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Chapter 802: Finish your coffee before leaving?

  Chapter 802 Leave after drinking coffee?

   "Miss Huang, what a coincidence."

  Seeing the person coming, Zhou Anan, who had guessed for a long time, smiled and said hello to the fair-skinned daughter of No. 1 Lucheng.

  Deducting the option of skin whiteness, a single round of appearance and temperament, the other party is really incomparable with the young lady next to him, at least two levels behind.

   Also, the other party's hesitant appearance made him feel a little chilly.

   Young Master Li has found a strong woman a few years older to be his girlfriend, and this No. 1 daughter of Lucheng has also found a fiancé. Is it necessary to pretend this innocent appearance in front of outsiders?

   What's more, Young Master Li is not here, and no one will see him pretending to be innocent.

  Pretentious women are all green tea.

   "What a coincidence."

  Looked at the other party with complicated eyes, Huang Ping didn't say anything more, but Fan Anying next to her interrupted in surprise: "Sister-in-law, do you know each other? This is the old classmate and his boyfriend I was talking about."

  She didn't expect that her old classmate's boyfriend, who runs the training department, also knew Lucheng No. 1's daughter.

   And looking at that expression, from a woman's sixth sense, Fan Anying could see that there seemed to be some connection between the two that outsiders didn't know.

   That’s right, the one who runs the training department, besides the emotional relationship, can have any relationship with Lucheng No. 1’s daughter.

  However, in order to avoid any misunderstandings from her husband's old classmates, Fan Anying came out to liven up the atmosphere immediately. Tonight was a strategy plan specially prepared by the couple for that son-in-law.

   "Really, this Lucheng is really small."

  Maybe also noticed her own state, Huang Ping continued following the newly met little sister.

   In front of her'fiancé', she couldn't ask him what happened to the former him.

   Guessing, he still stayed with his girlfriend.

   Asking is annoying, and asking is useless.

   "It's getting late, let's talk next time."

  Faced with this kind of person who has nothing to do with his girlfriend, Zhou Anan, who was held by the young lady, naturally parted from him.

   He doesn't need to deal with that Lucheng No. 1, it doesn't matter if he knows him or not.

   This kind of green tea was not rare in his previous life, but his status was slightly inferior to the daughter of Lucheng No. 1 in front of him.

   "Why did you leave so quickly, who is that person?"

   After drinking some wine, Zhou Cheng was a little busy. Seeing that pretty girl left so quickly, he curiously asked his fiancée beside him.

  That girl's boyfriend, he doesn't mind making more friends.

   "It's nothing, it's just a classmate of An Ying, and I happen to know him too."

  Don't want to talk more about this topic, Huang Ping smelled the alcohol on the other person's body, and frowned slightly: "You can't drive after drinking, I'll let my dad's driver pick us up."

   "It's okay, I don't go to work today on Saturday and tomorrow on Sunday. Lao Jin and the others helped us book a high-end suite in the hotel next door. Let's rest there."

  Squinting his eyes, Zhou Cheng, who seemed a little drunk, was always paying attention to the state of his 'fiancée', so that he could adjust his strategy at any time.

  From the first contact to the current status as a fiancée, Zhou Cheng did not take any further actions other than occasionally holding each other's hands a few times, not even a high school student in love.

  However, in this matter, Zhou Cheng, who was in a weak position, could not force the opponent, but could only wait for the opportunity to find a suitable opportunity to attack the city.

   Originally, this time he didn't want to have dinner with his old classmate Jin Yuan, who smelled of copper, but a trick proposed by the other party made him very tempted.

  If he took this opportunity to completely win over his fiancée and stabilize the relationship between the two, then the flattery he received in the work unit would not be a dream come true.

  The son-in-law of Lucheng No. 1, his future career will be smooth.

   "I'm fine."

  At first, I wanted to ask my dad's driver to pick me up, but when I thought of my ex-love partner who kissed a certain woman, Huang Ping's inexplicable anger made her agree.

  Of course she knew what might happen tonight after agreeing.

   Big deal, she just refuses when the time comes.

  Even if she can't marry the person she likes, Huang Ping is not a casual girl, at least she can get married.

   "Do you know the daughter of Lucheng No. 1?"

  Sitting in the co-pilot seat of the Maserati, Zhu Huihui seemed to be casually chatting about the fair-skinned girl she met earlier, keeping her eyes on the front but secretly glancing at the man next to her.

   Could it be, what kind of relationship did the two have before? ? ?

   "We've met a few times, and we've had dinner with a bunch of friends. She liked Li Shucheng from the Dali Group before, but it turned out to be ruthless."

   Focusing his eyes on the front, Zhou Anan briefly talked about the weak intersection between the two.

  As for the love-hate entanglement between the daughter of No. 1 Lucheng and Young Master Li, Zhou An'an is not very clear about it, nor will she gossip behind her back.


  Hearing this answer, Zhu Huihui nodded knowingly, extinguishing an unreliable guess in her heart, and then talked about the food in another place.

  From the beginning to the end, Zhu Huihui did not point out the relationship between the two, nor did she ask any information about the other party's current girlfriend.

  Retain the current relationship, at least not completely cut off the so-called thoughts, the future can be expected.

  She has a feeling that speaking out now will definitely make the other party stay away.

   Talking about feelings with little men is not tiring at all.

   "Take me to buy a cup of coffee. I forgot to watch the new TV series that aired today. I'm going to watch it online after twelve o'clock. I just don't have to go to work tomorrow."

  The car entered the urban area of ​​Lucheng, Zhu Huihui smiled and made a request.

   "Is that Hu Ge's "Langya Bang"?"

  After listening to what the young lady said, Zhou Anan, who was driving towards Chonghemen Square, asked with a smile. Unexpectedly, the young lady was also a fan of Hu Ge.

  Tomorrow Video spent 30 million yuan to buy the exclusive rights to broadcast "Langya Bang", and launched the high-definition TV series that had already been broadcast on Suzhou Satellite TV in the early morning of the next day.

  In order to make their 30 million yuan worthwhile, the executive directors of the two Internet Copyright Associations, TX and Blue Whale Entertainment, also launched a pilot video website membership requirement within the association.

  Let’s jointly explore and develop the revenue direction of the regularization of network copyright, and strictly prohibit any website from reprinting unauthorized pirated TV series, starting with the new drama "Langya Bang" that will be released on the video tomorrow.

  This proposal was approved by all executive directors.

  As the financial crisis continues, the big guys who keep burning money are a little bit overwhelmed.

   It is a pleasure to see someone take the lead in stepping on the trap of membership payment, whether it succeeds or fails.

   "Yes, several of our colleagues in the office are talking about it. But the Tomorrow Video website seems to require members to be able to watch it in the early morning of the next day, and non-members have to wait the next day. I even paid ten yuan to buy a membership."


"Do you have a membership, or should I lend you one to watch? I've seen it. One account can be used by three IPs, so it won't be wasted. In addition to being able to watch new TV dramas earlier, members can also avoid advertisements." Woolen cloth."

   "Okay, you can send me an account, and I'll check it out then."

   Zhou Anan responded with a smile to Miss Sister's request to share an account.

  Of course he would not say that he is a shareholder of Tomorrow Video, but even if he is a shareholder, he is embarrassed to ask for a permanent free membership to watch videos.

   It’s just a membership, is he short of the ten yuan a month’s drizzle?

   "Well, I'll go get coffee myself. You wait for me in the car, I'll be right back."

"it is good."

  Parked the car in the underground parking lot of Chonghemen Square, Zhou Anan did not refuse the young lady's suggestion to buy coffee alone, and waited quietly beside the car.

  Qing Lan Coffee Shop is next to Gang Kee Milk Tea. Little Lolita’s mother is often there. If she is accidentally seen, it is not suitable.


  Without keeping Zhou Anan waiting for a few minutes, Zhu Huihui, who came back with two cups of Qinglan coffee, handed over a cup of caramel macchiato. She walked a little too fast and was panting slightly.

   "Why, do you also want me to accompany you to watch dramas at night?"

   After taking the coffee, Zhou Anan looked at the beautiful collarbone under the lace, and said something half-joking and half-appreciative.


   Zhu Huihui responded without hesitation, looking directly at the other party with piercing eyes.

   "No, I have something to do when I go to Hangzhou tomorrow."

  Being hit by Miss Sister's fiery eyes, Zhou An'an didn't dodge, and honestly gave a reason.

  The loan team of Swiss Bank will meet with him tomorrow. Zhou Anan, who could have been waiting in Lucheng, changed the location to Hangzhou.

  Anyway, he doesn't have to go to class on Sunday, so he goes to Hangzhou to take care of some things.


   Seeing the other party's refusal, Zhu Huihui didn't say anything, and drank coffee quietly.

   "Go up and sit down, drink coffee before leaving?!"

   Arriving downstairs in her dormitory, Zhu Huihui smiled and pointed to the caramel macchiato in front of her, which she had only taken two sips of.

  (end of this chapter)

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