Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 340 The Gate Of Time And Space In The Magic Continent

In the shadow of the dark night, Chu Yi concentrated his mind, and his fingers moved gently, as if he was playing a silent piece of music. Suddenly, a Primordial Origin mark appeared out of thin air, twinkling like a star in the dark night. It quietly entered the mind of Lieyan Great Emperor and pulled his thinking.

In this way, the Primordial Origin Mark can fully control the Flame Great Emperor, the threat of war no longer exists, and peace spreads across the land.

Chu Yi's figure transformed into a stream of light, quickly transmigrating time and space, and instantly arrived at the palace of the Jade Empire. He glanced at the appearance of the emerald Great Emperor and couldn't help but feel bored. They are exactly the same, they are also driven by desire and power. Chu Yi wondered why such a person could become an emperor and rule all the people.

"Alas..." Chu Yi sighed and frowned slightly. He kneaded the seal with his hands, and the Primordial Origin mark entered the Emerald Great Emperor's mind out of thin air. With the completion of this move, his figure disappeared instantly, as if blending into the surrounding air.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Silver Moon Empire Palace, Queen Silver Moon was sitting leisurely on the magnificent throne, her slender legs crossed, exuding a lazy aura. She gracefully touched the ceramic teacup in her hand, savoring the aroma of the tea.

In the audience, a sharp-tongued minister hurried forward and reported respectfully to Her Majesty the Queen: "Your Majesty the Queen, the Dark Empire has actually begun to withdraw its troops. It seems that they have no intention of starting a war." There was a hint of surprise and joy in his voice. Puzzled.

The Queen narrowed her eyes slightly, showing a hint of thinking. She took a sip of tea, shook the cup gently, and thought about the deep meaning behind the Dark Empire's move.

"Let me explain it!" Chu Yi's voice echoed in the palace hall. When he slowly walked into the hall, he was dressed in a dark golden solemn robe, like a majestic monarch.

"It's King Chu! King Chu is back!" a minister shouted excitedly.

"It's been five years. King Chu has been missing for five years, and now he's finally back!" Another minister said with emotion.

"Please be quiet..." Queen Silver Moon's voice sounded majestic, and then she turned to Chu Yi and said, "King Chu, you just said you could explain all this, so go ahead!"

Chu Yi nodded and explained: "I have gone to the other three Great Emperor countries and reached a peace agreement with them."

"Peace agreement?" Queen Silver Moon raised her eyebrows and asked with some confusion, "What is the specific content?"

"The superficial meaning of the peace agreement is to achieve peace, and they promise not to start a war again." Chu Yi replied calmly.

Queen Silver Moon frowned, "Can you guarantee that they will not start a war again? You must know that the Dark Empire has always had the ambition to unify the continent and has been planning it for a long time."

The corners of Chu Yi's mouth raised slightly, and he said confidently: "I can guarantee that the other three Great Emperor countries will no longer start a war. Now only the Silver Moon Empire is left. Do you agree to the peace agreement?" He was ready to use his strength to Deterrence, if Queen Silver Moon disagrees, he will suppress it with absolute strength!

Queen Silver Moon nodded slightly and said, "Of course I agree!"

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, smiled happily, and then said: "Very good, but I still have one more thing to announce."

Queen Silver Moon smiled and asked: "King Chu, please speak!"

After Chu Yi was silent for a moment, he slowly said: "I plan to set up a time and space gate in the Magic Continent."

Queen Silver Moon asked with some confusion: "What is the Gate of Time and Space?"

Chu Yi smiled and explained: "The Gate of Time and Space is the door to the Starfire Realm. Anyone who is recognized by the Gate of Time and Space can enter the Spark Realm."

Queen Silver Moon said in shock: "Starfire World? You mean another world?"

Chu Yi continued to explain: "Yes, it is another world! But not everyone can enter it, but once you enter the Spark Realm, you will be regarded as a Spark person and receive the protection of the Spark Realm."

Queen Silver Moon asked: "I understand, what do you need me to do?"

Chu Yi replied firmly: "I need the Silver Moon Empire to spread the news and let everyone in the entire Magic Continent know the existence of the Gate of Time and Space."

In this way, they talked for a long time about the gate of time and space. Finally, Chu Yi stepped out of the palace with satisfaction, a confident smile outlines the corners of his mouth.

His figure was like lightning, soaring into the sky and arriving at an open space in the center of the continent in an instant. The sunlight fell on him, reflecting his figure like a majestic god.

Chu Yi's eyes were firm and he shouted in a low voice: "Gather the power of time and space for me!" His voice gradually became deep and powerful, like thunder that penetrated the entire sky.

Suddenly, a huge gate of time and space gradually opened in front of him, emitting a mysterious light. The doorway seems to be a passage leading to endless stars, which makes people fall into reverie.

Chu Yi set some thresholds at the entrance to the Gate of Time and Space. Only those who are righteous, kind and brave have the opportunity to step into it.

When those with evil intentions enter it, they cannot activate the power of time and space. At the entrance of the Starfire Realm, Chu Yi stands, his eyes firm and warm.

"In this way, the Spark World will no longer be so boring, and Liu Ruyan and the others will also have people visiting their tavern. Hehe, I am such a genius..." Chu Yi smiled proudly, feeling full of pride in his heart. Be convinced that your plan will be a great success.

Over the next few days, in the Magical Continent, a legend began to spread throughout the territory. The focus of people's talk is a mysterious gate of time and space, which is said to be located in the center of the continent. Legend has it that this gate of time and space can lead to a beautiful world without the spread of war, but a place as pure as heaven.

People's attitudes towards this legend vary. Some people scoff at it and think it is just nonsense. However, there are also many people who firmly believe in this legend and are full of yearning for it. They believed that in the new world they could find true peace and happiness.

As the legend spread, more and more people began to head towards the center of the continent, hoping to find the existence of the gate of time and space. They packed up their bags and embarked on a dangerous journey. They hope to see this legendary paradise world with their own eyes and experience the tranquility and harmony there.

Chu Yi never expected that the news would spread so quickly. In just a few days, 80% of the people in the entire continent already knew. However, for Chu Yi, this is definitely a good thing. His goal is to find those people with righteous and kind hearts and guide them into the Starfire Realm.

Of course, for Chu Yi, talent is not the key. With his current level, he can easily create a so-called genius. He values ​​a person's character and character more than his talent.

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