Chapter 81: The stupidest is also the most effective (please support, first update)

Chen Fan returned to the unit with the body, and the two began to deal with the case.

Boss Yang sent the staff home. No one wanted to encounter such a thing, but it seemed that he was not affected at all. He just didn't know what would happen after entering the water.

Lao Song is applying for merging of the case.

This is very demanding. Generally, it is impossible to apply for a case like this, because if it is applied for merging, the leader will be in trouble.

There will definitely be some criticism.

But these cases are very similar.

Chen Fan looked at Li Shuang in front of him and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The test on the other side has been completed. The semen spots in the woman's body have been extracted and compared. All that is left is to wait for Lao Song to arrest the person.

Whether it was the prostitute or not is unknown.

Qu Tieling said:"Why are you thinking about killing someone? I don't understand. She's already like this, why don't you let her go?"

Chen Fan said:"There are two opinions. The first one is that prostitutes must die well. , you have hands and feet, you can do other things, but there are other explanations, for example, they are all professional or something.……"

"This is a shitty 07 career... Is it to pay off debts?"

Having said this is like saying nothing.

Most people who take this road have family reasons, and some of them have boyfriends.

But boyfriends are in the minority, and family members are the majority.

"What about murder, can you interpret it as an incompetent man?

Qu Tieling said:"Ah?" Chen

Fan held the scalpel, pointed at the wound on his arm and said,"Have you seen any traces of these cigarette scars?" Most of them are left by guests……"

"Shameless, shameless……"

Boss Yang, who was standing outside the door, was suppressing a smile. Qu Tieling was still too young. You know, in the entertainment industry, there are too many such things.

It cannot be saved at all.

Soon a call came from Lao Song. The news he got was very good and the case was filed. I hope it will be handled quickly.

Chen Fan quickly dissected it.

The whole process didn't take long. The body was cut open, the interior of the body was examined, and the cause of death was determined.

The heart, liver, spleen, and lungs were all normal. The time of death was sixteen hours ago. In other words, the guest came here in the early morning?

That's ok. How about getting up early?

Chen Fan looked at the chain scars on his neck.

The reason why the case was merged was because of this chain.

The unit calls that guy the Seducer.

So far, in so many cases, no similarities have been found. , it is certain that the dead people are all women, but apart from that, there are many professions, and there are also many ages.

There is simply no one direction to think about.

However, these are the responsibility of the criminal investigation. As a forensic scientist, I only need to list the relevant things, and there is no need to worry about the rest.

Death by suffocation, the time of death is determined, and the rest is waiting for someone to catch you.

Soon, Lao Song locked the two people through nearby surveillance, and after confirming, they were found.

When they were arrested, the two of them admitted the fact that they were prostitutes without hesitation. This thing is actually pretty sure.

If you hide it, it will be difficult to tell.

"No killing?"

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment.

Old Song said:"He admitted to soliciting prostitution, but not to murder.……"

"I guess I don’t have the courage. It takes courage to kill someone. This guy is just a prostitute. He likes to show off his temper with women. He basically has no ability.……"

"You are discriminating...Chen Fan...but you are telling the truth. When you arrested me, you were being beaten by your wife.……"

Chen Fan said with a dark face:"This is not good news. The cases have been merged, and now there are new deaths. The recent six cases have been merged together. If they cannot be found in a short time, there is a seventh person.""

This is a direct rebuttal, man.

Lao Song was a little speechless and said:"There is no other way... let's do it together……"

"That's all we can do... By the way, send me a copy of the photos of the rest of the evidence. If I can see the evidence, I can help find a solution.……"

"Wait... I guess you have to queue up, the experts haven't come yet……"

Chen Fan didn't worry about these things.

After signing the corpse, he went back.

After Chen Fan returned home, to his surprise, Boss Yang was chatting with a woman. Here, this woman was the woman in the alley before.

"Why did you invite this woman back?"

"I'm trying to help you by asking if this person has seen anything weird.……"

Chen Fan looked at the woman, who said,"There is something weird. Recently, our group of sisters always throw away some underwear... Does this count?"

Chen Fan was stunned and said,"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, I always lose my clothes when I'm doing laundry, but I don't know who picked them up. Damn it, they were all stolen, and I was left with no underwear to wear.……"

Chen Fan said:"You may have made a meritorious service.……"

"Is this useful?"

Chen Fan said:"Generally, this type of person will not work on cases during the day. Most of them are done at night. If they are done at night, this person may have the appearance of seeing the murderer.……"

The woman said:"I hope it helps... By the way, I haven't seen the man in a raincoat you mentioned, but I do know that a lame man came here recently... This lame man often picks up garbage nearby.……"

"Then what?"

"Occasionally, they will pick up some of our garbage, and the sisters will give him something else to make this person eat a little better... Does this count?

Chen Fan thought about it for a long time and said,"Cripple?" What exactly is a cripple?"

"He just walks with a limp, going up and down.……"

Chen Fan said:"Well...I probably know...Thank you……"

The woman left, but before leaving, Chen Fan gave a reminder

"Don't wander around recently... Well, how should I put it? You can just rent a house near the police station.……"

"What? Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. I personally suggest you go live there.……"

The woman nodded, took the money given by Boss Yang, and left.

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief and told Lao Song about the situation. Lao Song immediately became alert.

"Don't tell me, the seventh person will be her?"

"I don’t know...but my intuition tells me that it’s her. I always have a very strange feeling...I always feel that this guy is dealing with a hypocrite.……"................................

Boss Yang leaned lazily against Chen Fan, his whole body leaning against Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's eyes were confused and he lit a cigarette. It was rare for Chen Fan to take the initiative to smoke.

"Still in a bad mood 387?"

"Well... that's not really true. I just feel that my intuition is not very good. How should I put it? My teacher said that I might be a born criminal.……"

A born criminal?

Boss Yang said:"Is it just your perspective on many issues?"

"Not really... How can I describe it? Sometimes I have an impulse, the impulse for a perfect crime. I asked the director, and the director said that it is a normal phenomenon, everyone has it, and anyone who does forensic medicine will have it.……"

Boss Yang said:"I know... I have an idea. If you have other ideas in the future, just come to me... I'll be fine."……"

"Aren't you just fooling around? I'm not a prostitute, you are my girlfriend, how could I treat you like this? It's inappropriate.……"

"There's nothing inappropriate about it. I think it's quite appropriate.……"

Chen Fan was a little speechless, but he still agreed.

Chen Fan didn't know in what direction the case would develop.

But at around four o'clock in the morning, Chen Fan received a phone call, which was not a good one.

Lao Song was injured here.

Chen Fan quickly put on his clothes and headed to the hospital, where he saw Lao Song

"What do you mean?"

Lao Song covered his hand and said:"Your boy's intuition is really accurate. This guy's next target is really this woman. I got the call here and hurried over. I happened to see the guy holding As for the chain, I started tearing it apart. The guy stabbed my hand and ran away.……"

Chen Fan said:" don't know how to carry a gun?"

"Why should I bring that thing when I get home from get off work... But that kid didn't feel well either. I left scars on that guy's arm.……" ps: Please support, thank you all.

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