Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 247 Return To Blue Star, Blue Star’S Destruction

The starship shuttles through the boundless universe, like a lonely meteor, piercing the dark universe.

Its body shines with silvery white light and moves slowly forward in the endless sea of ​​stars.

During the long voyage, the starship transmigrated one nebula after another, and they wrapped around the starship like gorgeous ribbons, interweaving a colorful picture of the universe.

The hull of the starship shimmered with faint points of light, like bright stars in the universe, illuminating the unknown road ahead.

As time passed, the starship gradually approached the direction of Blue Star.

Ten days flew by like an instant.

The starship transmigrated one galaxy after another, passing countless planets and meteorite belts along the way.

Until Chu Yi saw a planet shining with blue light in front of his eyes, he shouted ecstatically:

"Lanxing, I, Chu Yi, am back!! Hahaha!!"

Suddenly, Chu Yi's brows frowned, and he was keenly aware of some unusual aura on Blue Star.

Anna also issued a warning at this time:

"Something is wrong here, very wrong, I can feel a strange aura!"

Chu Yi immediately responded:

"We have to go there quickly, I wonder how Senior Xiao and the others are doing!"

He held Anna tightly and used the power of space to teleport them to the Blue Star instantly.

The shocked expressions were like Chu Yi and Anna being struck by lightning, frozen instantly on their faces.

Their eyes were wide open, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The scene on Blue Star is like a replica of a nightmare. The earth has been torn into countless pieces, and the broken buildings have fallen into ruins.

The once prosperous Spark Empire has now turned into nothing, a dilapidated scene.

Chu Yi's heart seemed to be torn apart, and he felt intensely uncomfortable and powerless.

In the past ten years, how much suffering have his friends, his brothers, those once carefree civilians endured?

Everything became so meaningless, and Chu Yi's eyes flashed with endless sadness and anger.

Their former home has been completely destroyed, their former life has been completely shattered, and everything has become torn apart.

A strong determination surged in Chu Yi's heart. He vowed to find answers and hope for his friends, his brothers, and the innocent civilians, rebuild their former homes, and rebuild their former lives. .

Chu Yi roared angrily:

"Who is it! Don't let me know, don't let me know who you are!!!"

His body was tense, his hands were clenched into fists, and the ferocious expression on his face was full of anger and hatred.

His voice was full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to make the other person's life worse than death.

Tears couldn't help but flow from Chu Yi's eyes, he couldn't control his emotions.

The feeling of extreme pain flooded his soul, and his eyes revealed deep sadness and disappointment.

This former home was now in ruins, and the pain in his heart was beyond words.

Anna's tears were like a stream of sadness, pouring out uncontrollably, as if they were going to completely drown her fragile heart.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and tears etched deep scars on her face, reflecting the endless despair in her heart.

Her eyes were blurred and empty, as if she had seen the destruction of Blue Star and heard the disappearance of the Bear Kingdom.

Her mind was shrouded in darkness and she could not escape this endless fear and despair.

Who is the murderer who destroyed Blue Star?

He made up his mind to find the truth in this world that was about to be shrouded in darkness, and to find the murderer who destroyed Blue Star!

Father, father! ! Anna seemed to see her father's reflection flashing in her mind.

However, he did not expect that this day would come so quickly and he would not be there.

Chu Yi stared at Anna's tear-filled eyes and was deeply touched by her pain.

She choked and said:

Chu Yi felt a raging anger in his heart, and he decided to uncover this shocking mystery and avenge Blue Star's peace and Anna's soul!

Teacher Yuanshi once warned that within fifty years, alien species will attack.

His heart was filled with the majesty of thunder and the cry of justice:

Anna's body couldn't help trembling, tears rolled down like broken beads, her eyes were beaten, red, swollen and moist.

Her lips trembled slightly, as if she were silently telling the story of lost hopes and broken dreams.

"Don't worry, I won't let you bear all this alone! I will do my best to find a solution!" His voice was full of firmness and determination, as if at this moment, he had become Anna's most reliable support.

"Chu Yi, I feel the breath of a foreign species. This is a foreign species."

Tang San was shocked by the arrival of the alien species.

His eyes shone with perseverance, like an immortal star, illuminating his way forward.

Her heart tightened suddenly as she realized that her father was probably dead.

Chu Yi once swallowed a strange mantis, which made him even more worried.

Chu Yi's eyes were deep and firm. He walked slowly to Anna, as if a patron saint had descended into the world. His embrace was like a solid fortress, giving Anna infinite comfort and warmth.

Above the sky, Tang San's brows were furrowed, his solemn expression revealing the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart.

"Who is it that dares to destroy our home so viciously! Who is it?! I will definitely not make his life worse than death!"

When Zhan Tang San discovered the existence of the alien aura, his heart suddenly became heavy.

Her hands were shaking, as if she couldn't bear such a blow and loss.

His voice was low and serious, as if carrying endless pressure:

She bit her lip tightly, trying to suppress the deep sadness.

He took a deep breath and said:

"Honey, we still have hope, there is still hope. As long as we don't see the body, it means everything is possible!" His voice was full of firmness and determination, as if it could eliminate all the pain in Anna's heart.

Her hands were clenched into fists, her knuckles turning white, as if she was gritting her teeth in pain over the disappearance of the Bear Kingdom and the death of her father.

"What is an alien species? What is going on?"

"Chu Yi, the alien species has arrived, we must be careful."

Chu Yi gently patted Anna's back. His palm was warm and solid, like a breeze, gently blowing over Anna's fragile heart.

"I...husband, my heart hurts so much. I feel like the whole world is collapsing." Her voice was full of helplessness and despair, like a wounded bird trapped in a dark cage, longing for a touch of warmth. of light.

He kept comforting her:

He said softly:

An unspeakable pain surged into her heart, tearing her heart apart like a knife.

Her eyes were dim and dull, losing their former determination and hope.

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