"Okay, you two, stop arguing, we are the same person, what's there to argue about?" Chu Yi finished his words, with a serious expression on his face. He turned to Future Anna and asked, "You just said you would leave soon, When exactly?”

In the future, Anna waved her hand, and a strong black and yellow merit energy instantly poured into Chu Yi's body.

The light spread rapidly, and space began to expand rapidly, as if the boundaries of the universe were broken, and a mysterious scene began to appear. Chu Yi's heartbeat accelerated, he knew that this was a success! !

One of the last two items is the Primordial Origin Cultivation Method, and the second is the "Primordial Origin Boundless Realm" cultivation method. This Primordial Origin Boundless Realm should be the final state, but Chu Yi still doesn't know what this state represents.

I saw a huge golden wheel of merit emerging behind Chu Yi. It was brilliant and dazzling, exuding an incomparable majestic light. It was a golden wheel of merit condensed with black and yellow merit energy. It had endless magical uses.

Chu Yi couldn't wait to take the next step. At this moment, there is already a white hole in his body. Just detonate it to generate a force like the Big Bang and form a new universe.

This book is simply a compendium of cultivation, presenting the cultivation methods of Myriad Worlds in front of him one by one.

At this time, there was a book lying quietly in his mind. With a thought, he turned to the first page. The catalog read Primordial Origin Dao Body Cultivation Method, Dimensional Cultivation Method, Superpower Cultivation Method, Ancient Martial Arts Cultivation Method, Magic cultivation method, Sword Dao cultivation method, Immortal Dao cultivation method, Shinto cultivation method, Dou Qi cultivation method, Wuhun cultivation method, Ghost Dao cultivation method, Demon Dao cultivation method, Buddhist Dao cultivation method, etc...

In the highest realm of superpower cultivation, the first step is to master the dimensional cultivation method. By condensing the power of dimensions, cultivators can reach a new realm after breaking through the black and white cave level. In this state, they are able to form a complete universe within their bodies. This universe represents the existence of one dimension, and when a cultivator can condense two universes, he has reached the realm of two dimensions. Then, practitioners can break through the third dimension and enter the boundaries of countless dimensions...

"You can't stay too long, about a hundred years or so!" Future Anna replied, her face suddenly turned serious, "You in the future have left you many precious things."

Chu Yi said to himself: "So handsome, so incredibly handsome!" He admired himself in the mirror.

In the future, Anna smiled and said: "Don't be narcissistic, you will be even more handsome in the future than you are now." She teased Chu Yi.

"Don't be so surprised, there are more." Anna said in the future, and suddenly countless black and yellow merit energy poured into Chu Yi's body crazily.

"Hey, the future me is also me!" Chu Yi said with a proud smile.

"This is! How can there be so much Xuanhuang meritorious energy!!" Chu Yi said in shock.

"Okay, let's go home!" Chu Yi said, and with a wave of his hand, everyone disappeared immediately and entered directly into the Spark Domain. A powerful energy surrounded them, like an invisible portal that brought them to their destination. land.

"Okay, I have given you everything I have to give. Now I need to teach myself how to practice!" Future Anna smiled and walked towards Anna, "In the next hundred years, I will personally teach you how to practice. The stronger you are, the more important you will be to me." It’s more beneficial for me, understand?”

After all, this dimensional cultivation method is just the tip of the iceberg in this book. If he can complete all of it, how powerful will his power be?

The answer is of course no. The Spark Domain is an independent world created by Chu Yi himself. It can be regarded as a domain. It may even evolve into a huge world in the future, comparable to the prehistoric Transcendent Level existence. The world will develop independently without Chu Yi having to worry too much.

"With this power, your safety will be absolutely guaranteed!" Future Anna said excitedly.

Anna nodded and said: "Practice as long as you practice, as long as you stay away from A Yi!"

The Golden Wheel of Merit exudes a sacred aura. It is like a huge golden Law Weapon, its dazzling light is difficult to look directly at. Every rotation of the golden wheel seems to be stimulating the power of the entire heaven and earth. This is a symbol of indescribable majesty and power.

The crucial first step towards the first dimension is to cause the white hole behind the black hole to trigger a huge explosion - the Big Bang, which will result in the formation of a true universe.

"This cultivation method is a bit strong! I will be a genius in the future!!" Chu Yi felt a little proud. He couldn't help but wonder that only a genius could come up with such a unique cultivation method.

The dimension represents power, the power at the cosmic level, which requires Chu Yi's own continuous practice to continue to strengthen.

As the universe continues to evolve, countless black holes will be born. When these black holes grow to a certain extent, white holes will form on their backsides. The explosion of these white holes will trigger the birth of a new universe, which will continue to evolve and evolve.

In an instant, the "Cultivation Manual" turned into a stream of light and went straight into Chu Yi's mind. He couldn't help but thought in surprise: "This book is actually spiritual!"

"This is too exaggerated! How much have I cultivated in the future!" Chu Yi swallowed, unbelievable!

In this way, in the future, Anna took Anna to special training, Nangong Shirong went to find Fatty, and Chu Yi returned to his training room and began to study the mysteries of the training manual in depth.

"Explode!" Chu Yi shouted excitedly. Suddenly, the white hole behind the black hole made a loud noise, burst out with dazzling light, and then...

Strictly speaking, the dimension can also be regarded as a world, but compared with the Spark Domain, the two are essentially different.

After a long period of time, Chu Yi finally absorbed this magical Xuanhuang Qi of Merit. He breathed heavily, and his heart was full of wonder, "Huh huh... This is the legendary Xuanhuang Qi of merit!"

There are so many black and yellow merits and virtues that it is unbelievable and exaggerated.

"None of these are important, what's important is this." Future Anna said, taking out a book "Cultivation Manual" from her pocket. There was a small line of words on the cover of the book that read "My past self" , she handed it to Chu Yi seriously, "This book is the most important thing, I must give it to you personally."

Chu Yi said to himself: "There is a Spark Realm in my body now, which can be said to be a complete world! Is it considered one dimension?"

In contrast, the Spark Realm has self-awareness, can grow independently, and is controlled by Chu Yi. The dimension is just the universe in Chu Yi's body. The growth of this universe requires his own practice to continue to expand and evolve.

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