Return home in the evening.

As soon as Chen Fan walked in, Boss Yang rushed over and looked at him with a smile on his face.

Chen Fan suddenly remembered the meal Boss Yang cooked yesterday, swallowed his saliva, and said,"Did you cook something 'delicious' again?"


Boss Yang looked at Chen Fan's cautious look. , smiled happily and said:"Why... you seem to dislike eating the food I cook... Didn't you enjoy eating yesterday?……"

Chen Fan chuckled and said,"You cook... I really can't compliment you.……"

Boss Yang said:"Don't worry...from now on...I won't go into the kitchen anymore."……" call——.

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

The dishes cooked by Boss Yang yesterday were so unpalatable that I almost didn't send him in.

Fortunately, Boss Yang realized it later...

Thinking about the taste of the food, Chen Fan still had lingering fears."Sixty-eight-three"

Boss Yang pulled Chen Fan towards the restaurant and said,"Don't worry...the dishes on this table today...we all bought them from outside.……"

Chen Fan chuckled and said:"Okay... I happen to be hungry... Let's eat.……"

After saying that, Chen Fan sat on the chair.

Boss Yang next to him looked at him with a meaningful smile.

Don't say it.

Being looked at by the charming Boss Yang like this, Chen Fan felt restless in his heart.

Boss Yang said:"Do you want to eat first...or do you want to eat me first?"……"

Boss Yang smiled charmingly.

What better choice is there?

Chen Fan immediately pulled Boss Yang into his arms


An hour later.

The two of you tidied up the messy sofa, and you returned to the dining table.

Boss Yang served the rice and placed it in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan said:"Next time, can you seduce me after dinner?……"

Boss Yang smiled and said confidently:"In front of me...if you choose to eat first...that would be the greatest disrespect for me.……"

Chen Fan looked at Boss Yang's body near the dining table and said,"It's really big.……"

Damn... you can drive on this broken road?

…… the next day.

As soon as Chen Fan opened his eyes, he found Maimai's face appearing in front of him.

Chen Fan was startled and immediately sat up.

Then he immediately realized that he and Boss Yang did something like this last night and didn't even have time to put on clothes, so he quickly covered himself with the quilt again.

Chen Fan wondered and said:"Why are you here... Can you get my permission before you come in next time?"……"

Mai Mai glanced at Chen Fan's body covered by the quilt and said:"Tsk...I've finished reading...what else do you have to cover up?"……"

Chen Fan was really speechless.

Did Mai Mai learn this from Hot Bar? If he suddenly appeared in his room in the early morning... no matter who he was, he would be startled, okay?

Chen Fan said:"What do you want from me?"

Mai Mai said:"Today's program process, let the two of us go to the amusement park."

Chen Fan nodded and said:"Okay... you go out first... I'll change Good clothes will come out……"

Mai Mai said disdainfully:"I said I've finished reading it...what else do you have to mind?"……"

She would not tell Chen Fan that she actually saw nothing.

Before she came in, Boss Yang wrapped Chen Fan tightly. As soon as she secretly opened a corner, Chen Fan woke up.

Chen Fan said:"Okay... I'll just change it……"

After saying that, Chen Fan was about to open the quilt and start changing clothes.

Don't know what happened.

Chen Fan just opened the quilt.

Mai Mai blushed for a while and said:"You really changed in front of me... You don't abide by male ethics."……"

After saying that.

Mai Mai ran out of the room as if running away.

Chen Fan was speechless.

It wasn't what Mai Mai said herself. She had already seen his body and asked him to change clothes right in front of her eyes.

Why are you still saying that he doesn't abide by male ethics...

Chen Fan sighed secretly, it was better for Boss Yang.

It is said that a woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of her heart, but men cannot fathom it.

Boss Yang doesn't even need to touch it, just look at it and it will be clear.

After Chen Fan changed his clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

Mai Mai has been waiting in the living room for a while.

There is a photographer sitting in the living room, and it seems that he will also be broadcasting live today.

Mai Mai complained:"What took you so long...The audience has been waiting for you for a long time.……"

I saw that Chen Fan was wearing casual clothes and looked a little handsome.

Mai Mai swallowed secretly and said,"You couldn't be... dressing up secretly, right?……"

Chen Fan sneered and said,"I still need to dress up...are you kidding me?"……"

This sentence left Mai Mai speechless0........

It's true as Chen Fan said.

Chen Fan looks a lot more handsome than some young talents in the entertainment industry. A simple white T-shirt is enough to turn heads, and there is no need to dress up seriously.

【It’s so funny...I feel like Mai Mai is asking for trouble every time……】

【Hahaha... I'm really looking forward to today's trip to the amusement park... I should be able to see this happen many times】

【Chen Fan is really handsome...if he wasn't a forensic doctor...he could definitely become a top-notch person in the entertainment industry……】

【Come on... the top men in the entertainment industry now... that's a joke... just like that little black guy... they might as well be forensic doctors……】

Although Mai Mai was criticized, he still handed the breakfast he brought to Chen Fan.

Mai Mai said:"Eat quickly... we will go to the amusement park after eating.……"

Chen Fan took the breakfast and ate it quickly and voraciously.

Seeing Chen Fan eating so happily.

Mai Mai couldn't be more happy... she queued up to buy this early in the morning!

After breakfast, the two went to the amusement park together.

The amusement park is on the outskirts of Magic City, a two-hour drive from Chen Fan's house.

It is equivalent to running from the east of the city to the west of the city, spanning the entire city.

While in the car.

Mai Mai mentioned yesterday's case and said,"What kind of punishment will He Daqiang and his wife get?"

Chen Fan said,"Why are you asking me... I'm not a judge... 4.8"

Mai Mai was stunned for a moment..

What about the love show you promised?

How could Boss Yang and Jiang Shuying tolerate Chen Fan like this?

I was chatted to death by Chen Fan all day.

Mai Mai said:"Didn't you hear what Lao Song said?"

Chen Fan said:"I don't care about the outcome of the murderer.……"

All right.

Chen Fan is not a normal person.

Mai Mai thought it was better not to ask.

To avoid Chen Fan being so angry that he vomits blood.

Two hours later.

Mai Mai and Chen Fan finally arrived at the amusement park in the suburbs.

Because it's the weekend.

There are many people in the amusement park.

Because it was a filming show, many people noticed Mai Mai and Chen Fan.

But because it is being broadcast live.

The staff of the program team dispersed the curious passers-by and allowed the program to continue live broadcast normally.

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