Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 266 Demon-Slaying Journey, Mysterious Galaxy

Chu Yi asked with a bright smile:

"Xiao Na, how do you feel?" His eyes flickered with anticipation, as if he was full of anticipation for her answer.

Anna smiled and replied:

"It feels very good. This power of gods and demons is really extremely powerful. I feel like I have become extremely powerful!" There was a sense of confidence and excitement in her eyes.

Chu Yi continued:

"Now that we have confirmed that the devil is the mastermind behind it, we must embark on a journey across the universe to hunt them down one by one." His voice was full of firmness and determination.

Chu Yi then asked:

"Xiao Na, have you ever seen Tang San buried?"

Anna shook her head:

"It seems that he disappeared when we arrived at Galaxy Star."

Buried Tang San disappeared? Forget it, now is not the time to worry about him.

The Sixiang-class starship that Chu Yi took out from the space ring looked like a magnificent cosmic beast, with countless stars shining on the fuselage, like the bright Galaxy in the sky reflected on the hull.

The starship is full of complex and precise instruments, and the flashing of each button represents a powerful force.

Now, Chu Yi and his partner Anna were standing in front of the starship's porthole. At a glance, the entire starship was shining brightly inside, as if it was a mysterious cosmic city.

The interior space of the starship is extremely wide. Through the huge portholes, you can see the beautiful starry sky and charming nebulae. They flow in the universe like a gorgeous picture of the universe.

Chu Yi held Anna's hand tightly and felt her warm palm. This weak but determined girl was his most cherished existence.

Their eyes met, and through the starship's porthole, they saw the determination and courage in each other's eyes.

Chu Yi said softly:

"Let's go, Xiaona, let's go and avenge those dead Blue Star people!"

The starship roared loudly, like a stream of light breaking through all the constraints and flying forward towards the boundless universe.

The speed of the starship is getting faster and faster, and the stars and nebulae in the universe flash past them quickly. The starship is like a twinkling meteor across the dark night sky, taking Chu Yi and Anna towards the unknown depths of the universe. Here, their demon-slaying journey officially begins.

In the depths of the universe, the stars flicker, and the starship is like a silver stream of light, rapidly traveling through the darkness.

Chu Yi was sitting in the middle of the bridge, holding the steering wheel and his eyes firm. His goal was to destroy the raging monsters.

Anna leaned on his shoulder, raised her head slightly and looked at the vastness of the universe, her heart full of expectation and trust.

The starship transmigrated the nebula, and in the stream of light, the endless cosmic scenery unfolded before their eyes.

Purple galaxies, pink nebulae, and twinkling stars are so picturesque.

Chu Yi's hand caressed the control panel of the starship, as if he was feeling the pulse of the universe. Anna stood quietly aside, feeling his strength and determination.

In the cabin of the starship, their figures are reflected in the transparent windows.

Chu Yi held Anna's hand tightly, his eyes full of affection and determination.

Anna snuggled tightly into Chu Yi's arms, feeling the warmth and protection on his body.

The starship passed through a nebula and came to a mysterious galaxy.

There are countless planets and satellites floating in the galaxy, which emit alluring light and are as dazzling as gems.

Chu Yi and Anna were sitting on the observation deck of the starship, looking at the distant galaxies.

Chu Yi and Anna came to this mysterious planet, and a prosperous scene unfolded in front of them.

"This is a nine-star restaurant in Nosia. I didn't expect that this guy doesn't care much about his image."

Her voice was full of resonance, and a trace of sadness and worry appeared on her face:

His eyes passed through the unfamiliar city and he wandered on the streets. Sunlight shines through the tall buildings, illuminating the streets with few pedestrians.

Chu Yi was tasting the food in the restaurant with relish, feeling satisfied.

When Chu Yi and Anna set foot on this technologically civilized planet, they saw a modern scene in front of them.

From small personal aircraft to luxurious private spaceships, they all demonstrate mankind's yearning and exploration for the future.

The dishes here are bizarre and diverse, with unique seasonings that make you addicted.

There are not many people who enjoy delicious food like Chu Yi.

At this moment, in an exquisite restaurant, Chu Yi tasted the special delicacies of this planet.

The lady whispered to herself:

High-rise buildings stand in the sky, like giants standing in the world, exuding amazing technological brilliance.

He tried a dish called "Star Honey Shrimp". The shrimp meat was tender and juicy, and dipped in the special honey sauce brought him the ultimate enjoyment on the tip of his tongue.

Towering buildings rise from the ground like giant silver towers, and above the clouds there seems to be an uncharted kingdom in the sky.

Chu Yi sighed in a low voice, frowning, his eyes revealing helplessness and disappointment:

Above the ground, various shops are spread out in an orderly manner.

Chu Yi continued to walk forward and came to a fashionable clothing store.

This restaurant enjoys a high reputation and is known as one of the most Apex Level restaurants in Nosia Star. Most of the people who come to this Apex Level restaurant are doing business.

The brightly lit city shines like stars, making the entire sky shine.

"However, it is undeniable that he is really handsome!"

He saw a distinctive jacket. Its fabric was smooth and soft, exuding a faint futuristic technological atmosphere.

The people around him were laughing and laughing, and the laughter echoed in the restaurant, making Chu Yi feel that this planet was unusual.

"Let's split up first! We need to find the top of this planet."

At the same time, a woman sat at another table and stared at Chu Yi curiously.

Chu Yi felt the mysterious atmosphere exuded by this city, as if every building contained countless secrets.

9S Flying Shop is a shop specializing in selling flying tools. It looks like a majestic spaceship.

Every building exudes the atmosphere of technology, and high-speed shuttle aircraft pierce the sky, making people feel like they are in a future world full of fantasy.

The clothing styles in the store are unique and avant-garde, with bright colors and original designs.

"I think so!"

He savored every dish here carefully and found that every bite exuded a unique aroma and taste. The food here is absolutely delicious.

"Xiao Na, do you feel that this planet is what Blue Star will look like in the future? Unfortunately, Blue Star is now, alas!!"

Anna nodded, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared.

Chu Yi passed by a gene exchange, where various colorful genetic medicines were displayed, and each bottle represented an unknown possibility.

Chu Yi approached the store door and through the glass window, he saw a variety of aircraft neatly displayed in the spacious exhibition hall.

After a long time, Chu Yi seemed to integrate into the planet.

His tone was firm, and his eyes shone with determination and perseverance:

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