Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 224 The Emperor Of The New Human Empire, Wu Tianqi

The General of the Galactic Empire was instantly enraged, after all these years! Some people despised him! ! !

The face of the General of the Galactic Empire suddenly turned gloomy, and anger burned in his heart.

His eyes were staring at Chu Yi fiercely, and his body was trembling slightly, as if he was about to explode at any time.

The general of the Galaxy Empire gritted his teeth and shouted to Chu Yi:

"Chu Yi, you stubborn guy, don't blame me for being rude!" There was strong threat and anger in his voice.

"The Milky Way is collapsing!!!" His voice resounded like thunder throughout the battlefield. Along with his angry roar, a terrifying force suddenly burst out, making people shudder.

Chu Yi was shocked. Seeing the terrifying energy erupting from the general of the Galaxy Empire, he realized something was wrong.

"No, this guy is going to blow up Blue Star directly!!" His heart was filled with fear and helplessness.

However, it was too late.

The scene gradually slowed down, as if time had frozen.

Chu Yi shouted nervously:

"No!!!" His voice was full of despair and unwillingness.

However, at this moment, a terrifying energy suddenly flew towards the General of the Galaxy Empire, instantly freezing him in place.

A huge and distant force enveloped him, making him unable to move.

A distant and steady voice came from the distance, with a hint of sarcasm:

"Has Ge Junxing of the Galaxy Empire fallen to the point where he has to destroy a planet to maintain his dignity?" The voice revealed disdain and ridicule for the Galaxy Empire.

Chu Yi was shocked. He was surprised to find that the terrifying energy could actually suppress a star-level superpower.

How powerful this is, who and who is he?

However, at this moment, Zhao Wutian appeared.

Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief:

"Huhu, luckily you're here. Who did you bring here? You're so strong!!!"

Zhao Wutian said proudly:

"Haha, this is the emperor of our new human empire, Wu Tianqi, he is a legend." There was a hint of pride and pride in his voice.

Chu Yi did not expect that Zhao Wutian would directly invite the emperor of the New Human Empire to come over.

The face given was a bit too much, and he felt a little uneasy.

Although Chu Yi is also the emperor of the Spark Empire, the current strength of the Spark Empire is far from the opponent of the New Human Empire!

The emperor of the other party actually came in person, and he felt the pressure.

Wu Tianqi stared at Ge Junxing indifferently, with a mocking smile on his lips:

"Tell me! How do you want to end your life!!"

Ge Junxing said mockingly:

"Haha! Let me go if you can, Wu Tianqi!!"

Wu Tianqi shook his head slightly, holding his hands tightly, his body revealing a suppressed anger.

Suddenly, Ge Junxing's body exploded instantly, disappeared without a trace, and died completely.

Chu Yi was dumbfounded, his eyes full of confusion and shock, watching this star powerhouse being killed instantly.

This... this is too powerful! ! !

Wu Tianqi turned his head, his eyes fell on Chu Yi, and said with a smile:

"Haha, you must be Chu Yi! I am Wu Tianqi from the New Human Empire. I am very happy to meet you!" He extended his hand to express friendship.

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Hello! Thank you." His facial expression revealed a hint of excitement and curiosity.

Chu Yi said again:

"This is not the place to talk. Come and sit at my house!" There was warmth and welcome in his eyes.

Soon after, they came to Chu Yi's home.

Entering the luxurious living room, the room is beautifully decorated and full of luxury.

Chu Yi, Anna, Wu Tianqi, and Zhao Wutian were sitting together, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Wu Tianqi stared at Chu Yi and Anna, with surprise in his eyes.

His brows were raised slightly and the corners of his mouth were slightly open, showing an obvious expression of surprise.

My heart is full of doubts and curiosity.

He said in surprise:

"You have sacred power in your body. It seems that you have been to Angel Star!" He leaned forward slightly, expressing his concern and interest in Chu Yi and Anna.

Chu Yi did not expect that Wu Tianqi could detect the sacred power in them.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his expression showed a hint of surprise and confusion.

However, Chu Yi still expressed his gratitude to Wu Tianqi:

"Senior Wu, this crisis is really thanks to your help. Without your help, Blue Star may have perished now!" His voice was filled with gratitude and admiration, and his eyes revealed his admiration for Wu Tianqi.

Wu Tianqi waved his hand and said:

"Haha, Chu Yi, and Anna, I invite you to go to my new human empire. I have a way to quickly break through the star level!" His smile was bright and confident, and his gestures were big and powerful.

At this time, Zhao Wutian said excitedly:

"Hey, Martial Sovereign, why didn't I know that our new human empire has a place to quickly break through the star level?" His voice was high-pitched and full of curiosity.

Wu Tianqi smiled and said:

"Haha! There are still many things you don't know! Ask your father!"

Zhao Wutian nodded:

"Oh, okay!" He said slightly disappointed, as if he felt a little embarrassed about his ignorance.

Chu Yi looked at Wu Tianqi with a serious expression on his face:

"Sorry, senior, I still have very important things to do in Blue Star. The reconstruction and development of the Starfire Empire requires me, and the security of the Starfire Empire also needs me." His eyes were firm, revealing his serious attitude towards responsibility. .

Wu Tianqi said comfortingly:

"Chu Yi, you are our ally now. The safety of Blue Star is left to me. I will help you stop the attacks of the devil and the Galaxy Empire." His voice was full of confidence and his eyes were firm, expressing his feelings for Chu Yi. Easy support and protection.

Chu Yi was surprised. He did not expect that Wu Tianqi would do this for him.

He was filled with gratitude and admiration, but he also understood that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Chu Yi still had doubts and asked:

"What do I need to do to get all this?" There was a trace of confusion and doubt in his voice.

Wu Tianqi replied calmly:

"Of course it's not necessary. I never value interests, only friendship!" His tone was firm, with a sincere smile on his face.

Chu Yi rolled his eyes secretly, he didn't want benefits, he was an adult, who still believed this.

Wu Tianqi continued to explain to Chu Yi:

"Chu Yi, I know you very well."

"In less than fifty years old, you have already become a planet-level powerhouse."

He added:

"And your wife, Anna, has come a long way with you."

"According to her talent, it will take at least a thousand years to reach the planet level, but after following you, her strength has improved so quickly. It is simply unheard of!"

Wu Tianqi paused and continued:

"In addition, I also found that the potential of several people you saved before has undergone earth-shaking changes."

Chu Yi asked puzzledly:

"What does this have to do with me?"

Wu Tianqi said with certainty:

"Of course there's a lot to do with it, which means following you, there's hope for them."

"They will have an unparalleled future..."

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