As a star, Mai Mai is already very thin.

Even for someone as thin as her, her lower abdomen is slightly bulging under normal circumstances.

Wang Xiaoli's body didn't look as thin as his, so... why was Wang Xiaoli's lower abdomen different from that of a normal woman?

Mai Mai couldn't think clearly for a moment.

Chen Fan had a guess and said:"Bring the scalpel over, I'm going to start the dissection."

Xu Tong next to him took out all the surgical tools.

Chen Fan picked up a scalpel, pointed it at Wang Xiaoli's chest, and began to operate.

Xu Tong next to him watched Chen Fan's movements very seriously.

In the world of forensic medicine, Chen Fan is famous for his ability to dissect a corpse in seven minutes, which has made countless forensic doctors admire him.

The real human body is very complex, and if forensic scientists want to find clues to solve crimes in the complex human body, the dissection techniques must be even more complicated.

It's not as simple as killing pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks.

Chen Fan has achievements that others admire, partly because Chen Fan is more familiar with the human body than anyone else.

Chen Fan first used a scalpel to cut open Wang Xiaoli's lower abdomen. The next scene made the two girls present look shocked.

Xu Tong, who was closer to the corpse, widened his eyes and could hardly accept the scene in front of him.

Although she is a forensic intern, the human bodies she dissects are all provided by the school.

This was the first time she had participated in the dissection of a body in a real case.

Mai Mai, who was standing far away, was even more stunned on the spot, not daring to take another step forward.

To be precise, it's not that I don't dare, but that I can't bear it.

Although such a scene is not very special to Chen Fan.

But when he thought that the body in front of him that had suffered such suffering was that of a fifteen-year-old girl, Chen Fan couldn't help but frown.

Xu Tong said with a trembling voice:"The deceased...the organs in the deceased's could……"

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room still doesn’t know what happened.

【What's going on, what's going on...Why is everyone looking like this?】

【Didn't Chen Fan and the others just say that Wang Xiaoli's lower abdomen is different from that of ordinary women?……】

【What's going on... don't be the Riddler?……】

Although he couldn't bear to look at it, Chen Fan still told Wang Xiaoli's physical condition:"A large number of blood clots were found in the deceased's body, pelvic cavity, and abdominal cavity, and many organs were severely damaged, including the uterus, ovaries, and bladder... were all damaged. Got it"

"The small intestine part of the pancreas has more defects……"

After listening to Chen Fan's statement, the audience in the live broadcast room was excited

【I guess... no wonder everyone looks so sad... This feeling is... the organs in the dead body were stolen?】

【No wonder Wang Xiaoli’s lower abdomen is flat and her organs are gone……】

【Oh my god, this is too scary.……】

Xu Tong, who was standing aside, said:"This murderer was too cruel. Even if he insulted Wang Xiaoli, he even took out all of Wang Xiaoli's organs from underneath."

"In medicine, doctors divide pain into 10 levels, and childbirth that falls into the 7th level is extremely painful... When the deceased is still alive, how painful it will be if the murderer takes out the organs."

After listening to Xu Tong's words, Mai Mai felt even more shuddered.

The organs... were taken out alive...

This is not the world, this is simply hell...

At the moment when Wang Xiaoli was killed... he must have wished that the murderer had directly She must be happy...

But at this moment, Chen Fan said:"In fact... when the human body suffers so much pain... Wang Xiaoli has already lost consciousness from the pain."

【The murderer is so hateful……】

【The murderer's method of killing people... I think I've seen it on the news before... It seems like it's called the gut-eviscerating technique.】

【How scary... If this kind of novice is not caught and continues to be at large, more and more girls will suffer from this kind of pain.……】

【I don’t know why... I suddenly felt cold in my lower body……】

Xu Tong and Mai Mai were in tears.

When Chen Fan was about to take the next step.

Lao Song suddenly called.

Because Lao Song's call was related to the case, Chen Fan took off his gloves and walked outside the autopsy room to answer it.

Lao Song said on the phone:"We asked Wang Xiaoli's parents just now. They said that what happened that day was that Wang Xiaoli performed a little abnormally in the exam for junior high school, so her parents gave her a few words."

0 ········Asking for flowers 0 0

"Because she didn't do well in the exam, Wang Xiaoli was in a bad mood, so she ran out at five o'clock that afternoon."

"Wang Xiaoli's parents originally thought that Wang Xiaoli would go home before dinner. Before, Wang Xiaoli would go home for dinner when she went out to play. But they didn’t expect that around ten o’clock in the evening, Wang Xiaoli’s parents discovered that she had not returned home."

"Wang Xiaoli’s parents became anxious and went outside to look for Wang Xiaoli."

"After searching all night, they could not find Wang Xiaoli. It was not until nine o'clock in the morning that villagers from the same village stepped on the dam by the river and discovered Wang Xiaoli's body."

"We also went to the village to find out. Wang Xiaoli is usually a very honest girl. Except this time she had trouble with her family because she failed in the exam, she never went out alone at night."

........ 0

"I think there is a possibility of Wang Xiaoli being killed in a vendetta.

Chen Fan refined the key point and asked:"Vendetta?" Why do you say that? Isn’t Wang Xiaoli an honest girl? How could he have enemies? Lao

Song explained there:"It's not Wang Xiaoli's enemy, but the enemy of Wang Xiaoli's parents." When I visited the village, the villagers mentioned that Wang Xiaoli’s parents had a land dispute with another family in the village."

"So... we suspect that another family attacked Wang Xiaoli after seeing her going out alone at night."

"Of course...this is just our speculation at the moment."

Chen Fan thought about it carefully.

A vendetta... should be unlikely.

The condition of Wang Xiaoli's body proves that Wang Xiaoli suffered inhuman torture before her death.

If the other family just wants to vent their anger, there is no need to take out all of Wang Xiaoli's body. Organs.

That was obviously something that a psychopathic person could do.

Chen Fan told Lao Song what he had discovered.

Lao Song, who had many years of experience in solving crimes, felt shuddering when he heard about the condition of Wang Xiaoli's body.

"I suspect... the murderer this time... is very likely to have hurt more than just... Wang Xiaoli."

Chen Fan said.

The possibility raised by Chen Fan made Lao Song frown.

That's right.

Such a cruel method is obviously not like the first time he committed a crime.

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