Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 265 Anna’S Transformation, The Power Of Gods And Demons

At the critical moment, Chu Yi suddenly appeared on the field.

The situation of the battle was reversed instantly...

Anna shouted excitedly:

"Ayi, I've finally waited for you! This is all a conspiracy of the evil Demon Race!"

Chu Yi said with a smile:

"It turns out to be a demon. I should have thought of it earlier."

The Demon Overlord asked in surprise:

"Chu Yi!! How could you possibly discover us!!"

A chill filled the air, and Chu Yi stared at the Demon Overlord coldly, his eyes as sharp as ice knives.

He said without fear:

"Nothing is impossible! Tell me everything!" His voice was full of determination and firmness, as if it could break any obstacle in front of him.

The Demon Overlord gritted his teeth, and the flames of anger burned in his pupils.

He responded hoarsely:

"Chu Yi, you think you can kill us! You're so naive!" His face was full of disdain and ridicule, as if he didn't care about Chu Yi's threat.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chu Yi's mouth, and there was a hint of conspiracy and confidence in his eyes.

He said coldly:

"Very good, since you didn't tell me, then I have a trick that can deal with you five demons!!" There was a fighting spirit and victory in his voice, which made people feel awe.

Chu Yi shouted loudly:

"Five Elements God-killing Formation!!" His voice resounded like thunder, spreading throughout the entire battlefield.

In an instant, five god-killing spears appeared out of thin air, like five meteors streaking across the night sky, forming an indestructible formation that tightly enveloped the five demons! !

The power of the formation spread, and the air was filled with a suffocating sense of oppression.

The five demons were locked by the God-killing Spear, and their bodies seemed to be bound by invisible shackles, unable to move at all.

They struggled angrily, but they could not escape the shackles of this power.

Chu Yi stared at them coldly, his eyes flashing with victory. He had found an absolute way to deal with these five demons.

The Demon Overlord asked in surprise:

"What a mysterious formation this is!" His eyes shone with surprise, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Patterns of the formation emerged one after another, shining like the Milky Way, making him feel in awe.

The Lord of the Abyss whispered in frustration:

"I told you, run away quickly, why didn't you listen to me!!" His voice was full of despair, and his eyes were dim, as if he had seen an irreversible fate.

The Demon Overlord slapped the Abyss Lord hard, with anger and oppression in his voice:

"You broomstick, I will take your life with my own hands!" His palm was like a sharp blade, flying towards the Abyss Lord with the power of the devil.

The shadow assassin reminded vigilantly:

"We must work together to fight the enemy in front of us! Chu Yi's methods are diverse and weird, and we can't be completely prepared!" His eyes revealed his fear of Chu Yi, and he understood that only by uniting can we have a chance of victory.

The Demon Overlord snorted coldly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes:

"Hmph, I'll spare your life for now!"

Chu Yi's body tensed, and his voice was full of anger:

"Tell me, were you the ones responsible for the destruction of Blue Star?!" His brows furrowed and his hands clenched into fists, showing his inner anger and intolerance.

The Demon Overlord laughed mockingly:

"Hahahaha!! Of course, it's us!! Hahaha! What can you do to me!" He straightened his body, tilted his head back, with a mocking expression on his face.

His eyes flashed with an evil light, revealing the arrogance and pride in his heart.

Chu Yi's eyes were burning with rage. He clenched his fists tightly, and his voice revealed endless indignation against the demon overlord:

"The destruction of Blue Star was actually caused by you! You devils are guilty of heinous crimes!"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of the Demon Overlord's mouth, and there was a kind of triumphant arrogance in his voice:

"Hahaha, that's right! It was us demons who single-handedly caused the destruction of Blue Star! How can you mortals stop it!"

Anna transformed into a demon form, her eyes flashing with endless darkness.

"Ayi, let me absorb these five demons!!"

"Okay!! Xiaona, go quickly!!"

Anna rushed towards the demons without hesitation. Her figure was as fast as lightning, and every contact made the demons feel irresistible power.

The Demon Overlord watched in surprise as his power was absorbed, with a gleam of fear in his eyes.

The Lord of the Abyss trembled and begged Anna for mercy, but only received Anna's cold eyes and mocking laughter:

"Demons, please die to me!!"

Anna absorbs the power of the demons, and her body emits black light, turning into a dark vortex.

The Doomsday Messenger anxiously tried to escape, but found that he could not escape from Anna's restraints. He was helpless and watched as his power was swallowed up bit by bit.

The black enchantress looked at Anna, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes. She understood that escape was impossible and she could only wait for the next reincarnation to regain her power.

The Demon Overlord shouted angrily:

"What is this!! How dare you absorb our power!!"

The Lord of the Abyss trembled and begged:

"Please don't kill me!! No!!"

The Doomsday Messenger gritted his teeth and roared:

"Damnable human ants, I will never..."

The shadow assassin shouted anxiously:

Her breathing became steady and powerful, as if exuding a heart-stopping power.

Her strength has obviously exceeded its limit, and her whole body is filled with a ferocious aura. Even the sacred power can hardly suppress the demonic power in her body.

Her appearance exudes a hint of evil, with a touch of divine light, like the perfect combination of an angel and a devil.

Her body pressed tightly against Chu Yi's arms, conveying her inner excitement and joy.

Her golden hair is still as gorgeous as gold, shining and shining, as if it has its own vitality.

Anna slowly opened her eyes, with a mysterious light shining in her eyes.

"Xiao Na, let the divine power and the demonic power reach a delicate balance, and you can form the power of gods and demons!"

"Then you can master this incredibly powerful power."

"Great, Ayi! I succeeded!"

She concentrated on adjusting this mysterious power, as if dancing a magnificent piece of music.

Compared with before, her figure is more graceful, with perfect curves like a work of art outlining her graceful figure.

At this time, Chu Yi walked to Anna. He knew that only by allowing the divine power and the demonic power to reach a delicate balance could the power of gods and demons be formed.

Every collision is like the intersection of heaven and earth, producing unimaginable energy fluctuations.

The moment she closed her eyes, the surrounding atmosphere began to change subtly.

Chu Yi said to Anna gently:

"Xiao Na, you finally gained the power of gods and demons! That's great!"

As Anna took a deep breath, the powerful divine power and demonic power collided and intertwined within her body, causing a deafening roar.

Her body began to emit a mysterious luster, like a star descending into the world.

The surrounding air seemed to become thicker due to her presence, as if she felt the presence of the power of gods and demons.

The divine aura and the demonic darkness complement each other to create a unique atmosphere.

Her eyes were clear and firm, revealing her complete control over the power of gods and demons.

"I can't escape. It seems I have to wait for my next reincarnation!"

The powerful energy fluctuations emanating from her body seemed to form an invisible barrier, isolating her from the world.

After a long time, Anna's body exuded a terrifying power, and all five demons were absorbed by her.

As the energy in Anna's body was balanced, her body gradually returned to calm.

Invisible power began to flow through her body, like a giant dragon awakening within her body.

The black enchantress whispered:

At this moment, Anna was wearing a silver-white robe. The robe was light and elegant, as if it was integrated with her body.

"Quick, we have to find a way to escape!!"

Anna rushed towards Chu Yi excitedly, with tears of happiness flashing in her eyes. She couldn't help shouting:

The divine power and demonic power in her body merged to form an unprecedented power.

Anna's eyes radiated a fiery light, which seemed to contain endless power and wisdom.

Her body seemed to swell, exuding an amazing power, rising like a breathtaking mountain.

Chu Yi's eyes shone with excitement. He smiled and said with joy:

Anna nodded, she understood what Chu Yi meant.

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