Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 370 Sniper From The Future, Hongmeng Demonic Energy

The sea and sky are the same color in Xinghuo Continent, and the once beautiful scenery is now desolate. Endless smoke and dust filled the air, like sad songs floating. Chu Yi stood on the broken city wall, looking at the ruins in front of him, feeling confused in his heart. The devastation of the mainland seemed to be mocking his incompetence, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Chu Yi! You are possessed! Do you know what you just did? You destroyed your own world like this." Shangguan Lingwei's eyes were as ice-like, revealing her disappointment and anger towards Chu Yi. Her words were like blades, pointing directly into Chu Yi's heart. In her words, Chu Yi felt like a sinner, pushing his world to the brink of destruction. He couldn't help but feel regret and pain, and endless regret surged in his heart.

"Am I really demonized?" An expression of disbelief suddenly appeared on Chu Yi's face. He couldn't believe that he had fallen into a demonized situation. If it hadn't been for Teacher Yuanshi's timely action just now, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Chu Yi, you are so bad!" Shangguan Lingwei snorted coldly, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes, turned and left, Fang Tianyu followed her.

"Alas..." Chu Yi sighed deeply and returned to his home and walked into his study. He needed to calm down and think about the truth behind all this.

Time passed slowly and he fell into a thoughtful state. Fortunately, no civilians were killed this time, which can be considered a blessing among misfortunes.

However, Chu Yi's demonization became extremely bizarre! He was fully prepared in advance, but in the end he inevitably fell into demonization. This situation was definitely not normal.

Chu Yi muttered to himself: "What is going on! It can't be that simple! Forget it, the matter has passed, there is no point in paying attention to this."

Feeling the surge of demonic energy in his body, it was as if countless small electric currents were flowing through his blood. His realm has reached the second realm of the Holy Realm, the Realm of Heavenly Awakening—Saint Emperor Ninth Layer. This powerful force made him feel extremely excited.

This demonization achievement made his realm soar directly, bringing him closer to impacting the highest realm of Martial Dao, the realm of Tianwu - the Holy Ancestor.

"However, this time of demonization, my realm has soared! Hahaha..." Chu Yi couldn't hide his inner excitement and stretched, "Now, you can have a good rest." But just as he When he relaxed, a dark spear appeared out of thin air and attacked Chu Yi.

"Huh?" Chu Yi frowned, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes. He reacted quickly and blocked the fatal blow.

"This is!! It's a bit like the breath of Hongmeng Heavenly Demon!" He felt the familiar power, which seemed to be the breath of Hongmeng Heavenly Demon, and an ominous premonition followed.

Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly emerged from Chu Yi's body, like a demon rising from hell. His face was distorted, and his eyes were cold and sinister. Chu Yi looked at the figure in front of him in surprise, and a chill surged in his heart.

"You are! Hongmeng Heavenly Demon!! In human form!" Chu Yi said in surprise.

"Hahaha... Our Hongmeng Heavenly Demon can become any race! You humans are no exception!" Hongmeng Heavenly Demon laughed sarcastically, proudly showing off his power. His figure gradually became blurry, like an illusory ghost, and his voice was full of evil mockery.

"It doesn't matter what race you are, if you dare to sneak attack me, then die!" Chu Yi showed no sign of weakness. He sneered, his eyes flashing with firm killing intent. He held the God-killing Spear tightly in his hand, the tip of the spear surrounded by evil spirit, exuding a powerful and ferocious aura.

Hongmeng Heavenly Demon roared angrily, his voice full of anger and hatred. He looked at Chu Yi with disdain and mocked: "Huh! Although time span has made me less than one billionth of my strength, you are still too weak now! Go to hell! You disaster star!!" Hongmeng Heavenly Demon shouted angrily, and the strange power began to erode Chu Yi's body.

"What is this!" Chu Yi felt a stinging pain in his body, and his scalp was numb, as if there were countless ants crawling. This force swept over him like a raging ocean wave, making him almost breathless. He realized that this was the terrifying power exuded by Hongmeng Heavenly Demon, and it was indeed an existence that could compete with his future self.

"Hmph!! It doesn't matter what you have! Devour it all for me!" Chu Yi's eyes flashed with determination. He took a deep breath, and his body instantly became as dark as night, as if it had become a bottomless pit. He began to devour this strange power without hesitation.

"Chu Yi! You are so arrogant. You dare to swallow Hongmeng's demonic energy. You are simply seeking death! Hahahahaha..." Hongmeng Heavenly Demon's mocking voice echoed in the air. He looked at Chu Yi with a mocking look on his face. . As if he had expected it, the evil plot succeeded, and it turned into a ball of demonic energy and disappeared.

"No! I've fallen into a trap! There must be a conspiracy behind this Hongmeng Demonic Qi!!" Chu Yi's eyes widened, but it was too late. He could only bite the bullet and continue to absorb it. It had already been swallowed anyway.

Immediately afterwards, a sudden change occurred. The Hongmeng Demonic Qi began to escape Chu Yi's control and began to rush around in his body. Even the devouring power could not completely swallow up the Hongmeng Demonic Qi. "No! This Hongmeng Demonic Qi was unable to be completely swallowed." The demonic energy is not something I can swallow now.”

Hongmeng's demonic energy filled the area around Chu Yi like black mist, exuding a strong sense of oppression. This power was unlike anything he had ever felt, like an invisible dragon, roaring and rushing towards him.

"Come quickly, Chaos Pearl." Just when Chu Yi was at a loss, Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable's voice suddenly sounded, as clear and solemn as the sound of nature, piercing Chu Yi's inner confusion.

Chu Yi's thoughts froze instantly. He no longer hesitated and decided to follow Teacher Yuanshi's guidance. With a thought in his mind, his body seemed to have transmigrated time and space and came to the Chaos Bead.

A huge palace stood in front of him. It exuded an ancient and mysterious atmosphere. This was the palace that Chu Yi obtained on the top of Mount Tai in the parallel universe, but now is not the time to worry about this.

"Disciple, I will help you force out this Hongmeng demonic energy and put it into this Chaos Bead." Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable's voice sounded again. His hand gently placed on Chu Yi's head, and the warm power was transmitted into Chu Yi. body of.

"No, the level of this Hongmeng Demonic Qi is too high! It seems that this is the only way." Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable began to cast spells, gradually forcing the Hongmeng Demonic Qi out of Chu Yi's body, and Chu Yi felt a powerful surge of energy. Entering his body, his body trembled slightly, as if controlled by an invisible force.

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