After hanging up the phone.

Boss Yang said:"The chairman of Huameng Entertainment also ate in this restaurant today. After seeing the hot search on Weibo, he wanted to invite us to eat with him."

The chairman of Huameng Entertainment?

Chen Fan looked confused and said,"What will happen if I don't eat with him?"

After hearing this, Boss Yang probably knew what Chen Fan meant. He didn't want to eat with the chairman of Huameng Entertainment.

Boss Yang said:"It won't be a big deal... I'll reject him."……"

Chen Fan.

Just kidding... I originally came out today to have a two-person world with Boss Yang... Suddenly a certain chairman came, and he didn't want to.

Besides...he is not from the entertainment industry...there is no need to date.

As for Boss Yang...she is someone who runs the entertainment industry, so it must be trivial to deal with this matter.

Boss Yang quickly called back the chairman of Huameng Entertainment and found an excuse to reject him.

The other party also felt it was a pity.

Half an hour later.

The dishes ordered by Boss Yang were also served on the table one after another, and the two began to eat. after an hour.

Boss Yang took Chen Fan's arm and walked out of the box.

The two of them were planning to go home quickly and go to the world of two, when they just walked out of the box.

A voice came from behind Boss Yang

"Boss Yang...wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Boss Yang looked back, her face a little stiff.

She didn't expect... Zhao Mengyuan, the chairman of Huamao Entertainment, who had refused to meet before, would actually meet after dinner.

Since they have already met, they have to talk. Fanxian

"Chairman Zhao...what a coincidence……"

Boss Yang immediately put on a formulaic smile.

Zhao Mengyuan walked quickly towards Boss Yang and Chen Fan.

Zhao Mengyuan said:"Boss Yang...I invited you to have dinner together before...I thought I wouldn't meet you...I didn't expect...the fate is so wonderful."

Boss Yang replied:"Yes...we used to Something happened... so I declined your invitation. Next time... I will definitely invite you to have a good meal."

Zhao Mengyuan had already seen Chen Fan beside her and said,"Eating is a small matter... Since We have already met... Why don't we find a coffee shop... to chat?"

Boss Yang looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan said,"No, Boss Yang and I have something to do when we go home. Let's talk about it next time."

Zhao Mengyuan finally saw that Boss Yang and Chen Fan didn't want to chat with her.

But she knows very well that Chen Fan and Boss Yang are very popular now. If they can take advantage of this wave of popularity to complete a project, they will definitely make a lot of money.

Zhao Mengyuan stopped beating around the bush and said:"Boss Yang, Mr. Chen Fan... Actually, I invited you to have dinner together before... I just have a project that I want to discuss with you."

"Since you are in a hurry to go home, I will keep the story short."

Zhao Mengyuan said so. Boss Yang and Chen Fan couldn't leave directly, so they had to listen to Zhao Mengyuan for a while.

Zhao Mengyuan continued:"That's it... I have been paying attention to their programs... Then while watching the live broadcast, I came up with the idea of filming a TV series about forensics to promote the image of forensics to the public... I am already writing a script for this project. I have been thinking about the actors. They always felt that it would be best for Mr. Chen Fan to play the leading role and Boss Yang to play the female lead."

"I plan to invest 300 million in this project, and will attract more investment in the future."

"So... please think about it... Now that the two of you are so popular, this TV series will definitely become a hit, and it will definitely become the biggest hit in recent years."

Even if Chen Fan is not from the entertainment industry, he has heard Zhang Mengyuan's plan.

It has to be said that

Zhao Mengyuan is just trying to make a fool of herself. She wants to use the popularity of him and Boss Yang to build momentum for her TV series.

She also wants to

Of course... this idea is very good... but what qualifications does an entertainment company that is not considered top in the country have to invite them both, especially Boss Yang ? In terms of value, no one dares to be second in the entertainment industry.

Even if he wants to do this kind of project, Boss Yang can do it by himself.

Moreover, the 300 million investment that Zhao Mengyuan said is based on his company team. , without the participation of Boss Yang and Chen Fan, it would be impossible to raise 300 million. Chen Fan must have thought of this. After all, this is an outside restaurant, and Boss Yang is not good at all. After insulting Zhao Mengyuan, he said:"I'm sorry... Chairman Zhao... My current announcement schedule is very full, and it has been scheduled for two years.


"As for Chen Fan, his main job is forensic medicine, and his work unit also attaches great importance to Chen Fan. I’m afraid he won’t have time to film."

"Therefore, we are no longer involved in this project. If you need some help, I will do my best."

This is a direct refusal.

Zhao Mengyuan did not expect that Boss Yang would refuse directly. Shi Shi's face was very embarrassed.

"That's it...Boss Yang...our project is really good...and we are already writing the script...I have considered...the image of the forensic doctor, because Mr. Chen Fan and Zhuyu are in front, and others will come to play the role. , definitely not as professional as Mr. Chen Fan 803"

"And with a professional like Mr. Chen Fan on the crew, we can constantly improve our scripts. This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone."

"Boss Yang and Mr. Chen Fan, why don't you reject me in a hurry and think about it later?"

Zhao Mengyuan obviously didn't give up.

But these words really made Chen Fan laugh.

If someone else comes to act, he will definitely not be as good as a professional? Isn't this nonsense!

Moreover, he is a professional and can continue to work on the crew.

Isn't it just a waste of money to perfect the script? It's not that difficult to find a forensic doctor as a consultant.

Even if she wants to save such a small amount of money, it shows that this project is not big at all.

When Boss Yang heard about this project, she had no intention of cooperating.

She thought that since she couldn't refuse politely before, she would be tougher.

She, Boss Yang, is not the kind of artist who can be manipulated by others.

The boss said directly:"Chairman Zhao, we will not consider your project.

First of all, let's not talk about my announcement.

Chen Fan has no interest in filming.


"We have already rejected many live broadcasts about the profession of forensic medicine before."

"If you are very optimistic about this project, you can invite others. I believe many people will be willing to participate.".

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