Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 354: Dragon Slaying Sword, Sword Critical Strike

"Do you think you are the only one with a trump card? Haha! Let me show you my peerless magic weapon - the dragon-slaying sword!" Fang Tianyu said deeply. The dark sword awakened like a fierce dragon in Fang Tianyu's hand, with dragon patterns on the blade. Faintly appearing, like a dragon that has been sleeping for a long time being awakened. The blade shone with cold light, as hard as dragon scales, revealing endless murderous intent, "Haha! Let me show you the power of the dragon-slaying sword! The dragon-slaying sword, the sword is critical!"

"Dragon-slaying sword? You have the nerve to use it to kill people when you click on it?" Chu Yi replied mockingly. The golden light of the Hongmeng Sky Ruler flashed across the sky like a meteor, dazzling. It is a huge ruler one foot long, with brilliant golden light and exuding mysterious power. In Chu Yi's hands, the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler is like a ruler of heaven, condensing infinite power, as if it can measure the boundaries of the universe.

With a "bang" sound, when the dragon-slaying sword collided with the Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler, a powerful energy wave suddenly erupted, and a thunderous roar resounded through the sky. The collision between the two caused invisible ripples, distorting the surrounding space, as if the order of the universe was moved by it.

"How do you know that this dragon-slaying sword was given away by me with a click? Who are you! How do you know so much! Are you... a fellow countryman?" Fang Tianyu's eyes were burning with determination, and he clenched his fist Holding the dragon-slaying sword, countless flames emerged from the blade, burning brightly. The flames seemed to contain endless power, and a strong wave of heat rushed towards the face, making it suffocating.

"Dragon-slaying sword? Ridiculous! My Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler is the most precious treasure in the world, how can it be compared with a mortal like you!" Chu Yi smiled to face Fang Tianyu's anger, his eyes flashed with sharpness, fearlessness and determination. The Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler in his hand seemed to be sending out a distant call.

Ziwei's sudden appearance was like a bolt of lightning, breaking the intensifying fighting atmosphere, and shouted hurriedly: "Stop it, this kind of battle will destroy the entire Martial Saint Academy!"

"Humph!" Fang Tianyu snorted coldly, his eyes falling coldly on Ziwei. He said disdainfully, "An ant from the Celestial Human Realm, or an ant with purple devil eyes, get out of here, you can't control this place."

Ants! Ziwei is actually called an ant. You must know that Ziwei is one of the three elders of Martial Saint Academy! However, she did not dare to say anything. After all, her strength was not enough in front of Chu Yi and Fang Tianyu.

Chu Yi also noticed this situation, and he said to Fang Tianyu: "Let's go fight somewhere else!"

"Let's go! Go to my upper world and fight!" Fang Tianyu said.

"Okay! That's what I meant!!" Chu Yi responded.

Fang Tianyu and Chu Yi clenched their fists, their eyes solemn and firm. Their bodies began to emit a powerful wave of energy, and the surrounding void was as fragile as glass. As the two shouted, countless cracks spread rapidly in the space. A dazzling light burst out instantly, and the power that burned like fire enveloped them both. The moment the void was shattered, it seemed as if time had stopped.

Fang Tianyu and Chu Yi transmigrated into the void, and their bodies suddenly stopped in an empty and magnificent space. This is the upper world, where the divine world is.

Chu Yi looked around and found that the space here was actually more stable than the world they were in before, as if supported by invisible power. No longer subject to outside interference, they can unleash their most powerful power without any scruples.

"Here! We can finally show off our full strength!" Fang Tianyu smiled evilly. He glanced at Chu Yi, with sparks of fighting spirit flashing in his eyes, "Come on!"

"Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler! The ruler breaks the universe!!" Chu Yi was not to be outdone, and condensed a foot of Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler. The golden light was bright, showing infinite power.

"Bang, bang, bang..." Continuous collisions, continual fighting.

Chu Yi held the Hongmeng Sky Ruler in his hand, and streaks of golden light burst out from his hand, like the Milky Way pouring down, instantly forcing Fang Tianyu back a few steps.

Fang Tianyu held the dragon-slaying sword tightly. The dragon scales on the blade flashed, and the blade was as bright as lightning. He sneered, and his body was like lightning, and he flashed in front of Chu Yi in an instant, and slashed towards Chu Yi with the blade.

"Hongmeng Sky-breaking Ruler!" Chu Yiyun used the power of Primordial Origin in his body, and Hongmeng Sky-Measuring Ruler suddenly waved, turning into a golden tornado, sweeping towards Fang Tianyu. Fang Tianyu, on the other hand, did not retreat but instead advanced. The dragon-slaying sword in his hand danced like the wind, and the sword's light was bright, blocking Chu Yi's attack. The two people's powers converged, and the space suddenly distorted, as if even the God Realm could not withstand such terrifying power.

"Rumble!" Chu Yi and Fang Tianyu's fists and feet intertwined, and every collision brought up a violent storm.

"Bang bang bang!" The sound of Chu Yi and Fang Tianyu's battle was deafening, and every collision between them caused a spark. The Hongmeng Sky-Measuring Ruler in Chu Yi's hand is like a Flood Dragon emerging from the water, like a god descending, and can tear the void with every blow. Fang Tianyu's dragon-slaying sword was like a bolt of lightning, with a cold light flashing on the blade, making the air condense with every swing.

shock! The power of Chu Yi and Fang Tianyu surged on the battlefield, and every collision between them brought huge impact.

At this moment, many powerful men in the God Realm were aware of the amazing battle between Chu Yi and Fang Tianyu. This battle was so powerful that all the powerful gods in the entire god world could feel its aftermath.

At this moment, in the God Realm, the Nine Heavens Divine City stands in the sky, like a majestic giant tower, exuding incomparable sacred brilliance. The sun shines through the clouds into every corner of the city, illuminating the splendid buildings and bustling streets dazzlingly.

Jiutian God, as the most noble existence in the divine world, his figure is tall and straight, like an indestructible mountain. He was wearing a gorgeous robe, embroidered with golden divine patterns, shining with a mysterious and solemn light. His eyes were as bright as stars, revealing inviolable majesty and supreme power.

The City Lord's Mansion is like a magnificent palace, solemn and majestic. The palace is majestic and resplendent, like a sacred fortress. The city lord's training room is located deep in the palace. It is silent and mysterious, exuding an indescribable divine power.

The training room of the City Lord's Mansion was filled with solemn silence. The Nine Heavens God is sitting cross-legged, exuding vast divine power in his body, as bright as a star. He closed his eyes and meditated, and the divine light emanating from his body illuminated the entire room, as if he was blending with the gods in the divine world.

Suddenly, Jiutian Divine Lord frowned and felt an unprecedentedly powerful aura. He opened his eyes slightly, his eyes showing surprise and shock. He murmured to himself: "What's going on! Such a powerful aura actually surpasses the power of the divine realm! What kind of existence is this!?" His voice echoed in the training room, sending out an irresistible feeling. The power seemed to make the entire divine city tremble.

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