Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 246 Quasar, The Most Powerful Celestial Body?

At this moment, in the starship command room, Chu Yi and Anna were discussing something.

Anna asked softly:

"Ayi, do you know who this bald demon monk is? Why do I think he is so strange?"

Chu Yi also replied in a low voice:

"Well, I also feel that he is strange. We have to be careful."

"Under normal conditions, I am not his opponent yet!!"

While they were talking, they suddenly heard a cough.

"Cough cough cough..."

Everyone turned around and found that Tang San was being buried.

Buried Tang San explained:

"I came because I detected quasar activity."

"I accidentally met someone as talented as Chu Yi. I really can't miss it."

His words aroused the interest and curiosity of Anna and Chu Yi.

Chu Yi asked doubtfully:

"Are you talking about those two Transcendent Level energy balls?"

Chu Yi had heard the name of quasar. It was said to be an extremely powerful celestial body in the universe. It was really unbelievable.

Chu Yi stared curiously at Burial Tang San in front of him, and he couldn't help but ask:

"What is the use of such stars?" His voice revealed his desire to explore the unknown universe.

Burial Tang San replied with a smile:

"Quasars, rare and precious existences in the universe."

"The energy it contains is almost endless, trillions of times more terrifying than the energy of stars." His words were full of mystery, making Chu Yi and Anna feel shocked.

Chu Yi and Anna's pupils shrank suddenly, and a chill could not help but rise in their hearts.

They were silently glad that they had not gone to the quasar rashly before, otherwise Chu Yi might have died in it.

They understand how terrifying quasars with trillions of times the energy of stars are.

Chu Yi stared at Burial Tang San and asked doubtfully:

"In other words, this kind of star can be used as a place for cultivation?"

Buried Tang San explained in a deep voice:

"This type of star is a blessed place for Transcendent Level powerhouses. Only they can practice in it and gain endless power."

"However, for the weak, this is a dangerous place, full of disaster and death traps."

A trace of determination flashed in Chu Yi's eyes. He took a deep breath and asked:

"So, what level do you need to reach to enter this type of astral cultivation?"

Burial Tang San smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Donor, no one can answer this question."

"Even a supernova-level expert will die once he enters such a star."

"Not to mention the stellar level? The path of cultivation requires step by step, continuous self-improvement, and don't rush for success."

A burning determination arose in Chu Yi's heart, and he firmly believed that his future would be extremely powerful.

Deep in his heart, a huge plan is brewing.

He decided that once he became powerful enough, he must go to Quasar to practice.

Quasar seems to be a legendary existence, possessing unimaginable energy.

In Chu Yi's eyes, such energy was unprecedentedly powerful.

He knows that only by entering the quasar and practicing can he break through his own limits and reach the peak state.

For Chu Yi, the peak state is an obsession and an unspeakable desire.

He wants to transcend himself, transcend the boundaries of this world, and explore the unknown heights.

He wants to become a being that no one can match and show his absolute power.

And this world, for Chu Yi, is full of unknowns and mysteries.

His definition and understanding of the peak are not clear, but this does not weaken his determination to reach the top.

He knows that only through continuous hard work and practice can the true face of this world be revealed.

Chu Yi's determination was extremely strong, and he had ignited a blazing flame deep in his heart.

He keeps this determination in his heart and will pursue his goals unswervingly no matter what difficulties and challenges he encounters.

He firmly believes that as long as he keeps working hard, he will eventually reach the top and become an unparalleled existence.

Tang San buried his hands and said calmly to Chu Yi:

"Donor Chu Yi, you have a heart that longs to become stronger. I firmly believe that you will become a top powerhouse!" He sincerely hopes that Chu Yi can join his Heavenly Demon Temple.

He turned to Anna again and said:

"Donor Anna, although your potential is not as good as Donor Chu Yi, you are still considered an extremely powerful existence in the universe."

"I want you both to join the Heavenly Demon Temple together."

After Chu Yi heard the question about burying Tang San, he thought for a while before answering:

"Our destination is to return to Blue Star."

"I don't know what your Heavenly Demon Temple does, but I'll tell you later!"

"Seeing that you have been sailing towards the remote Star Domain, is Blue Star a remote Star Domain?"

"Do you think this is weird?"

Burial Tang San said in shock:

"There are so many talented people in a distant Star Domain?"

Tang San couldn't help but be surprised:

"There are actually many gifted superpowers on Blue Star." He asked doubtfully, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"As for the Milky Way, as an edge area of ​​the universe, the number of strong people is relatively small."

"It seems that this remote Star Domain is not simple."

"So Blue Star's ability level is quite backward." His voice was trembling, and there was a trace of surprise and disappointment on his face.

Chu Yi smiled mysteriously and said:

Tang San asked in confusion:

Chu Yi nodded and replied affirmatively:

"Although this is the case, I do know several people who have SSS Level talents."

After hearing Chu Yi's words, Tang San sighed:

"Yes, he is on Blue Star!"

"It's incredible that someone with your potential exists in the remote Star Domain."

He frowned and glanced around in confusion.

"Of course it's strange. Generally speaking, the closer you are to the center of the universe, the stronger the intensity of psychic energy."

Chu Yi blinked, his expression looking a little confused.

Chu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he remembered something important.

"I have a very talented brother, you will definitely be interested in him."

Chu Yi asked curiously:

Tang San was so shocked that he said in disbelief:

Buried Tang San explained:

"The highest talent level that can be tested on Blue Star is SSS Level." His voice was calm and gentle, with a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

After hearing this answer, Tang San asked curiously:

"Who is he? Is it your hometown, that distant Star Domain?"

He looked at the burial of Tang San with great interest and said:

"Not to mention a remote Star Domain in the galaxy, it's pretty incredible."

"There are so many?! Then your Blue Star situation must not be simple!"

After hearing this, Tang San said suspiciously:

Chu Yi explained patiently:

"Yes, Blue Star is my home, and we are going back now."

"Are there really many? How many people are there at SSS Level?" His brows were furrowed, and there was a trace of suspicion and distrust in his eyes.

Chu Yi nodded in agreement and continued to explain:

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