Brother Chao said:"……Fortunately, there is mosaic...I really want to vomit……"

Han coaxed:"Oh...why is Mai Mai so's okay now, okay?"……"

While they were still paying attention to Mai Mai.

Chen Fan's expression became serious.

Just now he put his hand on the chest of the male deceased. Although the corpse had long been decomposed, it was not like he could insert his fingers directly into it with a little force.

This incidates that.

There must be a wound on the deceased's chest.

Chen Fan picked up the scalpel and carefully cut open the male deceased's chest.

The knife in Chen Fan's hand was very fast, within a few dozen seconds.

A rotten heart appeared in Chen Fan-'s hand

【Thanks Mosaic……-Save my dog's life……】

【What happened to this heart... Why is Chen Fan so serious... Could it be related to the cause of death!】

【Forensic medicine is really a profession that requires psychological quality……】

Chen Fan carefully examined the heart.

There is a two centimeter wound on the front of the heart[]

And it's flat.

This shows that it is beneficial���This heart was once inserted.

The only tools that can cause such wounds are knives or daggers.

Since this wound was found in the heart, it means that this man definitely did not die of natural causes.

As for this woman...

Chen Fan touched the female body back and forth in the same way.

However, the decomposition of female corpses is more serious than that of male corpses, making the task of finding wounds even more troublesome.

Hard work pays off.

Chen Fan finally found a similar wound under the rotten surface of the female deceased's waist.

The wound is also two centimeters and flattened.

This shows that these two people were injured by the same sharp weapon...

I thought of this.

Chen Fan immediately dialed Lao Song's phone number

"Lao Song... When I checked the corpses just now... I found that both corpses had the same fatal wounds.……"

"They definitely did not die of natural causes as He Daqiang said, but of homicide!"

After receiving this information, Lao Song said that he also had important information and would rush over after a while.

【……Two old men in their 70s...according to the current really shouldn't be a natural death.……】

【I suspect that He Daqiang got angry during the dispute and then killed his parents.……】

【……Chen Fan's observation ability is...excellent...If it were me...I would never be able to find this out…】

【Upstairs... can Chen Fan be like you... He is Boss Yang's man! ]

Ten minutes later.

Lao Song rushed over.

Mai Mai, who ran out just now, came back after changing her clothes.

But now Chen Fan has no time to pay attention to her.

Chen Fan said:"Old Song...did you get clues from He Daqiang's sister?"

Old Song nodded heavily and said:"Yes...according to He Daqiang's sister, He Daqiang brought his After my daughter-in-law returned to her hometown...because he owed a gambling debt of 500,000 yuan, as soon as he came home, he asked his parents for money to pay off the gambling debt."

"So He Daqiang's parents were not happy, but He Daqiang was their son and it was impossible to ignore him."

"So He Daqiang’s parents gave their pension money to He Daqiang to pay off his gambling debts, but they were still a little short of 500,000."

"In order to repay this gambling debt, He Daqiang's parents had no choice but to contact their daughter"

"After He Daqiang's sister found out about this, she refused to fill in the hole. Because He Daqiang’s parents favored sons over daughters and were not so kind to He Daqiang’s sister, and she already had her own family at the time."

"He Daqiang's parents even threatened He Daqiang's sister to go to her company to cause trouble if she didn't give the money."

"In order to get rid of this vampire-like family, He Daqiang's sister had no choice but to fill in the hole, but she also severed ties with the family."

What Lao Song said also explains why He Daqiang's sister didn't know the news that her parents were dead.

Mai Mai is the only daughter in the family, and she dislikes this kind of family that values sons over daughters, and said:"……This kind of thing... No wonder He Daqiang's sister wasn't that excited after she found out that her parents were dead...……"

【Sister He Daqiang did the right thing... Voldemort had no choice but to……】

【To be honest...if He Daqiang's parents were really killed by He would be a bit deserved……】

【Alas...there's nothing we can do about it...feudalism……】

Lao Song said:"By the way... where is the wound... let me take a look……"

0 ········Asking for flowers···· ······

Chen Fan immediately took Lao Song to see the wounds on the two corpses.

"The fatal wound on the male corpse was in the heart. The fatal wound on the female body was in the waist."

After looking at the wounds, Lao Song said:"Now it is certain that he killed him...but...the murder scene must not be found...and it can only be done through interrogation.……"

That's when.

Lao Song's cell phone suddenly rang.

He hurriedly picked up the call. It was a call from his subordinate.

"What...He Daqiang's wife confessed……"

Lao Song was surprised and listened carefully to the call for a while.

After hanging up the phone.

Lao Song said:"They said that He Daqiang's wife confessed because she couldn't bear the psychological pressure...……"

Mai Mai was surprised and said:"Confession? Could it be that...he was killed by He Daqiang's wife?"……"


Lao Song nodded and said,"That's right.……"

"I won’t tell you anymore...I have to go over there...They are all waiting for me……"

Chen Fan said:"You go first……"

Lao Song left again.

Half an hour later.

Chen Fan received a text message from Lao Song.

Mai Mai came over to take a look and said,"That's it.……"

Two years ago...after He Daqiang's parents repaid He Daqiang's 500,000 gambling debt.

He Daqiang's parents threatened that they would no longer care about He Daqiang and would let He Daqiang fend for himself. They also insulted He Daqiang and his wife many times.

He Daqiang's wife couldn't bear the humiliation, so she fed He Daqiang's parents a lot of Lorazepam tablets in anger.

Causing He Daqiang's parents to fall into a coma.

While in a coma, He Daqiang's wife used a fruit knife to completely kill He Daqiang's parents.

In order to cover up his wife's murder and continue to receive pension.

He Daqiang put the bodies of his parents in the freezer.

After two years, the body was cut into pieces and hidden inside the wall.

But I didn't expect it.

Because the materials used in building the house were not very good, they were tortured by the rainy season in the south.

The wall peels off and the limbs appear.

The case is settled.

The bodies of He Daqiang's parents were also handed over to relevant departments for disposal.

But this incident made netizens sigh.

There was even a hot search.

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