Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 225 Mechanical Ascension? Gene Ascension?

Anna's eyes were fixed on Chu Yi, and she said firmly:

"Ayi, I think we can hand over the Spark Empire to Senior Xiao Tianjue and let's go to the New Human Empire."

Chu Yi frowned and responded:

"While that's an option, we don't know how long it would take if we..."

Wu Tianqi stood up and said calmly:

"Chu Yi, don't worry, I will send someone to protect Blue Star's safety."

"You must prepare well, I will stay in Blue Star for a while..."

Chu Yi nodded and said firmly:

"Okay, we will go, we will leave in a month!"

Wu Tianqi nodded in agreement and said affirmatively:

"Okay! We are waiting for you..."

Soon after, everyone gathered in the Spark Empire conference room again.

Chu Yi stood in front of everyone, and his voice came out firmly:

"Anna and I are leaving for the New Human Empire." There was a sense of reluctance and determination in his eyes.

When Xiao Tianjue heard the news, he was surprised and said:

"What? Are you leaving? Now is the critical moment!" There was a hint of confusion and worry on his face.

Chu Yi took a deep breath and replied firmly:

"I know, but we have no choice."

"I need more powerful power, and everyone has seen it. If Wu Tianqi hadn't taken action, our Blue Star would have been destroyed to the point where nothing was left." His voice revealed his responsibility for the Spark Empire.

Chu Yi continued:

"During this period, Anna and I will return to the New Human Empire, work hard to break through to the stellar level and then come back."

Chu Yi turned to Xiao Tianjue again and said sincerely:

"During this period, I request Senior Xiao Tianjue to take full authority to act as my agent!" His eyes revealed incomparable trust.

Seeing Chu Yi's determination, Xiao Tianjue agreed:

"Okay! I will take your place temporarily, but how long will it take for you to come back?"

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"I don't know how long it will take. It may be very soon or it may be a long time!"

A month passed like water, and Chu Yi finally explained everything properly.

Under his command, various tasks were carried out in an orderly manner.

He sat in the spacious and bright command room, looking at the hustle and bustle of Spark City through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, feeling full of accomplishment.

"Come on, everyone!"

"I seem to have seen an unparalleled future..."

His brows revealed confidence and determination, as if everything was under his control.

However, on this important day, a huge interstellar battleship suddenly appeared in the sky of Spark City.

This battleship is disk-shaped and majestic, as if it has transmigrated from the depths of the universe.

Its surface shone with a metallic light that was stunning.

The battleship is fully equipped with facilities, showing the miracle of science and technology. It is like a huge city floating in the sky, making people marvel at the wisdom and creativity of mankind.

This star battleship exudes stunning brilliance. Its exterior design is unique and detailed, with countless twinkling lights dotting its surface, as beautiful as the stars.

There are countless buildings scattered on the ship's hull, like a bustling city.

Seen from a distance, this interstellar battleship looks like a huge miracle, and people can't help but be fascinated by it.

Wu Tianqi said calmly:

"Chu Yianna, let's go! You won't be disappointed!" His eyes were full of expectation.

Shortly after……

Chu Yi and Anna had already boarded the starship. In an instant, a shining protective shield formed around the starship, like a stream of light, quickly flying towards a certain direction in the galaxy.

Chu Yi was shocked. This interstellar battleship was too advanced!

His eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, his expression full of surprise.

"Senior, this star battleship..." His voice revealed curiosity and desire for unknown things.

Wu Tianqi smiled and explained:

"Chu Yi, don't be surprised. There are many more interstellar battleships like this in our New Human Empire."

"You can also customize one yourself, but these require a lot of Galaxy coins." Wu Tianqi added.

After hearing this, Chu Yi's eyes widened even more, his voice was full of wonder and envy, and he said excitedly:

"This thing can actually be customized???" His body trembled involuntarily, and the expression on his face was full of excitement.

Chu Yi thought excitedly:

"If I could have an interstellar battleship like this, I could go on an interstellar journey with Anna..." He imagined the two of them driving the battleship alone, traveling through the endless interstellar universe, exploring unknown planets and mysterious galaxies.

They will witness the interstellar scenery shimmering with fantasy light and feel the endless tranquility and vastness of the universe.

"Cough cough cough..."

Wu Tianqi's cough interrupted Chu Yi's contemplation, and he said calmly:

"Of course, there is a Starfleet Alliance branch in the center of the galaxy, where you can customize a starship of your own."

Chu Yi keenly captured the meaning of Wu Tianqi's words. Chu Yi had a hunch that this Starship Alliance was not simple.

With a surge of excitement and curiosity in his heart, he couldn't wait to ask:

"Starfleet Alliance branch, where is the headquarters?"

Wu Tianqi smiled and said:

"That's a good question, but I don't know that either."

"It is said that the Starship Alliance is a major force in the universe, and their people can even achieve mechanical ascension and genetic ascension!" There was a hint of mystery in his tone.

Chu Yi asked in surprise:

"Mechanical Ascension? Genetic Ascension?" Confusion and curiosity were evident on his face.

"Is no one practicing superpowers?" There was a hint of disappointment and doubt in his voice.

Wu Tianqi explained:

"Of course there are people who practice superpowers, but the cultivation of superpowers is too difficult. There are only a few superpowers who can reach the stellar level." There was a hint of helplessness and hardship in his tone.

"There are only a few people who can even awaken their supernatural talents, let alone those who can cultivate to a stellar level." There was a hint of sadness in his expression.

"This is why we have been studying the power of technology and genes. This is another choice for ordinary people!" There was a hint of hope in his tone.

Chu Yi couldn't wait to ask:

"Ascension? What realm is it?" His voice was full of curiosity and expectation.

Wu Tianqi seemed to see what Chu Yi was thinking, and he said calmly:

"Chu Yi, don't think so complicated."

"Mechanical Ascension and Gene Ascension are not that strong, and the realm of Ascension is not that exaggerated. It just allows you to gain eternal life!"

"They only have the same life span as stellar-level superpowers. Their combat effectiveness is absolutely incomparable to stellar-level superpowers." There was a hint of calmness and indifference in his tone.

Chu Yi swallowed and continued to ask:

"Senior, does the New Human Empire have this method of mechanical ascension and genetic ascension?" His eyes were full of expectation, his body leaned forward slightly, and his expression was full of curiosity.

Wu Tianqi said:

"Not yet, but we are working on it." There was a hint of excitement in his voice, and he scratched his head slightly.

Suddenly, the star battleship shook, obviously affected by the attack.

Chu Yi frowned, his eyes became sharp, and he was ready to fight at any time.

Suddenly, a domineering voice sounded:

"If you want to move forward, hand over all the Galaxy coins in the battleship!"

Chu Yi's eyes widened, and he asked in complete surprise:

"What is this! No way! There are still robbers in the universe?!"

Wu Tianqi explained:

"Chu Yi, this is a star thief, an interstellar bandit who specializes in robbery in the universe." His voice was full of disgust and disdain.

Chu Yi said curiously:

"Are they strong?" His voice was filled with worry, and his eyes showed curiosity about the Star Thieves.

Wu Tianqi said:

"They are unscrupulous. Although they are not very powerful, they have a very strong leader!" His voice revealed his fear of the star thief leader.

Chu Yi asked again:

"Is their leader more powerful than you, senior?" His voice revealed his admiration and curiosity for Wu Tianqi.

Wu Tianqi said:

"I don't know, we haven't fought before." There was a hint of humility and uncertainty in his voice.

"Leave it to me! It's not a big problem. These star thieves dare to steal my starship. I have to give them a show this time!" Wu Tianqi's voice was full of determination and anger. His body was straight. His hands were clenched into fists and a determined smile was on his face.

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