And the clues they found at the crime scene all belonged to Wang Xiaoli.

This time the case was in trouble.

Lao Song said:"How about I go to the village to search again. If it is a vendetta, the enemies of Wang Xiaoli's parents should be exposed."

Chen Fan immediately denied this statement. According to Chen Fan's embarrassing inference, the person who killed Wang Xiaoli was The murderer must be a veteran.

That means...even if he is found by the police...he should remain silent.

Chen Fan said:"You'd better find a few plainclothes policemen to look for him. Don't expose the identity of the police."

Old Song quickly agreed on the other end.

Chen Fan returned to the dissecting room.

Mai Mai and Xu Tong also heard the conversation between Chen Fan and Lao Song.


Chen Fan still needs to continue the dissection.

Because Wang Xiaoli was found by the water"790", and there were some signs of drowning on the surface of his body.

The real cause of death may not be the murderer who inflicted inhuman torture on Wang Xiaoli.

Chen Fan opened Wang Xiaoli's mouth and cut open Wang Xiaoli's trachea.

Inside the trachea, Chen Fan found some sediment.

Chen Fan said:"There is damage to the oral mucosa and there is some sediment in the trachea. These are signs of death from drowning."


Mai Mai's eyes widened and he said:"In other words...the murderer tortured Wang Xiaoli and then threw her into the river?"

"Then...Wang Xiaoli was not rushed to other places?"

Chen Fan said:"It is very likely that after Wang Xiaoli drowned, the novice fished Wang Xiaoli to the shore again.

Xu Tong frowned and said,"Why did the murderer do this?""

Actually, the perpetrators of such torture and murder are quite perverted, and their behavior cannot be inferred from ordinary people.

Chen Fan can't answer Xu Tong's question.

He is a forensic scientist, and his role is to find relevant information from the video. Clues to help the police find the direction to solve the case.

At this time, Mai Mai suddenly said:"Is it possible... that after committing the crime by repairing the handbag... he wanted to use the river water to wash away his traces on Wang Xiaoli... so he threw Wang Xiaoli into the river?...and Wang Xiaoli was not really dead at this after being thrown into the river, she instinctively breathed, causing her to choke on the water, and there were signs of drowning."

Maimai's guess is not unreasonable.

【I think Mai Mai's guess is right... Didn't Chen Fan just say that the murderer might be a veteran? Then he definitely didn't want his marks on the body to be discovered, so he threw the deceased into the river to clean the marks. Then the police found no trace of the murderer at the crime scene.】

【If this is really the case... then the murderer is so powerful... he will also conduct counter-reconnaissance!】

【This kind of criminal must be caught early, otherwise there will be more victims in the future. 】

Chen Fan nodded, looked at Mai Mai, and praised him seriously for the first time:"Not bad... you finally have a brain now... If you are really a veteran of committing crimes, you will indeed clean up the traces of your crimes."

"Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to escape from being tracked again and again."

Maimai's face was slightly red, and she didn't expect that Chen Fan would really praise her.

But Xu Tong noticed Maimai's expression and showed a meaningful smile.

I see...

In fact, before she came here for an internship, she had After watching this show, she knew that Jiang Shuying and Boss Yang liked Chen Fan, but she didn't know that Mai Mai was also attracted to Chen Fan.

However, Xu Tong was still a bit more charming.

A professional person.

What she wanted to do now was the autopsy, and she turned her attention back to Wang Xiaoli's body.

According to the surface condition of the body she had observed before, in addition to inhuman torture to Wang Xiaoli.

He also violated Wang Xiaoli.


the murderer must have left traces on Wang Xiaoli's body, such as sperm spots.

Xu Tong immediately said:"Forensic Doctor Chen, should we examine Wang Xiaoli's lower body, if the murderer is really If Wang Xiaoli was violated, it would definitely leave certain traces on her body.

" Actually, Chen Fan has thought of this a long time ago.

In cases of assault, semen spot testing has always been done.

But Wang Xiaoli...

had her organs taken out from below, even if the murderer remained in her body If there were any traces, then the body organs had already been taken out.

Chen Fan shook his head and said:"I just checked...

all the organs in Wang Xiaoli's lower body were taken out...

including the reproductive system.


........ Even if the murderer sexually assaulted Wang Xiaoli, he would not leave any traces"

"We can only know the murderer's behavior through the rubbing marks on Wang Xiaoli's body."

After listening to Chen Fan's words,

Xu Tong was a little disappointed.

She had not thought of this level just now.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Mai Mai guessed:"Could it be that... the newbie is trying to prevent us from discovering him? The traces left behind... So... Wang Xiaoli's organs were taken out?"

Xu Tong looked at Mai Mai. In fact, he also had this idea.

However, as a forensic intern, she had learned a lot about sexual assault cases. This speculation was obviously untenable.

Xu Tong Said:"In fact... if the murderer emptied Wang Xiaoli's organs just to remove his own traces, it would be a completely unnecessary move."

"In many cases, if the murderer sexually assaulted the deceased and did not want traces to be discovered, he could have taken protective measures beforehand."

Before he finished speaking,

Chen Fan, who was carefully examining Wang Xiaoli's body just now, raised his head and refuted Xu Tong's remarks, saying:"You must be stupid because of reading... It is true that some murderers will bring the corpse with them before they act. security measures, but only in special cases"

"Many murderers act impromptu and do not take any protective measures 0.2"

"If it is said that he brought it, it is very likely that he has stepped on it a long time ago and is ready to commit the crime."

"A murderer like this who empties out organs to remove traces is definitely a person with a habit of killing. He empties out organs just to create happiness."

This is the bad nature of human nature.

Mai Mai and Xu Tong fell into deep thought.

They were not much different in age, and neither of them had ever met such a person in reality.

【At first, I had the same idea as Mai Mai, but after thinking about it carefully... I had the same idea as Chen Fan.】

【If it was just to remove traces, the murderer had other methods. There was no need to remove all Wang Xiaoli's organs. This murderer was too cruel!】

【I hope girls can protect themselves……】.

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