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Chapter 801: "Nirvana in Fire" Premiere

  Chapter 801 "Langya Bang" Premiere

   "Mom, you just came to Hangzhou, is it inappropriate to ask this kind of question? The West Lake vinegar fish here is very good, try it quickly, it is very difficult for you to be late in Pengcheng."

  Wang Xiaoxiao on the side heard this, couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and quickly picked up a piece of fish for her mother, trying to stop her question, and then gestured wildly to her best friend with her eyes.

   During Chinese New Year, I was talked about by three aunts and eight aunts at home. I didn’t expect my parents to come to Hangzhou on the first day of this year, and they started talking about it.

  If she can't stop this 'evil trend', how will she live in the future.

   "Auntie, Xiaoxiao still focuses on her career for the time being, and she doesn't have a boyfriend."

  Seeing her friend's blinking eyes, Yu Xian'er answered truthfully.

   "I'm getting old now, it's time to talk about my boyfriend. I think that little guy from the He family is pretty good. I met their father and son at a meeting a few days ago, and the boy from the He family looks very energetic."

  As an old father, Li Dongcheng directly mentioned a specific goal.

  Although sooner or later the cabbage in their family will be crushed by pigs, it hurts to think about it, but the pig's growth is also a comfort to him for so many years of hard work.

  The most important thing is not to suffer from their cabbage.

   "Little Qiuqiu? How is it possible, Dad, don't you know how many girlfriends he changes a year?"

  Wang Xiaoxiao did not hesitate to expose the true face of the male junior high school student after hearing her father mess up the mandarin ducks.

  No way, everything, her own safety is the first priority.

   To benefit oneself at the expense of others, at this time, there must be one.

   "Hey, how about the young man who co-founded the company with you? Xian'er, you also know him."

  Following her husband's train of thought, Mother Wang also mentioned a boy, with an inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

   "I know him, he's not bad."

  Yu Xian'er gave a more neutral answer without looking at her best friend.

  In the current situation, it's not time for her to say good things to An Xiaodi, so as not to backfire.

"Mom, you said Xiao An, we are ordinary friends plus partners. Oh, I just graduated and I am only 23 years old. How can I be so anxious to find a boyfriend? Are you eager to marry me out as soon as possible? Also, others He also has a girlfriend."

  Wang Xiaoxiao didn't say anything bad when her mother suddenly mentioned An Xiaodi, but the last sentence was a little inexplicably sad.

   Alas, compared to little brother An, this young lady who is more than three years older is also a bit old.

  The problem is that younger brother An has girlfriends, but she has never dated a boyfriend. In comparison, she is a little sorry for the pretentious three-year-old.

   "Okay, let's not talk about this. Your dad and I came to Hangzhou to see you for the first time, and talk about the two houses you bought."

   Seeing the concern in her daughter's eyes, Wang's mother took care of herself, looked at her husband, and changed the topic in time.

   "Mom and Dad, let me tell you, I specially hired a famous designer to design your house, and it will definitely satisfy you. After dinner, I will take you to have a look."

   "Hey, I'm so full."

   Leaning on the chair, Zheng Junli, who was a little stuffed, burped comfortably.

   It’s rare to come to such a high-end hot pot restaurant. Naturally, I have to eat more to live up to the trip.

   "By the way, Shi Mingxia and the others have eaten well, we still need to use her VIP card."

  As the boss in the dormitory, Liang Yueqi immediately spoke out about issues related to everyone's interests.

   As far as the 7 of them ordered tonight, if they didn't have Shi Mingxia's 50% discount card, they would definitely bleed.

   "It's okay, I told Shi Mingxia to call them when they leave."

  As the proposer of tonight's dinner, Zheng Junli naturally has to do things in place and make preparations in advance.

   As a result, Zheng Junli, who was holding the phone, felt a vibration in her palm, and the number displayed on the screen was exactly Shi Mingxia's number: "Look, the call is coming."

   "Jun Li, have you finished eating? I have already paid for your table."

   "That's it, thank you so much, we've finished eating here."

Hearing that Shi Mingxia helped them pay for their dormitories, Zheng Juanli was grateful, mouthed to the other girls, and continued to politely say to the phone: "Next time, let's have dinner together in the dormitory. Let us treat you."


  Swiped her boyfriend's 50% discount card, and used her own money to treat Li Yan and the others to a meal in their bedroom. Shi Mingxia didn't feel any distress.

  For the female classmate whose boyfriend had a crush on, Shi Mingxia always had a little bit of precaution, and naturally showed his generosity when he had the opportunity, and then snuffed out any possible buds.

   As long as you are consistently better than other girls, there is nothing to worry about.

  Put down the phone, Zheng Junli said with a smile: "Shi Mingxia and the others left their dormitory first, and settled the bill for our table by the way."

   "It's so good, we've eaten hundreds at this table."

  Deng Jun, who was drinking a drink beside him, couldn't help but sigh with emotion, but an idea that ordinary people have flashed inexplicably in his mind.

  Finding a rich boyfriend is different.

   "Next time, let's have a meal and go back, otherwise I'm too embarrassed."

   Regarding this, Li Yan reiterated what Zheng Junli said politely on the phone earlier, not to let others talk about a certain boy.

   "Okay, let's treat them to grilled fish next time."

  As the eldest sister in the dormitory, Liang Yueqi made the final decision.

   "Okay, okay, it's almost 7:30, let's go back to catch up with the drama. Two days ago, I saw a few trailers on the Internet, and Hu Ge was stunned."

   "Yeah, I didn't expect the ruffian Li Xiaoyao to be so domineering."

   "If you want me to say, that heroine is so beautiful, I haven't seen it much before."

   "I haven't seen it either, but it always looks familiar."

   "She and Hu Ge stand together, so good-looking."

   "Didn't you notice, I saw Zhu Qiqi from Wulin Outer History in the trailer, but she was dressed a bit old-fashioned."

   "Zhu Qiqi, I remember, I remember. When I saw her with Shen Lang back then, I felt really sorry for Bai Feifei."

   "I hope Hugo won't disappoint us this time. I haven't watched much TV recently."

   "Hey, hurry up, the taxi is here."

  After the vigorous publicity of Celebrity Wechat, Tomorrow Video, and Suzhou Satellite TV, the popularity of "Langya Bang" has been the same for a while, and the most searched list of Celebrity Wechat occupies two of the top ten.

   "Langya List" ranked second, and Hu Ge's comeback ranked fifth.

  As for Jiang Provincial Satellite TV, which was upheld by Suzhou Satellite TV this time, its deputy director personally called Zhou An'an and chatted with Zhou An'an about emotional cards, saying that their TV station must be given priority for the next drama.

   In this regard, Zhou An'an brushed Tai Chi, agreeing to everything, but not definitively agreeing to anything.

  If "Langya Bang" is on the air, some TV stations will come to pull the source of the film; if "Langya Bang" fails, then the deputy director is talking nonsense.

  Everyone is an adult, how can two or three friendships compare to immediate interests.

  After the uninterrupted news broadcast ended, Suzhou Satellite TV put a two-minute weather forecast and an eight-minute commercial, and then officially launched the new drama "Langya Bang".

  When many fans gathered in front of the TV, many executives of Suzhou Satellite TV also sat in front of their own TVs and contributed to the ratings.

   After all, they spent a lot of money to steal food from Jiang Provincial Satellite TV. Whether "Langya Bang" can be popular is the key for Suzhou Satellite TV to catch up with other first-tier local satellite TVs. It will be ugly if it fails.

  However, the blame for the failure was the deputy director who was in charge of introducing the source of the film.

   "It's still a little cold, don't catch cold."

   Walking out of the box door, Zhou Anan put on the long coat for the young lady, so as not to be caught cold by the spring breeze at night.

  The most important thing is that the young lady's charming demeanor should not be seen by other men.


  Feeling the other party's concern, Zhu Huihui couldn't help reaching out and holding the other party's palm.

   "Zhou Anan?"

   As soon as the two of them walked to the gate holding hands, they heard a female voice coming.

  (end of this chapter)

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