Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 353 Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler, Come Out!

Chu Yi held the god-killing gun and transformed into it. With a clear "ding" sound, he instantly blocked the fatal blow of the black knife.

When Chu Yi looked up at the person above the sky, he said in surprise: "You are Fang Tianyu!!! That's it, you are from this world."

"Chu Yi, I didn't expect you to become so powerful now, great! Finally something interesting! Hahaha..." Fang Tianyu laughed loudly.

Chu Yi chuckled and responded: "Fang Tianyu, how dare you steal my lines!"

Fang Tianyu said with an evil look on his face: "Hahaha! Let's fight!!" There was an unfathomable evil in his eyes, which was chilling. Suddenly, demonic energy surged all over his body, as if he was shrouded in darkness, exuding a suffocating aura. Crazy fighting spirit burned in him, as if it was about to tear the whole world apart.

"Just what I want!" Chu Yi also responded, with a firm light shining in his eyes. He exuded an awe-inspiring aura, like an invincible god of war. He holds the God-killing Spear in his hand, the tip of the spear flashing with a sharp cold light. Each spear is a symbol of his killing method.

In an instant, the aura of fighting between the two spread and seemed to set off a storm. Above the sky, there were dark clouds and thunder and lightning, as if the whole world was trembling for this shocking showdown. Their figures were flying in the air, like two bolts of lightning streaking across the sky. The sword light and the gun shadow kept colliding, making a deafening collision sound.

Chu Yi holds the God-killing Spear in his hand, and his shooting skills are extremely sharp. Every shot is a fatal move. His figure is as agile as the wind, and every attack is accurate and elusive.

Fang Tianyu held a jet-black sword in his hand, and his sword skills were extremely domineering, with every sword carrying infinite power. His figure is as majestic as a mountain, and every time he swings his sword, he brings up a gust of wind, which is terrifying.

"Bang, bang, bang..." Countless crashes echoed throughout the sky, as if they were about to shatter the entire space.

The aftermath of the battle shocked everyone in Martial Saint Academy. They all came out one after another, marveling at the powerful strength of the two men.

"What's going on in the sky! Is there a battle between some Transcendent Level experts?"

"There must be someone strong at the Transcendent Level. Could it be the three elders of our academy?"

"When will I be able to use such great strength? I can fly to the sky, escape from the earth, and be omnipotent!"

"Very good! Really good. You deserve to be my opponent!" Fang Tianyu's voice of admiration echoed on the battlefield. He wielded his sword with sharp and precise force in every move, while Chu Yi was like a graceful dancer dancing in the wind, responding to every attack with ease.

The corners of Chu Yi's mouth raised slightly, revealing a relaxed and confident smile. He looked at Fang Tianyu, his eyes flashing with fighting spirit and provocation, "Your attack is far from enough, come again!" His words had a relaxed and bold atmosphere, as if he was mocking Fang Tianyu for not being strong enough.

"Black hole! Devour it!!" Suddenly, a black hole-like power emerged, as if it swallowed the entire battlefield into it. This terrifying attraction makes people shudder. Everyone can feel their bodies being pulled by invisible forces, as if they are being sucked into a black hole.

"Hmph!!" Fang Tianyu sneered, with endless ridicule and contempt in his voice. He raised the pitch-black sword in his hand high, and a cold light shone on the blade. He looked at Chu Yi with a kind of disdain and arrogance in his eyes, "It's just a small trick!!"

The broadsword raised by Fang Tianyu seemed to be integrated with his body, and the light of the sword and the figure intertwined, forming a fiery and domineering aura.

"Combined sword and martial arts, break!" His words were like a deafening thunder, making people involuntarily feel a powerful pressure.

"So strong! Really good!!" Chu Yi was shocked by Fang Tianyu's strength. He had never thought that Fang Tianyu was so powerful. Obviously, Chu Yi would not be able to defeat him without showing his true strength.

"Primordial Origin God-killing Spear!" In an instant, Chu Yi's God-killing Spear was wrapped with countless Primordial Origin powers, bursting out with dazzling light like a blue dragon soaring into the sky.

With a shocking "boom" sound, the God-killing Spear and the pitch-black sword collided, triggering an earth-shattering collision of power.

The entire Martial Saint Academy began to tremble and tremble continuously, as if bearing the power of the battle between the two.

Chu Yi and Fang Tianyu were facing each other. The god-killing spear in Chu Yi's hand and the dark sword in Fang Tianyu's hand were stuck together. The two looked at each other with crazy fighting intent in their eyes.

"Hahaha..." Fang Tianyu laughed and stared at Chu Yi, his eyes flashing with temptation, "Chu Yi, join me in Demon Realm! You and I are the same people. We can conquer the world together and achieve dominance. !" His voice was full of confidence and ambition, as if he could conquer the whole world.

"Haha! Are you kidding me?" Chu Yi sneered, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, "Why didn't you join me? Why should I join you?" His voice was extremely firm, revealing unshakable confidence.

Next, Chu Yi and Fang Tianyu started another shocking battle.

However, at the peak of Ziwei Peak, Ziwei kept frowning and said to herself: "The power of these two people is getting stronger and stronger, but if this continues, the academy will not be able to withstand the huge impact of their battle. .”

Above the sky, Chu Yi suggested to Fang Tianyu: "Should we move the battlefield to avoid bringing greater danger to Martial Saint Academy?"

Fang Tianyu laughed sarcastically: "Haha! You are still worried about the safety of Martial Saint Academy. How ridiculous! Fighting is fighting, and you are still distracted!"

This Fang Tianyu is indeed quite powerful, and Chu Yi cannot defeat him for the time being. Not only that, Chu Yi also had an intuition that Fang Tianyu did not go all out.

"Then don't blame me! Hongmeng Sky Measurement Ruler, come out!" Chu Yi instantly put away his God-killing Spear, and a long ruler appeared in his hand. This is the Hongmeng Sky Measurement Ruler. The patterns on it are extremely weird. .

Now Chu Yi can already use the treasure, but he can't completely refine the restrictions in the Law Treasure. But even so, he is strong enough.

"What kind of weapon is this! I didn't expect it! You actually have such a trump card." Fang Tianyu stared at the Hongmeng Sky Ruler in Chu Yi's hand, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He could feel the power contained in the strange patterns on the ruler, which made him feel afraid. Although he knew that Chu Yi's strength should not be underestimated, he never thought that the other party actually hid such a powerful trump card.

The Hongmeng Sky Ruler shimmered with mysterious light in Chu Yi's hand. Its existence seemed to transcend everything, exuding a mysterious and majestic aura. Fang Tianyu stared at this ancient treasure intently.

Although the Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler is only a type of Innate Spirit Treasure, it is completely different from other ordinary Innate Spirit Treasures - it is an Innate Merit Spirit Treasure that contains Innate merits.

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