After saying these words.

Zhao Mengyuan's face was completely lost.

But she also knew what kind of person Boss Yang was, and she couldn't completely confront her openly.

Therefore, Zhao Mengyuan had no choice but to send Boss Yang and Chen Fan away in a friendly manner.

But behind the scenes, Zhao Mengyuan couldn't help but grit her teeth.


After returning to Boss Yang's car.

Chen Fan couldn't help laughing.

Boss Yang was a little confused for a moment, wondering why Chen Fan was laughing?

When Chen Fan was almost done laughing,

Boss Yang asked inquiringly:"Why are you laughing?"……"

Chen Fan replied:"That woman just now really made me laugh to death. She actually wanted to invite you and me to participate in a project without a single script?"

"Who does she think you are, who does she think I am? We had rejected a live broadcast show dedicated to filming forensics before, but now we would like her small project without even writing a script?"

Chen Fan's sarcasm is very reasonable.

In fact, Huameng Entertainment is just a second-rate entertainment company.

None of its artists are the mainstay, and they can't compare to Boss Yang when they get investment. What

's more, she The mentioned project should actually be in the conception stage. Using this kind of project to trick them into participating, and then using their name to attract investment, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Besides...if Chen Fan really did it ? If you become an actor, the sense of mystery given to the audience will disappear, and the popularity of the project will continue to decline.

This kind of project will completely consume the audience's interest in the profession of forensic medicine in advance.

Boss Yang will not do it. Agreed.

Boss Yang said:"There are many people like this in the entertainment industry, just get used to it."

"But don't worry, leave this matter to me and no one will find you again. Chen

Fan nodded, smiled and said,"Boss Yang is still considerate."

Boss Yang smiled charmingly and said,"That's right... Is it me who is caring, or Mai Mai who is caring?"¨」 ?"

Chen Fan finally heard it.

Boss Yang seemed to be jealous of Maimai, but Chen Fan also knew very well that since Boss Yang personally sent Maimai to him, he naturally also knew about Maimai's character.

Chen Fan said:"You can't tell if you are considerate or not... Why don't you follow me back to the anatomy room and let me cut open your heart and take a look?"

Boss Yang shuddered instantly and couldn't bear it. He slapped Chen Fan and said,"You're going to die! You're such a fool, talking about such a thing!"

Chen Fan leaned over, quickly kissed Boss Yang on the face, and said,"This is my right your apology"

"snort! One is not enough."Boss Yang said coquettishly.

After saying that, Boss Yang started the car and drove Chen Fan home.


Early the next morning.

Chen Fan went to work in the anatomy room.

As soon as he opened the door, Chen Fan saw Mai Mai and Xu Tong waiting for him in the anatomy room.

As soon as Mai Mai saw Chen Fan, he couldn't help but tease him:"Deputy Director Chen, the meal in the restaurant yesterday was not bad, right?"

Chen Fan was not a fool. He immediately knew that Maimai was teasing him. He and Boss Yang were in the restaurant yesterday. It was secretly photographed by the paparazzi and then became a hot topic.

Chen Fan waved his hand and said,"Of course."

After saying that, Chen Fan asked again:"Where's that Ma Yunxin yesterday?"

"Oh, I sent her to the police station just now." Xu Tong replied.

Chen Fan nodded.


It will be much safer to put Ma Yunxin in the police station.

Xu Tong asked:"Then what are we doing today? It seems that the clues found in Wang Xiaoli have been maximized. Chen Fan said:"

I thought about it last night. Well, according to what Ma Yunxin said, the murderer is an adult male between 1.6 meters and 1.7 meters tall. He may be between 35 and 45 years old. His body shape is He is very thin and disabled, and it is very possible that he has done obscene things in his daily life, that is, under everyone's noses."

"Our mission today is to visit the villages near Wang Xiaoli’s village to see if there are any people like what I said nearby."

Xu Tong and Mai Mai nodded.

Just then the cameraman of the show came in with live broadcast equipment.

Boss Yang and Chen Fan were the top trending topics last night, and the audience in the live broadcast room must have known it for a long time.

Now As soon as Chen Fan appeared on the screen, everyone started discussing.

【I have one thing to say, I think that paparazzi made Chen Fan look ugly, and now Chen Fan in the live broadcast room is in his normal state. But I have to say that Chen Fan’s foundation is really good, and his temperament can be captured in such photos.】

【Isn't it... Chen Fan is yyds!】

【When will Boss Yang appear in this live broadcast room again? I still like to tease her and Chen Fan.]

The three of them, Chen Fan, got in the car one after another and planned to go to the vicinity of Wang Xiaoli's village to search.

In fact.

As a forensic doctor, Chen Fan rarely visits.

But this case is indeed too difficult to handle.

The murderer was extremely cautious. Even in front of Ma Yunxin, who was stabbed in the back by his family, he was absolutely cautious and never showed his true face in front of Ma Yunxin.

In addition...the murderer's method was very cruel. It was clear that he only violated Ma Yunxin and did nothing else, but why did the murderer take out Wang Xiaoli's organs after violating her?

There are too many doubts.

Chen Fan couldn't think clearly for a moment.

An hour later.

Chen Fan and others arrived at Wang Xiaoli's village again and just got off the bus.

Chen Fan suddenly received a call

".` Old Song...what happened...a murder was discovered in the community?"

"What...eight girls died……"

Hear this.

Mai Mai and Xu Tong on the side stared wide-eyed.

None of the cases have been concluded, so why is there another one?

And eight girls died in this case!!! so shocking

【No...another case happened!!!】

【Damn it...eight girls died...still in the community!! This is too scary!!】

【I got goosebumps, and I suddenly felt that my home was no longer safe.……】

After hanging up the phone.

Chen Fan quickly got into the car again and said,"We need to go to Chengwan Community immediately. Eight girls died there. Old Song asked us to go there quickly."

Chen Fan immediately started the car and rushed to Chengwan Community without stopping.

Wang Xiaoli's village is in the suburbs, while Chengguan Community is within the city. The journey takes about an hour.

By the time Chen Fan arrived at the community, the police had already cordoned off the building where the incident occurred.

Even the owners' entry and exit need to be checked.

Chen Fan got out of the car and took Mai Mai and Xu Tong with him. After showing his ID, he came to the crime scene.

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