"Chu Yi, wake up!" Qin Haoran controlled the huge flame blade and stabbed it in the direction of Chu Yi. The blade roared at a dizzying speed.

Demon Chu Yi was unmoved, and directly punched, a torrent of Heavenly Demon flames surged out, "Go to hell! Demon flames kill the sky!" His black hair was shrouded in demon flames. , burning blazingly, exuding a heart-stopping hot breath. His eyes were shining with a deep red light, as if the devil was awakening in them. His fist was like a star of destruction, emitting a torrent of Heavenly Demon flames as he swung it, instantly burning the surrounding air into distortion.

Qin Haoran's flame blade had just been slashed out, but it was swallowed up by a powerful aura in an instant and disappeared without a trace. Everyone else could not help but be stunned with shock, their eyes filled with disbelief. How can this be? Chu Yi is so powerful that not even Qin Haoran can stop his power.

Despair surged in everyone's hearts, and they began to doubt their own strength. Fighting against Chu Yi seemed to be impossible.

"What should we do now! Brother Chu is so strong, what should we do! We are no match at all!!" Fatty's eyes were filled with confused light, and the aura of despair filled the air, making people feel heavy pressure. At this moment, they seemed to be in an inescapable darkness, facing an invincible enemy.

"Let me do it!" Fang Tianyu straightened his body, and there was a perseverance in his eyes. He knows that his strength is far inferior to Chu Yi, but he is a Demonic Cultivator and has reached Saint Realm. If he goes up, he shouldn't be beaten too badly.

"Fang Tianyu, you are no match for Chu Yi. Who knows where Anna is now? Go and invite Anna. If even Chu Yi's wife can't do anything, then there is really nothing we can do." Shangguan Lingwei's voice was firm and decisive. , her words contain unshakable confidence.

"Yes, yes! Sister-in-law must have a way!" The fat man agreed.

"But now we don't know where Anna is practicing!" Feng Qingyan frowned, with a hint of anxiety in her voice. She frowned, thinking about how to deal with it. She understands Anna's importance, but now she can't find her. Facing Chu Yi's demonic threat, time became their enemy.

On the other side, in the future world, above Hongmeng, is a mysterious and infinite chaos.

In this boundless chaos, everything is blurry, as if the world has not yet been fully formed. Strange energy permeates the air, like an invisible link connecting the past and the future, intertwining time and space. Time and space seemed to be distorted, forming a maze-like realm.

"You Hongmeng Heavenly Demons, how dare you cross the river of time and go back to the past to plot against me! I will never let go of such despicable behavior!" Chu Yi glared at the Hongmeng Heavenly Demon in front of him. His eyes were filled with angry fire, and his voice was filled with endless determination.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Hongmeng Heavenly Demon's mouth, he shook his head slightly, and corrected Chu Yi: "So what! Also, this is called strategy, not despicable!!" There was a look in his eyes. A gleam of cunning and confidence.

"Suffer death! Hongmeng Heavenly Demon! It's time to make you pay the price!" Chu Yi stared at the Thirty-sixth Grade Chaos Azure Lotus appearing at his feet. He raised his hand without hesitation to kill the God-killing Spear. Gorgeous gun, the light of the gun is gorgeous and dazzling. He shouted in a low voice, "Blend the Primordial Spirit gun! Thirteen thousand five hundred and sixty-two demon-killing styles!!"

Hongmeng Heavenly Demon sneered, a trace of ridicule flashed in his eyes. With disdain on his lips, he said coldly: "Hmph!! Only a fool would fight you!" His figure disappeared in an instant, as if blending into the surrounding void, leaving an empty place.

A flash of anger flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he roared: "Damn it! Don't run away if you dare!!" His figure disappeared in an instant, and he quickly pursued Hongmeng Heavenly Demon, unwilling to let go of Hongmeng Heavenly Demon for a moment.

Hongmeng Heavenly Demon felt Chu Yi's pursuit and couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He speeded up, trying to escape Chu Yi's pursuit.

At this moment, in the deep night sky, the terrifying scene of the Starfire Realm unfolded like a cruel picture. Demonized Chu Yi's body was shrouded in darkness, and his eyes were like two burning demon fires, scanning the Starfire Continent frantically.

"Ahhhh... Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Kill! Kill! Kill!" The night in the Starfire Continent was shaken by the crazy roar of demonized Chu Yi. His voice was like a terrible roar, echoing in the darkness. Fortunately, there are very few civilians in Starfire Continent now. Otherwise, it will be miserable.

Shangguan Lingwei clenched her fists and stared at Chu Yi firmly. He was a figure who had lost his mind, and his ferocious face was filled with crazy killing intent.

Endless determination stirred in her heart, and she ran towards the strange demon desperately. She wanted to protect her home, no matter what the cost, but she was stopped by Fang Tianyu.

"Don't go up. This is the process of being possessed. I have experienced it before. Chu Yi has now fallen into a state of disowning his relatives and will kill everyone he sees!" Fang Tianyu frowned, his eyes flashing with deep worry. .

Shangguan Lingwei pulled Fang Tianyu away without showing any signs of weakness and said firmly: "Get out of the way, this is our home. Although Chu Yi and I have different opinions, this is still our home. No matter what, we can't let it happen Destroy!" Her voice was full of firmness and determination, as if she was willing to do whatever it took to protect her homeland.

Fang Tianyu revealed his inner worries with a solemn expression, and explained: "We can't go up, Chu Yi has gone completely crazy!" His eyes were full of worry, and he deeply felt Chu Yi's madness.

"Then tell me, what should we do now?" Shangguan Lingwei asked angrily. There was a hint of irrepressible anger in her voice, as if she wanted to tear Fang Tianyu's helplessness and incompetence into pieces.

"Alas!" Fang Tianyu shook his head bitterly, his voice full of helplessness and heavyness, "Now we can only wait!" His words revealed an inescapable reality, as if they had fallen into a desperate situation. The dilemma of walking away is nothing but waiting for death.

At this critical moment, an aura more powerful than Demon Chu Yi suddenly appeared, instantly suppressing Demon Chu Yi.

"Control the power! Instead of being controlled by the power! Wake up!!" Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable's voice was like thunder, instantly penetrating Chu Yi's mind, with an irresistible shock. Chu Yi's mind came to his senses as if being hit by turbulent waves, "Huh? What happened? Am I demonized?"

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