang Wenjing replied modestly.

  She didn't expect that the big boss of Blue Whale Entertainment was such a young person.

   "Director Yang is being polite. This is my sister, Li Yiyi, who can be regarded as Director Yang's junior. Please take care of Director Yang in the future."

   There were other people present, Zhou Anan's social skills were very common, and he introduced the school belle sister for the first time.

  Because of their studies, of course the four girls couldn't ask for leave together, but Li Yiyi was the only one who took half a day off.

   Besides, it is not appropriate for so many people to discuss the script with Yang Wenjing.

   "Hi, senior."

  Hearing her brother-in-law introduce herself, Li Yiyi called out sweetly.

   She still admires this senior senior.

   After all, as an actress, it takes a lot of courage and strength to transform into a female director.

  In comparison, she who just wants to be the boss of a dance training department seems a bit low-end.

   "It's the second time Yiyi and I have met. I didn't expect her to be Mr. Zhou's younger sister."

  Nodding with the school girl who met, Yang Wenjing knew in advance that the heroine already had someone, but she didn't expect that it would be the school girl recommended by her teacher earlier.

   Relatively speaking, it is not so difficult to accept giving up the script that I have polished for many years.

   "Director Yang, have you ordered anything yet?"

  After sitting down, Zhou Anan politely asked Fairy Jinghong who had made him unforgettable.

"not yet."

   "Let's order together then."

"it is good."


   "Mr. Zhou, who is your favorite male lead?"

  After some formalities, Yang Wenjing asked about the movie.

   There is no need to consider the choice of heroine, but the choice of male lead is very important. It can be said that it is related to the success or failure of the whole movie, and it is also related to her ideal.

  Choose this movie as her first transformational work, Yang Wenjing is rushing to win awards, box office is not her main goal.

   "At present, there are a few candidates, Ma Chao, Hu Ge, and Duan Yihao."

  Faced with this problem, Zhou An'an was well prepared and gave several alternative lists.

  As the soul of their company's key variety show, Zhou An'an put Ma Chao first, after all, the other party was also the leading actor in the original version of the previous life.

  However, Zhou An'an, who has pre-appointed the heroine, can no longer interfere in the choice of the heroine, and always respect Fairy Jinghong's self-esteem as a tour guide for the first time.

   "Duan Yihao?"

  Hearing this name, Yang Wenjing froze for a moment, it was the male lead candidate in her original script.

  This is quite a fate.

   "Why, Director Yang prefers Duan Yihao?"

   Unexpectedly, the other party said a name he expected, Zhou Anan raised his eyebrows, not too surprised.

  Being bored in the previous life, Zhou Anan vaguely remembered the movie directed by the other party. It seemed to tell a story of inexplicable reincarnation and rebirth.

  As for the box office of that movie, it seemed to be in the low digits, but the investors lost all their trousers anyway.

   Otherwise, after that, Fairy Jinghong, who starred and directed across borders, would not come out again and star in TV dramas.

   "No, I think Hugo can try it."

   Shaking her head, Yang Wenjing mentioned her ideal candidate.

  Before, she only chose Duan Yihao, who played a friendly role, because of limited funds.

  Nowadays there is a better choice, so it is natural to choose Hu Ge, who is very popular.

  Although a good movie is not determined by a leading actor, a male lead with online acting skills and popularity can obviously improve the overall effect of the movie.

  Now the "Nirvana in Fire" aired by Suzhou Satellite TV is overwhelming the major TV stations. Hu Ge's popularity has not decreased but increased after returning from injury, and even reached a higher level.

  Whether it is acting or popularity, Hu Ge ranks among the top three among the young generation in China, and he is the best candidate to star in this movie.

  As for her old acquaintance Duan Yihao, who has no name as a foreign actor, but his popularity in the eyes of domestic audiences can only be regarded as mediocre.

  Everything must be based on actual needs, and human feelings should be put aside first.

   "Hugo's schedule is a bit full, but I think he should be interested in this movie."

  The other party's choice was beyond Zhou Anan's expectation, but it was also reasonable.

  This Fairy Jinghong has an obsession with literary and artistic films, but she can't avoid the pursuit of box office and audience recognition in her heart.

  Winning awards is important, but if you can get a better box office, which director will refuse.

  You can have both fish and bear's paw, who would give up one of them.

   "That would be the best."

  Getting the other party's promise, Yang Wenjing felt relieved, and suddenly discovered the benefits of cooperating with a big company.

  Choose a starring role casually, and the company will come forward to solve it. There is no need for her to do it herself, busy with troublesome things other than directing movies.

   Some companies extended an olive branch to her before, but Yang Wenjing has her own persistence and bottom line, and the conditions offered by those companies are a bit difficult for her to accept.

  The so-called script only pursues economic benefits, blindly caters to the audience, and has no theme at all.

  People, sometimes know how to be flexible, it might not be a kind of luck.

   "I suggest Director Yang to consider the rest of the female characters."

  Noticing the eyes of Xiao Xiaomei, Zhou Anan remembered the promise made by the two of them with the coquettish method, and talked about the other female characters.

   "I will seriously consider Mr. Zhou's recommendation."

  After listening to several female characters recommended by the other party, Yang Wenjing subconsciously glanced at the elementary school girl next to her.

  If she remembers correctly, the three actresses are all classmates of this elementary school girl, and this young boss really cares about this elementary school girl.

   Unavoidable, it makes people a little envious.

   "Director Yang, there will be a special person to contact you about the pre-promotion of the movie. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

  As a hidden company's "big screenwriter", Zhou Anan took the initiative to give the other party a private number.

   This is definitely not because the other party is a big beauty, nor is it because the other party's figure occupied the top of the list of beauties in his youth.

  Purely because of work relationship, work relationship.


  Nodding, Yang Wenjing wrote down the number, and then drank coffee and chatted about the future of the movie.

   With the approval of the big boss behind the scenes, she also had more initiative when she approached the relevant staff of Blue Whale Entertainment.

  Accompanies Fairy Jinghong to drink coffee for half the morning. After parting, Zhou Anan sends Xiao Xiaomei back to school, and he himself rushes back to Lucheng to continue being his obedient student.

  Occasionally busy with career, it is also a good coordination for life.

  At the end of April, Zhou Anan received a call from Fatty Ye and hurried to Hangzhou.

  At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, his training department chain development is about to make up for an important shortcoming.

   Thank you book friend An Ye * Bloody? tipping



  (end of this chapter)

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