Chapter 80 Water Monkey? (Please support, first update)

The company dinner was something Chen Fan didn't expect. Only after it happened did Chen Fan understand what was going on. It was actually a group of people getting together for a barbecue or something.

Let’s drink some wine and then everyone relax. However, because Boss Yang pays the bill, the employees are naturally very happy..

"Regular relaxation is the secret to a long-term company,...naturally you need to go out and have fun……"

Chen Fan said:"There is something in your words, right?"

Boss Yang said:"I also have selfish motives. In fact, what I want more is for you to take me and the two of us to travel. However, your profession does not allow it, so I will cancel it.……"

Chen Fan said:"When you are around, everywhere is beautiful.……"

Mai Mai picked up the beer and flashed it away. It was so sour. It was really too sour. It was too much.

Boss Yang snorted and ignored Chen Fan. He talked sweetly and always made others feel embarrassed.

Chen Fan received the document sent by Mr. Liu on his mobile phone.

"Write a book manuscript?"

"Well... write it down, otherwise this person's family will have to accept more compensation... Love, things are a bit complicated... Although I killed those people, these people also have family members who want to seek compensation. …But this person’s parents are both from the village……"

Chen Fan was immediately speechless. How to write this?

" do you want me to write it?"

"Just write a relevant testimony about this person. To put it bluntly, it means that the judge can hesitate for a moment when the case is over.……"

"Okay...I'll send it to you later……"

Chen Fan started writing. Boss Yang asked about it and roughly understood what was going on. He said,"I'll let my lawyer take over the case."……"

"Can you pick it up?"

"It is unrealistic to not pay a dime, but it is possible to reduce losses by"six-six-three"... As for the case, it can be reversed... Anyway, that group of people are professional……"

Chen Fan doesn’t quite understand

"For example, this person actually caught the murderer, and when he was about to turn it in, he encountered resistance from these people, and then accidentally killed these people, and then he got scared and chose to hide the body.……"

"Do you think anyone believes this?"

"It's not important. Lawyers will find ways to make others believe it... I'm just giving an example. This kind of case is also a famous case for lawyers. If they really win it, they can take on many more cases in the future, and they will be very willing to do so.……"

Is there still such an operation?

"No need to pay, this case is bound to get big, you can't stop it... Besides, the girl will also seek compensation... There is no need for these people to complain, they can't educate children well, they can just ask for money later. , the victims also need compensation.……"

The endless loop, the delay, finally made them give up the prosecution.

In fact, this is Boss Yang’s method

"you are so scary……"

Boss Yang quickly hugged Chen Fan and said,"Isn't this the state of my work? How could I be like this in reality? I won't harm you. Don't worry about this.……"

Chen Fan said:"I do believe this.……"

I followed Boss Yang to the scene. A group of people were cheering and drinking beer. Some people were holding mobile phones and recording videos of the scene.

Post it to your social account.

Chen Fan and Boss Yang stood together, and Boss Yang took a photo

"Why do you feel like I'm just like a loli? You're so strong……"

Chen Fan laughed and said:"That's necessary...your man must be strong.……"

A group of people followed the hecklers and asked Chen Fan to drink while the hot bar held Mai Mai. One person grabbed Chen Fan's arm and asked Chen Fan to lift the two of them up.

As a result, Chen Fan did it easily, causing countless people at the scene to scream.

Good guy, are you still a forensic doctor? Are you a bodybuilding champion?

The hot bar guy here is holding a microphone and clamoring to sing.

The song he sang was a bit familiar, and the girl across from him came over to read the adapted version.

Chen Fan was speechless as he looked at Rebar, who was posing for him.

"Don't you care?

Boss Yang said:"What do you want me to take care of?""

"No... you really need to take care of yourself. After all, you are a member of the company. If something happens now, it will be over. Also, this guy’s singing is really ugly, so aren’t you worried that his character will be ruined?"

I'm so worried, this guy's character design has never been revealed, because there is no one at all.

Chen Fan stayed with the fun for a while, found a seat, held a drink, and admired the sea view.

The seaside at night It's still very good, but looking at the sea water in the distance always makes people feel scared.

Boss Yang sat in Chen Fan's arms and said,"What are you thinking about?""

"I'm in a daze...if I don't do anatomy, I feel like I have nothing to do.……"

"You... you were born to do this. That's what my mother said about my dad. When my dad is resting and at home, he scratches his head and wants to fiddle with everything. He even feels uncomfortable sitting down... But if... If you say there is a case, you will immediately become energetic.……"

Chen Fan said:"Well... I'm about the same. There are many people in our profession who are like this."……"

Boss Yang said:"That's okay... Don't worry, I won't disturb your life. You are not busy anymore. Take a rest. When you have time, we will do things as a couple... If you can't rest, just lie down and sleep at home.……"

"No problem……" pit.

Boss Yang said:"I am a human being, not an animal. You treat me as a human being... Chen Fan, don't you know how to feel sorry for me?" Chen

Fan smiled wildly.

Here, a group of boys and girls at the scene started to play wildly. Some people jumped directly into the sea water and rushed into it, planning to swim.

However, there are lifeguards on the shore, and even in the shallow water, it is relatively safe.

Then the accident happened at this time.

Hot Bar suddenly screamed, and then Chen Fan jumped up and jumped down.

Reba hugged Chen Fan and did not dare to look back. Chen Fan said:"What did you see?"》?"

"I...I saw a person...a woman...a...terrifying woman……"

Chen Fan looked in the direction and found a red dress and a pale-faced woman floating on the sea water.

Damn it, there really is a case.

Chen Fan brought the hot bar report to the shore, handed it to Boss Yang, and said:"Stop playing around, wake up, there is a case."……".........................................

Boss Yang complained, Chen Fan's physique is really special, why no matter where he goes, there are always cases.

And Chen Fan was speechless. He could encounter such a difficult case even if he went out to play for a while.

It is said to be difficult because this case occurred in the sea, which means that the murderer threw the person into the sea after killing him.

But luckily, this woman's face was pale, but she still had some blood.

That means the deceased didn't die for a long time.

Then the rest was Lao Song's job. As a result, Chen Fan had just fished out the body, and Lao Song had found the crime scene.

:"Did you take the wrong medicine? So fierce?"

Lao Song said:"It's not Meng... I knew who it was when you gave me the photo... The crime scene is nearby.……"

This is crazy

"you know?"

"Well... I know a woman who is a prostitute. She has been in the business for a long time. Her name is Li Shuang. How can I put it, she is also a poor person... Well, I was arrested a few times, but after each arrest, it started again.……"

Chen Fan was a little helpless and said:"Okay, let me go to the scene and have a look... I don't expect to find any clues."……"

"Let’s talk first……"

Chen Fan put on his coat and rushed to the scene with the staff from his unit. ,

In the alleys, many women stood on the roadside wearing revealing clothes and looked around, wanting to see what was going on.

Naturally, some of the young virgins in the unit couldn't resist such temptation and were a little embarrassed.

Chen Fan was a little speechless and said:"You guys should be more angry."……"

He is older than Chen Fan, but his concentration is quite poor, not as good as Chen Fan's concentration.

Mai Mai came running after him and said,"Can I take a look here?"

Chen Fan said,"It's okay to look... No pictures are allowed... Remember……"


"If you take pictures, how will these people meet in the future? What if they are recognized by their family members? Will these women get married in the future?……" this.

Is that okay? 》

But it was rare that Old Song gave Chen Fan a look of approval, and the eyes of these women looking at Chen Fan gradually became gentler.

"Sisters, please withdraw your magical powers. We have to deal with the scene here. Can you please give me some face and go back to the house first?"

The women nodded and hurried back one after another.

Several police officers looked at it, dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. Damn it, are you so awesome?

You know, when you came here before, you were made all kinds of difficult.

Lao Song said: {"You boy, you are indeed attracted to are good at dealing with women.……"

"Stop being so talkative and let’s take a look at the scene first.……"

Opening the door, Mai Mai covered her nose directly, feeling like she wanted to vomit.

The strong pungent smell combined with the smell of cheap perfume inside makes many people a little unbearable. ,

Chen Fan put on gloves, collected the toilet paper and condoms on the ground one by one, and handed them to the assistant behind him.

"If you can't resist it, go back and write your resignation report.……"

Everyone said they could accept it.

Now Chen Fan is considered half the director of the unit. Although he does not have a professional title, everyone knows that sooner or later, Chen Fan will become the youngest director.

Moreover, following Chen Fan, who could get to know celebrities, no one would be happy.

Organize the evidence one by one

"Although I don’t know who is the murderer, all I can do is to preserve them one by one.……"

Lao Song said:"There is no other way... A case like this is inherently complicated... No witnesses can be found.……"

Mai Mai said: 'How come you can't find a witness?’

"Among the prostitutes, who do you think left no evidence? If someone saw it, it would be illegal. Who do you think would risk breaking the law to prove it?"

It seems to be true0.......

Chen Fan collected various items in the room. ,

Mai Mai refreshed his knowledge, secretly took photos, and sent them to Boss Yang.

Share with everyone

"What are you doing taking these pictures for?"

"Curious...I didn't expect that there are so many toys in the world……"

Phew, hahahahahahaha.

The few police officers following her all laughed. This girl was a bit cute.

Chen Fan said with a dark face:"You'd better not enter the entertainment industry. If you enter the entertainment industry with your IQ, I'm worried that you will be tricked to death."……"

Lao Song said:"Stop talking about this...I'm going to show you something...I hope you won't be surprised after reading it."……"

Chen Fan said with disdain:"What's surprising about this?"……"

Lao Song gave the things to Chen Fan, and Chen Fan said:"What are these photos?"

"The case five years ago... seven people died at that time……"

Chen Fan broke into cold sweat on his back.

This is crazy

"This is a recent case. Do these scars look familiar to you? Chen

Fan looked at these things and said,"Are they all chains?""

"Yes... they are all chains, but I don't know how to deduce it. I feel that the woman in front of me may be the closest to me to the murderer. She must help me... count it as my personal request.……"

Chen Fan said:"You want to merge the case?"

"Yes... My intuition tells me that these cases are together... My teacher has been dismissed because of this case. At that time, it was just a little bit close, really just a little bit close. I still clearly remember that that guy was so proud of himself. Wearing raincoats, looking at us in the rainy night"

"Full of provocation, full of ridicule... I was near here and jumped into the sea... But what I didn't expect was that this person didn't die.……"

Chen Fan said with disdain:"It's not easy to die in the first place.……"

"At that time, everyone jumped down...but no one was found.……"

Before and after, thirteen corpses.

Chen Fan was a little speechless

"I think if I turn on the live broadcast, the murderer might be even more excited……"

Lao Song said:"Are you crazy?"

"You have merged the case, why can't I dare to be bolder?"

Is this appropriate?

This thing is so exciting. What if the murderer hides?

But Chen Fan's words reminded Lao Song

"Hiding? Just hide, you have been hiding for five years, why, when we solve the case here, this person won’t hide anymore?"

"But live broadcast, you can't live broadcast around here, just dissect the live broadcast.……"

This is correct, but you need to ask for instructions.

Chen Fan did not leave in a hurry, but looked at the evidence 4.9 on the ground seriously.

After thinking about it, I knocked on the door next door.

The girl sitting inside the door lit a cigarette and was playing with her mobile phone.

"Hello...sister...can I ask you something?

The woman looked at Chen Fan and said,"What's going on?""

"Can you remember the guests?"

"You can remember acquaintances, and you can remember handsome ones. But what you want to ask is Xiao Shuang next door. Who did he receive? Sorry, I don’t know. I also had a guest here at the time.……"

"Do you have your customer's contact information?"

"That doesn't……"

Chen Fan asked for a piece of paper and a pen and said,"Tell me...I'll draw it here.……"

The woman gave a rough description, and soon a piece of paper appeared in front of her eyes.

The woman nodded and said:"Well... it's probably like this... the money is quite generous... and there's no ink...……"

Chen Fan nodded, threw down the two hundred yuan and said,"Thank you.……"

The woman holding the money paused and said,"My guest here came with that person... and my guest told me something, his friend, that aspect is a bit small... I just said it. so much……"

Chen Fan nodded.

Old Song gave Chen Fan a thumbs up.

Mai Mai said:"Why did she change her confession?……"

"Respect... Oh, I can't explain... Respect, you can always get unexpected gains... By the way... Lao Song, let me tell you something……"

Old Song listened to Chen Fan's description and said,"Can it?"

"It's better to be careful, and don't seal it here. Just do what I said and separate out individuals... who can fight and be decisive... it's better to be ruthless.……"

"No problem...Leave it to me...I'll also cast a net elsewhere. Although the method is the clumsiest, it works.……" ps: Please support, thank you all.

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