Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 329: Clone Cultivation, Feeding Back The Original Body

Chu Yi felt a terrifying power penetrate into his body. The Primordial Origin Dao Body cultivation method gathered thousands of methods to create the strongest foundation.

The power of dimensions continues to nourish his body, making his strength continue to increase. Every second, he could feel a little progress. Although the speed of this improvement is very slow, its power is that it keeps getting stronger.

Chu Yi said to himself: "If this continues, I can't imagine how powerful I will be in the end! I will be such a genius in the future that I can actually come up with such a terrifying cultivation method."

Next, Chu Yi devoted all his energy to practice. He only allocated one ten millionth of his mental power to control the clone and make it move on the magic continent.

At this moment, in the Magic Continent, inside the military tent camp of the Silver Moon Empire's border troops.

Eight people were crowded into a room with bunk beds, and one of them was Chu Yi's clone. His face was dull, as if he had lost the ability to think, like a soulless body. Chu Yi's body has recovered most of his mental power, and the clone at this time is just a shell.

Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes and murmured to himself: "I will use this clone to walk outside from now on, and the clone can also practice, but the cultivation will be transferred to the main body." In other words, now his clone Every time you practice in the future, the training will feed back to the main body. The physical body is strong. When strength is needed, the main body can provide the clone with the power to protect itself.

"Seeking death!" The wild man swung his machete and slashed at Chu Yi.

"Hmph! I'm very young now, what an old witch, look at my skin, how tender it is, why don't you come and touch it." Ye Yuyi said.

"Tch, I won't fight you. Your future wife is back, and I don't want to be beaten to death by her just yet." Ye Yuyi rolled his eyes and muttered.

"Haha!" Chu Yi laughed disdainfully, "You are like this. If I give you two hands, you can't beat me. You are rubbish!"

The child's father lamented, a heavy burden resting on her shoulders, and he fell into deep thought. He deeply understands his children's expectations and has spent all his savings in order to realize his son's dream. This trip was to buy a magic crystal for my son, so that he would be qualified to practice.

"Ye Yuyi, can you take my avatar to the upper world now? The magic power here is really too slow to cultivate. When will I be able to cultivate to the Creation Dharma Sage!" Chu Yi said.

"Too weak, I don't even want to do it..." Chu Yi himself didn't move, but the ice sword quickly pierced the chest of the wild man, and he fell to the ground helplessly, "You know magic! Why didn't you tell me earlier? ..." His voice gradually weakened until he died completely.

Suddenly, Ye Yuyi appeared beside him out of thin air and teased: "Hey, why is your realm gone?"

"Oh? So you are an old witch!" Chu Yi joked.

"I'm leaving first, you can practice slowly!" As soon as Ye Yuyi finished speaking, her figure disappeared into the air like a phantom, as if it had never existed.

"I'm billions of years older than you, so you have the nerve to say it out loud if you ask me to be your sister!" Ye Yuyi said.

"Nothing, I just came to see you. You should be able to fight me now, right?" Ye Yuyi said.

"I can take you up, but how will you repay me?" Ye Yuyi said.

"Okay! I'll take you there!" Ye Yuyi said, putting one hand on Chu Yi's shoulder, and with a thought, he had already reached the upper realm.

The wild man's eyes widened, "Who are you! Do you dare to stop me? Don't you want to live?"

With a "ding" sound, a gorgeous ice sword blocked the attack. Chu Yi's calm voice echoed in the magical forest, "It's not appropriate to kill a father who protects his children!"

The child excitedly pointed at Chu Yi in the distance and asked his father: "Father, look there is someone over there!"

Chu Yi chuckled and said: "Haha! Do you still want to repay me? How about you become my sister? I will protect you from now on."

The wild man's voice carried a violent threat, and he roared: "Still want to escape? Neither of you can escape! Just die for me!"

"Huh huh..." Chu Yi took a deep breath and felt the magical holy power surrounding him, as if he could hear the sound of magic flowing in the air.

"If you're not interested, just tell me whether you can take me up there? I only need ten years. In ten years, I'm sure to break through to the Creation Dharma Sage." Chu Yi said.

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I don't know, how about we have a competition?"

As for the war that breaks out in the Magic Continent, it will be enough if the main body comes directly to suppress the turmoil. In a war with this kind of power, Chu Yi can suppress it without even taking action, relying on his momentum.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "I am practicing in seclusion, this is just my clone. What's the matter?"

"Haha! Then let's die together!!" I saw the wild man swinging his machete and slashing at the father and son, but at the critical moment, the attack was blocked by a gorgeous ice sword.

Chu Yi sat cross-legged on a flat stone in the magic forest, closed his eyes, and began to immerse himself in the world of cultivation. He felt the magical power continuously surging in his body, like a stream of warm water, flowing through his meridians. As the clone cultivates, power is continuously transmitted to the main body.

In the magic forest, two figures loomed, one was tall and the other was petite, exuding an aura of exhaustion. The two of them dragged their tired bodies and walked slowly in the magic forest.

"Father, let's go together!!" The child's eyes were firm, as if he was ready to face death.

He stood in the magic forest, looking up at the giant tree that reached the sky. The shimmering light from the leaves exuded a warm and peaceful atmosphere, making people feel a kind of isolated elegance.

"Father, where is my mother? Why do other people have mothers, but I don't?" the child asked his father curiously.

The father resolutely stood in front of his son and said firmly: "Son, please leave quickly, I will stop him!"

Chu Yi smiled and said to himself: "The environment here is really wonderful. Such pure magical holy power will definitely take my practice to the next level!" He looked around, and the trees in the magic forest were lush and the branches and leaves were swaying. There was a slight flash of green light, as if to cheer him on for his practice. The breeze blows by, bringing with it the faint fragrance of flowers, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Father's eyes were a little dim, "Your mother, she went to a very far away place..."

Then, he quietly climbed out of bed and came to the top of a towering snow-capped mountain on the border of the Silver Moon Empire. He sat cross-legged and began to practice.

"Stop, you two, do you still want to run?" Suddenly, the wild man was chasing the father and son, his angry eyes shooting out like sharp swords.

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