Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 339 The Fusion Of Two Realms, The Gate Of Time And Space

The fusion of the two universes seems to be completely insensible to the creatures in the universe.

However, for a person of Chu Yi's level, this feeling of fusion is extremely obvious.

As the power of the universe was injected into his body, Chu Yi's body was filled with surging energy, and the universe inside his body was also expanding rapidly.

"The fusion speed of this universe is simply too slow!" Chu Yi sighed secretly in his heart. According to his estimation, it would probably take tens of thousands of years for the two worlds to fully integrate.

"Primordial Origin clone!" Chu Yi shouted. He understood that it would not work to let the main body absorb the power of the universe all the time, and using the clone to absorb it here is the best choice.

At this moment, in the training ground of the Star Fire Domain, Future Anna looked at Anna, her face filled with relief, and her tone revealed encouragement: "It's very good, but you still need to keep working hard. There is still a long way to understand the law. A long distance."

Anna looked bitter and complained: "Can I take a break? Just one year, give me one year, okay?"

Future Anna said firmly: "No, I will leave in ninety-five years, and you will have to face everything alone. During this time, I must ensure that your strength is maximized!"

Anna lowered her head and said with a frustrated face: "Oh, there are still ninety-five years left! How can we survive this period..."

"Okay, stop complaining and continue practicing..." Future Anna interrupted sternly.

The square in the center of the Spark Domain is majestic and towering. Chu Yi stood here quietly, watching the scene in front of him. Suddenly, he raised his hand, and a powerful force of time and space overflowed, and a magical door of time and space suddenly appeared in the square.

"It actually worked!" Chu Yi whispered to himself, his eyes flashing with surprise. This gate of time and space was condensed by him according to the guidance in the training manual. It is the gate of time and space that connects the magical universe.

This means that everyone in the Spark Domain has the opportunity to enter the Gate of Time and Space at any time.

After a long time, in the magic universe, in a romantic place in the lower world, Fatty and Chu Kun watched the beautiful dance together, immersed in it, and enjoyed it to their heart's content.

Fatty and Chu Kun sat quietly at the table in the corner, watching the graceful dance on the stage. The colorful lights flash like stars dotting the deep night sky, adding a bit of dreaminess to this moment.

The dancers danced gracefully on the stage, and their elegant movements were like a magic vortex, attracting the attention of Fatty and Chu Kun.

The fat man's eyes were fixed on a dancer with flowing long hair. Her figure was as delicate and agile as a lotus in the water, and every movement carried a mysterious magic power.

The dancers dance gracefully to the melody of the music, as if they are floating in a gravityless magical universe.

Their dance steps are graceful and graceful, and every movement is just right, which is enchanting. The eyes of Fatty and Chu Kun seemed to have been touched by magic, and they were completely immersed in the charm of this dance.

The melody of the music echoed in the place, enveloping every breath in the air.

The fat man said to Chu Kun with a smile on his face: "Xiao Kun, what do you think of this girl? Do you want me to help you pursue her?"

Chu Kun replied seriously: "No need."

The fat man said with a smile: "Don't be so formal, we are all men! You know what I mean!"

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly placed on the fat man's heavy shoulder, and a gentle voice echoed in his ears, almost frightening the fat man to death, "Damn it, fat man, you have lived a very happy life these past few years! Let's go Let's go home..."

"It's over! It's over! It's really over now, no, it's definitely not her, it's definitely not..." Fatty kept praying in his heart. When he raised his head, his expression was as ugly as if he had eaten shit, and he said with a trembling voice. , "Shirong, I was wrong!"

At this moment, Chu Yi had stepped into the palace of the Dark Empire, and a darkness shrouded the place.

"War is not allowed in the Magic Continent, and those who violate it will die." His voice echoed in this magnificent building, making everyone's heads buzz and their hearts filled with shock.

The Dark Empress looked at Chu Yi's figure with shock in her heart, "This person is too powerful! There is such a strong man in the world. It seems that our Dark Empire's goal of unifying the continent cannot be achieved."

"I understand, as the Queen of the Dark Empire, we will never initiate a war. But, what if other empires invade us?" The Dark Queen then spoke to express her doubts.

"There is no such possibility. Before other empires invade you, I will quietly deal with them." As soon as Chu Yi finished speaking, his figure disappeared like a ghost, as if he had never been there.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yi came to the inner courtyard of the harem of the Lieyan Empire, and a strong fragrance of flowers hit his face. The palace is magnificent, with splendid decorations shining dazzlingly. The delicate stone pavement is covered with flowers.

The Great Emperor sits on a gorgeous throne, surrounded by countless concubines.

Each concubine is dressed in gorgeous palace clothes, like flowers in a fairyland, blooming with charming brilliance under the gaze of the flaming Great Emperor.

The Great Emperor raised the golden cup in his hand, and the nectar in the cup exuded an alluring aroma.

" feels good!" He took a sip and immediately felt the rich sweetness spreading on his tongue, which was intoxicating.

"Great Emperor, come and try this specially prepared for you..."

"The Great Emperor should try this from the slave family when he comes..." The concubines rushed to hand over the delicious food. The aroma was overflowing and made people salivate.

The Lieyan Great Emperor admired the dance performance of the concubines. They were dressed in delicate silk dance skirts, looming and graceful.

The music sounded slowly, and the concubines played the guqin with their slender fingers, and the graceful melody floated in the air like flowing water.

Lieyan Great Emperor enjoyed the performance of the concubines with satisfaction, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

The concubines knelt down and saluted the Great Emperor, their eyes revealing their admiration and dependence on him.

"Today, let's all come together! Hahahaha..." The Great Emperor reached out and gently touched their cheeks, feeling their delicate skin and warm breath. His heart was filled with the satisfaction of power and enjoyment, as if he had become the master of this empire.

Chu Yi, who was hiding in a dark corner, shook his head slightly, his eyes revealing his disappointment with Lieyan Great Emperor.

He witnessed the ruler being indulged in luxury enjoyment and the temptation of power, and he couldn't help but said to himself: "What a pity, the emperor who is addicted to beauty and power is destined to a road of no return..."

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